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A six-on-six all-out battle? Ethan only had two Pokémon, Riolu and Ralts, so the chances of winning such a battle were slim! However, Ethan didn't want to capture Pokémon randomly. If they genuinely wanted to stay by his side, like Ralts did, then he'd gladly welcome them.

It seemed that choosing the second League Challenge mode required careful preparation. Ethan had hoped to start the challenge immediately, but that wasn't an option right now. Still, he didn't mind. Since the second mode had no time limit, he could begin whenever he was ready.

"Leo, thanks for explaining everything! Now I don't need to visit Pewter Gym just yet. With only two Pokémon, it's way too early to start a League Challenge."

"Wait, you only have two Pokémon? Are you one of those players who only collects pseudo-legendary Pokémon? Or do you have some special strategy—like focusing on a single type so you can become a type-specialist King in the future?"

They had passed through two cities and encountered at least a dozen species of Pokémon, so having just two Pokémon seemed odd. Leo was genuinely surprised and started making various guesses.

"No, it's nothing like that. I only capture Pokémon that are willing to join me. I don't force battles to catch them."

Leo stared at Ethan as though he had a peculiar quirk. Feeling awkward, Ethan wondered if he should've just kept his explanation to himself.

"Actually, that's not so strange," Leo said, breaking the tension. "In Pokémon World, people play because they love Pokémon. Some don't even battle or challenge the League—they just want to live peacefully with their favorite Pokémon. So, there are plenty of players like you who don't force captures. Still, you'll need at least six Pokémon if you want to challenge the League."

Leo's understanding reassured Ethan. He already knew the importance of having six Pokémon for the League, but he valued quality over quantity. This principle was non-negotiable for him as an Aura apprentice.

"Even though you can't start the League Challenge now, it's good to gather information ahead of time. Choosing the second mode means picking one of the twelve Kings. Have you decided which King to challenge?"

Leo shifted the conversation back to the League Challenge. Ethan hadn't thought much about it and didn't even know who the twelve Kings were.

"Since the Kanto and Johto regions share the same League, they also share the same Elite Four. The current members are Lorelei, the Ice Queen; Bruno, the Fighting King; Agatha, the Ghost Queen; and Koga, the Poison King.

"In Hoenn, the Elite Four are Sidney, the Dark King; Phoebe, the Ghost Queen; Glacia, the Ice Queen; and Drake, the Dragon King.

"In Sinnoh, the lineup includes Aaron, the Bug King; Bertha, the Ground Queen; Flint, the Fire King; and Lucian, the Psychic King.

"Since Riolu is likely your ace Pokémon, I'd recommend avoiding the Psychic and Ghost specialists. But the final decision is yours."

The lineup matched the Elite Four from the first four Pokémon game generations, but Ethan realized this wouldn't last forever. As the game updated, NPC Kings would eventually be replaced by skilled players. Challenging player Kings sounded even more thrilling, as their teams wouldn't be limited to a single type, making battles far more unpredictable.

After hearing this, Ethan began to form a rough plan. It didn't matter to him whether his opponent was an NPC or a player—his goal remained the same: to become the strongest in the Alliance. When it came to selecting a King to challenge, he decided to aim for Sidney, the Dark King of Hoenn. Dark types were weak to Fighting moves, giving Riolu an advantage. Ralts, with its Fairy typing, could also counter Dark types.

Ethan asked Leo about the gym badges Sidney required for his challenge.

"If you're aiming for Sidney, that's a solid choice for your Riolu! The badges he requires are:

The Pink Badge from the Fuchsia Gym and the Gold Badge from the Celadon Gym in Kanto,

The Shadow Badge from the Ecruteak Gym and the Rising Badge from the Blackthorn Gym in Johto,

The Balance Badge from the Petalburg Gym and the Mind Badge from the Mossdeep Gym in Hoenn,

The Coal Badge from the Oreburgh Gym and the Relic Badge from the Hearthome Gym in Sinnoh.

"Half of these gyms focus on Psychic or Ghost types, which won't give your Riolu any advantage. You'll need to capture more Pokémon to round out your team."

Ethan realized the challenge wouldn't be simple. Clearly, the League had balanced the difficulty to prevent players from targeting specific Kings too easily. This added complexity excited Ethan even more. If only he had a full team of six Pokémon, he would've started the challenge right away.

Ethan spent the rest of the day asking Leo about the League Challenge. Leo provided detailed answers and even shared his contact information for future discussions. The two decided to meet again the next day to watch Leo's first gym challenge.

Leo had also chosen the second League Challenge mode, targeting Flint, the Fire King of Sinnoh. His starter Pokémon was Squirtle, giving him an advantage against Fire types. One of the required badges for Flint's challenge was the Boulder Badge from Pewter Gym, which explained why Leo was in Pewter City.

While Squirtle had an edge over Pewter Gym's Rock types, it was unclear how long it could hold out in a six-on-six battle. Ethan looked forward to observing Leo's match as a reference for his own future challenges.

By the end of the day, Ethan and Leo booked rooms at the Pokémon Center and eagerly anticipated tomorrow's battle.

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