
it's better to be safe than sorry.

[1 experience acquired]

[1 experience acquired]

[1 experience acquired]

[1 experience acquired]

Gael on his way to look for the necromancer decided to take care in advance of any skeleton or zombie that could be awakened only to give more problems, so he decided to be one step ahead of his enemy and that step was to destroy every skeleton skull or corpse that was in the tombs.

By destroying the head of the dead they could not be awakened nor reanimated when they were defeated so the skeletons were the easiest to destroy, but the corpses that still possessed meat presented a little more difficulty because he had to use a rock or part of the lid of the coffin stone to destroy their heads.

The soul of the deceased was ingrained in their bones which by concentrating the "mana" in them the soul was concentrated on their head where this soul formed a gem which allowed the necromancer to use their dark arts to enslave and permanently control the undead.

The experience Gael was obtaining confirmed his suspicions that these skeletons and other undead had already been bathed in the "mana" of a necromancer with the intention of using them when he felt threatened or when he felt the presence of warriors who were able to threaten his existence.

The tombs possessed absolutely nothing but the corpses so Gael could have figured it was on the first floors of the crypt.

The ancient crypts in the kingdom of Raeghas used a system of subterranean levels to confirm the importance of the deceased, those buried on the first floor to the third floor were important local peasants who aided in the development of the kingdom, on the 4th floor to the 9th subterranean floor the buried ones were considered nobles and merchants who amazed small fortunes or importance with the kingdom, finally from the 10th subterranean floor to the 15th subterranean floor the tombs contained important soldiers, generals and possibly heroes and kings who had been buried. In the hope that the other floors would reduce the possibility of grave robbers appearing as well as dark sorcerers, leeches and bandits looking for a place to settle and use as a base.

The crypts and their deepest floors also had a fierce abundance of monsters which fed on the mana of the deepest floors, becoming even more powerful with the simple passage of time and surviving by feeding on the other weak creatures on the upper floors.

Gael had to continue to take care of the skeletons and cadavers as it was very important for him to level up and become strong and since he did not possess any equipment, the levels would be vital for him to complete his goal.

The system of levels had been used since ancient times to calculate the total strength of an individual, although no one ever knew where this system originated, the kings and great magicians decided to leave the system as it was and never try to manipulate it, as they refused to interfere with something that possibly had been created by the gods themselves.

Unfortunately for Gael at that time he had to try to climb levels to have enough strength to fight the enemies that lurked around the lower floors of the crypt which would surely be high level, because the crypt seemed to be abandoned for a long time.

The cobwebs in the corners of the massive room with coffins made of stones some of which were broken due to decay, cracked walls, torches covered by cobwebs, the place was in a terrible state and seemed never to have received a little maintenance from anyone, The original crypts were always lit with torches and were clean and well maintained, but the crypt Gael was in seemed to have been left to his fate a long time ago.

[1 experience acquired]

[1 experience acquired]

[1 experience acquired]

[1 experience acquired]

Fortunately Gael possessed the ability [Night Vision] which allowed him to see in the dark, although the ability to be of initial level, the distance and clarity with which he could see was very limited, at least 10 steps in front of him, was the maximum he could see in front of him, Gael decided that it would be better to look for the stairs and go down to the other floors, but at that moment when he entered the corridor where the stairs to go up and down were, there was a person sleeping against the wall with what seemed to be a spear in his hands.

"Looks like there was a third one here." Gael said, observing that person noticing that he was wearing a leather armor, possibly a third companion of the first grave robbers that he had already killed before.

The third grave robber who was sleeping emitted a sharp and small aura of "mana" which meant he was strong, but not to the point of becoming a threat to Gael, but it was better to keep the distance as a spear user was able to use fast and strong attacks, although the damage of a lance would be very reduced against Gael as he was a skeleton, Which received reduced damage with sharp or stabbing weapons, the only weapons that presented a real threat to him were impact weapons such as hammers or fists. that would definitely present a problem against him.

The skeletons have a very weak structure so a simple impact blow would be enough to defeat them and in this case Gael only had 55 health points. something that could not be allowed at that time was to receive damage because the healing arts such as light spells and potions would not be effective against him but would be all the opposite, probably at that time if Gael was soaked by the liquid of a healing potion. he would undoubtedly melt because the potions have properties of white magic to perform the healing of wounds.

Somehow Gael should quickly kill the third thief of the grave, as he had the possibility of carrying a healing potion which he could use.

The problem was getting closer without him listening to Gael, as his skeletal body made strange sounds every time he moved.