

Gabriela is a remarkably powerful angel who grew up under the guidance of her mentors, each of whom carefully helped shape her into a powerful weapon against demons. Everything seemed to be going well, and Gabriela was soon to be released into the world when one of her mentors realized that as skilled as she was, she had no compassion. In an effort to instill empathy in her before its too late, Gabriela has been sent to earth to live amongst humans, with her abilities sealed. But will she actually learn what it means to care, or will her ingrained fixation on battle lead her astray?

kristen_fae · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter Three

Rennyn began following the man as he went for the exit of the park. He had no intention of taking him here, where bystanders were already looking at the two a little strangely. Instead, he kept vigilant, looking for the next best opportunity to strike. A cliché dark alleyway, or empty side street would be ideal, but really whatever he happened upon would work as long as it was quiet and had no witnesses.

He couldn't be suspicious, not without powers to get him out of trouble.

It was as they were nearing the entrance, however, that he felt it. It was weak at first but unmistakable. It was nearing, closer and closer and at great speed. He knew it was not rushing out to greet him, whatever the feeling may be, but it was coming, and he needed to think about what to do now. He looked at the man beside him, none the wiser, and at their surroundings as the unknown aura drew nearer.

The closer it got, the easier it was to identify — this was an angel's aura. It didn't matter that it was weak, like his own; it was certainly an angel. There was nothing he'd ever encountered so pure and nearly suffocating — and he'd had to endure the assholes in his class up until just recently.

He turned his head just in time to see her form appear before him, swinging what looked like an umbrella at his legs. He jumped, grabbing on to the human beside him and using his arm to swing around and use him as a shield. The man yelped with surprise, babbling out something Rennyn didn't care to pay attention to and instead chose to focus on his attacker.

He considered all of her potential next moves. Either she would hesitate, giving him an opening or, more likely given the expression on her face, she would attempt to separate Rennyn from the human — whether that meant she pushed the human aside and risked his injury or she tried to go around was the question.

He examined the way she held her somewhat odd weapon of choice and came to the conclusion that she was likely a difficult opponent. He'd need more than his own strength to fight her. He'd have to rely on his wit and speed to face her.

"Hi!" he called out, his voice not attempting to hide his surprise at her sudden ambush. "I'm a little busy, could you come back later?" he questioned, knowing full well she likely wasn't going to play with him. He needed a moment, though. Just a little more time to figure out what he would do.

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