
Gaia: The Tormented Loser's Second Chance

John ; A self-proclaimed loser, John's new life into the unknown world of Gaia, a fantasy world where he himself has a second chance to redeem himself.

GoatedWriterOfTime · Fantasi
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9 Chs


John and Aria stood at the edge of the desolate wasteland, staring out at the three warriors who waited for them on the other side. They had trained together for 2 days, honing their skills and preparing for this moment. Moises, Jesubamiro, and Mel were renowned as some of the weakest warriors in the tavern - rumors heard show they challenge and lose to every outsider that comes to Selsi in the tavern. Defeating them would be an easy feat.

But John and Aria were ready. They had faced countless challenges and overcome every obstacle in their path. They were determined to emerge victorious from this battle, no matter the cost.

As they stood there, a few curious villagers gathered around them, eager to watch the spectacle that was about to unfold. This was a battle that would be spoken of for years to come, and no one wanted to miss a moment of it.

With a fierce determination in their hearts, John and Aria stepped out into the wasteland, ready to face their enemies head on. The battle was about to begin.

John stood confidently, his mana sword shining brightly in his hand. He had defeated Jack Gilbert and his dark spirits just a week before, and now he was ready to take on Moises, Jesubamiro, and Mel.

The three warriors looked at John nervously, unsure of what to make of his bravado. Moises and Jesubamiro exchanged a glance, while Mel held her ground, her eyes fixed on John.

"What are you waiting for?" John taunted them, his sword radiating with power. "Are you afraid to face me?"

The three warriors hesitated, unsure of how to react to John's challenge. They had heard of his victory over Jack Gilbert, but they didn't know the details. They knew they had to be careful.

"Come on, then," John said, beckoning them with his sword. "Let's see what you're made of."

Moises and Jesubamiro stepped forward cautiously, while Mel hung back, watching John closely. John grinned, pleased with their fear. He launched himself at the two males, his sword shining as he brought it down in a dazzling display of swordplay.

But despite John's flashy sword skills, Moises and Jesubamiro were skilled warriors in their own right. They parried John's attacks easily, their swords flashing as they countered his moves. John's smug expression faltered as he realized he was no match for the two warriors.

In the background, Aria watched the fight with a mixture of awe and concern. She could see the power radiating from John's sword, but she also knew that he was no match for Moises and Jesubamiro. She felt her heart beat faster as she watched John struggle against the two warriors, but she was unable to intervene.

As the fight continued, John's mana sword began to falter. The shining blade dimmed, and cracks began to appear in the metal. John realized too late that his sword was no match for the skill and power of Moises and Jesubamiro. In a moment of desperation, he brought his sword down with all his might, hoping to catch the two warriors off guard.

But it was not to be. Moises and Jesubamiro saw the attack coming and easily deflected it, their swords clashing against John's with a loud clang. The impact was too much for John's weakened sword, and it shattered into pieces, leaving John defenseless.

Mel, who had been watching the fight from a distance, took this opportunity to attack. She leapt forward, her sword flashing as she brought it down on John. John tried to block the attack with his bare hands, but it was no use. Mel's sword sliced through his flesh, and John fell to the ground, bloodied and defeated.

Aria could only look on in shock as the three warriors stood victorious over John's battered and broken body. They took this opportunity to defile John, removing his leather armor - revealing his naked body to the jeering villagers around them. They spat on him, while John laid there crying and sullied. It reminded him too much about his past, feeling shame that nothing has changed despite being in a different world. Aria wanted to help him, but she knew it was too late.

John had been foolish to underestimate Moises, Jesubamiro, and Mel, and now he was paying the price.

Aria rushed to John's side as he lay on the ground, beaten and bruised. "John! Oh my gosh, what happened to your sword?" she cried out in concern.

John looked up at her, his eyes filled with pain and sadness. "We lost, Aria. We lost the battle," he said softly.

"I know, I'm so sorry," Aria said, tears welling up in her eyes. "But I'm here now. Let me use my nature magic to heal you a little bit."

John shook his head. "It's okay, Aria. It's not your fault. We knew going into this that it wouldn't be easy. But we fought with everything we had, and that's all that matters," he said, trying to reassure her.

"I know, John. But it still hurts to see you like this. I wish there was more I could do to help you," Aria said, her voice filled with emotion.

"Just being here with me is enough, Aria. And thank you for using your magic to heal me. It's a small comfort, but it helps," John said, managing a weak smile.

"Of course, John. I'll always be here for you. And even though we lost this battle, we'll find a way to come back stronger and win the next one," Aria said, determined to stay positive.

"I know we will, Aria. We always do. Together, there's nothing we can't overcome," John said, his voice filled with hope.

As they spoke, the three warriors who had defeated them were parading around, celebrating their victory. The villagers jeered and laughed at John and Aria, but they didn't let it get to them. They knew that they had fought with honor and dignity, and that was all that mattered.

Except, thats what they would've done if they didnt hear what happened after.

As John and Aria talked, the three warriors who had defeated them were laughing and celebrating their victory. Moises, Jesubamiro, and Mel were all grinning from ear to ear, clearly thrilled with themselves.

"Ha ha! We showed those two who's boss!" Moises said, fist-bumping Jesubamiro.

"Yeah, they didn't stand a chance against us! We are the greatest warriors in the land!" Jesubamiro said, laughing.

"You guys were amazing! I can't believe we actually won against them!" Mel said, her eyes shining with excitement. "Joking of course, he really thought he was doing something with that glowing stick of his!"

Meanwhile, the villagers who had gathered to watch the battle were jeering and laughing at John and Aria.

"Ha ha! Look at those two losers! They couldn't even defeat the three weakest warriors of the tavern!" one of the villagers said, sneering at John and Aria.

"Yeah, they were no match for their might! We have the greatest warriors in the land!" another villager said, laughing.

"Poor John and Aria. They thought they could win, but they were sadly mistaken." a third villager said, jeering at John and Aria.

John, with his final breath before passing out, vowed to find a teacher who would help him on his path.