

Iriasu is a half-Japanese boy that moved away from Japan when he was very young, due to mental problems and personal problems Iriasu wants to return back to his roots and experience high-school there but he is unable to, he isn't used to live in Japan but he wanted to go there since he was a kid, he could only see Japan only through images and tales from his dad. Thankfully a once in a life time chance came to Iriasu that allowed him to travel to Japan. Will the boy make the most of his 3 year experience there?

Illo · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

1+1=2 easy right?

After the trip was over nothing important happened, I simply went home and finally got to launch the game, I borrowed a monitor, a mouse, and a keyboard from Hikita and I purchase a cheap pair a mouse and keyboard from the internet, they will probably arrive in some days, currently, I'm studying math because we had a test upcoming, as I was studying I received a message on LINE, it was Takito, he was asking for the studying material, I seriously feel bad about the class partner he is together with

After I sent him the material I continued studying for 10 minutes and then decided to go outside, I already studied for two hours but I had learned everything from class so it felt very repetitive and futile studying them all over again and again

"Where are you going this late?" Hikita asked me

She was reading a book on the couch

10:13 P.M

"I will go for a walk, want me to bring something home?" I asked before leaving

"No, just be careful..." She said as she returned to her book

The night's cold was very refreshing after all of this studying session, as I walked I came across a 7/11 shop, it was a night faction shop, I entered and started browsing for items, I was alone until a girl came in



The girl and the cashier exchanged greetings, I assume that the girl is a casual here?

The girl passed me and walked straight into the fridge, she picked up some energy drinks and when she went to the cashier she also picked instant noodles, chips, and a six-pack of water

At first, I didn't notice the girl but when she spoke up I realized that she was the black-haired girl in our volleyball club, Ι'm surprised that she didn't notice me either

"Did you get the game in your mail?" The cashier asked her

"Yes, thank you for buying it for me! Can't wait to play together!" She said with excitement as she left the store

I saw he walk out and while she had her back toward the man she smiled, it was a malicious smile

I picked some lemon taste senbei to eat as a snack and one of those cheap cola lollypops, I quickly paid and left the store, It didn't feel normal, I mean the interaction between them was weird, what does a high-schooler have to do with a grown ass man?

I swear the cashier couldn't be younger than 30 years old and did he buy her a game? Perhaps the same game she told Yua about, no matter what this seems shady

I quickly located her and talked to her

"Oh hey, Aoi-senpai! Hey, it really is you!" I acted like I didn't recognize her

"You are the foreigner, right? How do you know my name?"

"Eh, I heard it from Yua-chan, sorry I don't know your last name, what was it again?" I asked

"I'm Hanano Aoi, what do you even need me for?" She asked confused

"Nothing really, I just saw you at the shop and I wanted to confirm that it was you without seeming creepy"

I said, we then stood silent for a moment, not getting anything out of this talk Aoi started walking away

"Wait!" I yelled

"What the hell do you want? You are weird you know..."

"I heard you inside the shop, what does a 30-year-old has to do with a high schooler?" I asked with a serious face but still afraid of her answer

"What do you care idiot? I talk to who I want to talk to, I don't have to answer to someone like you, mind your own business because next time I won't be kind" She said as she turned around

"You are using him aren't you?"

She stopped when she heard me say that

"And what makes you say that?"

"I don't know, an unattractive cashier that works night shifts doesn't sound like the ideal man for me"

I said with a pinch of aggressiveness in my voice, Aoi looked kind of mad, but she still smiled

"You sure have a sharp eye huh? What if this is true? Will you tell him that I plan to slowly dump him? And if you do, do you believe he will listen to you? You see kid people like that are the easiest to use in this world, mindless, naïve, submissive, those are the kind of people that will fold to the basic affection they are shown, basically, community's garbage, manipulating someone like them is like adding 1+1, easy isn't it?" Aoi said as she got closer to me

"Oh, I know! I have seen much dumber people than him, but I don't see the need to use him like that"

"Because you don't see it, it doesn't mean it isn't there! I can buy things cheaper and also get gifted games, clothes, you name it, you see this store is owned by his parents so it isn't impossible to get away by giving me free stuff" She said with a smile

What's wrong with her? Why does Yua have a friend like that?

"Do your friend know what kind of person you are?"

"Of course, they don't know! But if I don't break a person like him, then they will never fix, I'm basically waking them up to reality, plus this is my first time doing this, in this kind of way, normally I just bully them"

"Do you really think this is the best way to fix him?"

"I don't approve of my ways but I can't stop now"

"Hanano-senpai don't misunderstand me, I don't hate you because of what you do, I just think that you don't have to fall this low, manipulating a loser like him only makes you a greater loser in the end"

I told her before leaving, but she didn't say anything back, she just quietly left too

After I returned to my room, I laid on my bed, I want to sleep so I can forget what I just witness, but I don't think it will be this easy

~Don't act this surprised! You have seen girls and boys like that back home too!~ My other self said

"You again? I dreamt about you yesterday too! What's the deal about you?"

