When the last prodigy level esper on Earth disappeared, Earth was in deep trouble of becoming another species’ colony. The ordinary Han, with his intelligence and hardworking character, was able to make a fortune after “accidentally” stepping into the world of dark net, later purchasing an esper power crystal that brought him the ultimate power that changed the fate of the universe. Dark net is a subset of the Deep Web that is not only not indexed by traditional search engines, but that also requires special tools like specific proxy or authentication to gain access. Dark net is not restricted by any law or morals, so the dark net market has everything that is prohibited by the law. Drugs, slaves, firearms, uranium, bioweapons, rare animals, human testing, assassination, and the list goes on. During the year of 2075 on Earth, Han Lang logged into the largest hyperspace dark net market, and our story begins. Completed!
Han charged right at the muscular raider, his eyes turning red!
A cunning smile appeared on the face of the tall and muscular raider. He saw that Han was about to step right into their trap and quickly stepped aside. Immediately the shorty raider suddenly shot two fire balls right at Han.
This was their usual combination, the big guy tried to attract the enemy attention and dodge immediately before the clash to create an opening for the shorty to shoot fireballs. When the fireballs hit, the big guy will then wickedly take advantage and jump onto the enemy and end their life right there.
It was a very logical and efficient tactic which utilized great synergy between range and melee. It was also a trap that enemies could easily fall into if they were not prepared.
But today, they faced Han! The Han that possessed the Void End!
Secretly, the void domain was already summoned. Han didn't even need to dodge the enemy fireballs, and he held on tighter to his Tremor, ready to strike.