~Me? Don't worry about me! Let us talk for a little~ He said with a smile

He then extended his arm, and a chair formed, he placed it down and sat on it

~You remember Hana right? She used to manipulate everyone and she forced them to dislike you! Only because you rejected her, she didn't even gain anything by it, but Aoi on the other hand gains money and supplies so I guess you can say she is doing it for a better reason, right?~ The other me asked

"You are me right? Then you should know that I'm not judging her, I simply think it doesn't suit her, but it's not like I know her anyways" I said as I shrugged my shoulders

"Sooo... what should I call you?" I asked the other me

~Me? I'm you but I guess it sounds awkward for you huh? Then how about calling me Yu-Kun?~ He said with a smile

This name sounded good and fitting for him, I don't why but it did

But before I could say anything else I woke up from my phone's ringing, I forgot I had set up an alarm clock, I quickly closed it and got up

I did the routine I do every morning and then was on my way to school, this time I brought the senbei I bought in the store last night for a snack and would probably eat school's food for lunch

It didn't take me long to arrive at school, I switched to my inside shoes and walked to class, once I entered I saw all of my classmates studying math silently, besides Yua, who was on her phone

"What is everyone doing?" I asked as I sat on my desk

"They are all studying one last time before the exam starts"

I thought that the test was in the second period but I guess I was mistaken

"Why aren't you studying?" I asked her

She turned my way with an annoyed look on her face

"Because I already learned everything, rereading, again and again, will make my brain go numb"

At least there is one thing we agree on, but it sounds tricky coming from her because as I can see she isn't the best in math

"Are you sure?"

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to not know my limits?"


"Of course not, but reconsider..."

Before I could finish my sentence the bell rang and everyone around us started making panicking noises, our teacher then entered the room, and we all welcomed her

"Test time everyone! Take everything off your desks and don't cheat or I will mark it an instant zero, I personally think that this is an easy one so I expect all of you to write over the average mark"

Our teacher said as he handed us our tests, at first they seemed hard but in the end, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would have been, everybody spent at least 15 minutes on the test, the people that took longer than 30 minutes had their tests taken away from them

"That's all for this test, before you all depart from school I will reveal the answers and then you can leave, I will spare your homework for this weekend"

She said, our teacher looked in a slightly better mood than usual

"What did you put on the truth or false?" Yua suddenly asked me

"False, truth, truth, false, false, that was the correct order, plus you had to write some extra stuff on the last problem, I hope you did it!"

I told her, Yua slowly smiled

"Are you stupid? The order was completely the other way around!"

She said as she laughed, I guess I have to say goodbye to my good grade

"It wasn't but I will not argue with you, it is just a waste of time"

I said before standing up

"How about a bet?"

"A bet? What kind of bet?"

"If I score higher than you, you have to do something I want and if you score higher then I will do whatever you ask me!" Yua said with a confident smile

A bet? Is she really that sure about her choices? I guess I don't have anything to lose by participating in this little challenge

"Sure but don't cancel it when you lose" I said and then left, I went for my last time on library duty

The rest of the day then passed quickly and without something interesting happening, Trita was doing her casual reading, and I watched desperately from the window patiently waiting for the next month, but before I even noticed the bell of the last hour rang, after this, I was free to leave, I also didn't have club since the basketball club will be needing the room

Once I entered the room I saw Yua waiting for me, she stared at me the whole time

"What's the matter? Can't wait to do me a favor?" I jokingly asked her

"You got lucky the first time but this time is going to be different, I will crush you in the ratings"

She told me with confidence, I guess we are going to find out

"I hope you are all impressed about your scores, I can tell you that you all did better than the last time, but of course, Hikita-kun didn't since he scored perfectly last time but at least he retained it"

She said as she slowly gave us our tests, I scored 100 and Yua 79, it was still lower than me so she lost the bet, I'm impressed, but that didn't change the reduction of my score, so I went from 100 to 90

The teacher then explained the test and after some minutes she dismissed us early as she said she would, everybody started gathering their stuff and leaving, Yua left faster than me and was about to leave the school grounds but I managed to stop her at the last second, she was about to exit the school

"Yua wait!" I said as I blocked her exit

"What do you want?" She asked confused

"I can't keep letting you ruin my score like that so my wish is this, until the mid-term exams you and I will study together so we can both write well" I told her

"I don't want to spend time with you" She whined

"We promised that we would grant a wish to the victor, you can't break a promise can you?"

She thought about this for a second and then answered

"Alright but you will have to help me at any time and also bring snacks before studying" She said as she walked past me

I guess I succeeded at convincing her for once, I just hope she doesn't make it very difficult for me...

After this chapter I will go on a hiatus for a while, but I will try to provide you as much content as I can with unofficial chapters or C.Cs (characters' chapter)

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