
Chapter 18 - City of Garipus!


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PART 1 – Travel!


Ever since Mayara took my vaginal virginity, this pervert has gotten more and more tender on me, constantly stroking my ass in public, pinching me, doing the same to me as I did to her.

I'm not saying it's bad, it's good to be wanted that much, because I understand that if it weren't for the people close to me, this bitch would be screwing me with everything she has, because I think the same way.

But little by little she calmed down, my other girls were surprised by the fact that Mayara fucked me.

"I don't understand why all this surprise." - I said sighing and crossing my arms.

"Rox…we thought you only liked to fuck, not receive!" - Said Sahari smiling at me.

"Uhum… Rox is big, big people don't like small things!" - Said Tazla extending her hands and with her palms she measured my penis with certain accuracy.

"What?! What do you mean little one?!" - Mayara grunted and pinched Tazla's ears who gave a few cute screams before taking cover behind me.

I laugh and say. - "Anyway, I like the same as you guys!"

"This is new, but… have you been talking to Jessica?" - Asked Annie smiling slightly.

"She sends a lot of messages every day, but I always respond briefly, why?" - I ask curiously.

"There's going to be a meeting, my dad already got me a good agent as things with Sabuu have been taking too long and he saw opportunities with our songs." - Annie said calmly.

"…you weren't called?" - I ask curiously.

"I was invited, but so was Jessica and she is a VIP!" - Annie said calmly.

"So you want opportunities to talk to VIPs?" - I ask and Annie nods.

"So you want me to trick that cocky, self-righteous bitch into taking us to the VIP room? To do what exactly?" - I ask curiously.

"In the VIP Room, there will be many celebrities from the music industry, as well as great producers, our songs are highly praised for being something innovative and to be made thinking about all people, not just focusing on a more magical or battle aspect!" - Said Annie.

"I see a headache coming, but do you want me to talk to her now, or when we're at the event?" - I let out a sigh, how will it help her, I don't see any problems.

"You are coming with me?!" - Annie was excited.

"Of course, that's what you were going to ask me anyway." - I say laughing, she jumps and gives me a strong hug, followed by a nice kiss.

"When will that be?" - I ask.

"In 13 days, on Saturday, but we'll have to leave on Thursday, catch a plane." - Annie said and I nodded.

Now that I stop to think about it, I have never taken a Plane in my life…

"Where are we going exactly?"

"We will be heading to Garipus City, one of the many Neutral Cities around the world, it is one of the main centers of entertainment, as well as one of the safest cities in the world!" - Annie said proudly.

I don't know Garipus, but I know about the Neutral Cities, they are cities that are not part of any Nation.

From what I understand, in the past, when the Realms were in constant wars, some extremely powerful individuals emerged who refused to be Weapons of War of Nations and they couldn't do anything with these individuals, who are walking natural disasters.

As such, these people settled in more peaceful areas, away from war and slowly aided in the development and security of regions.

This resulted in several things, such as a safe zone in times of war, it attracted many refugees and it is natural that nations that had such "Neutral Cities" in their land would not stand by, forcing things, but strong individuals, just being 1 or several groups of powerful beings, fought against the government, many lost, but others won.

In this way, agreements were signed and thus, having such powerful individuals or groups as the center, a city was expanding and with the arrival of modern times, new laws and rules, the leaders of these Cities became important individuals worldwide.

It is believed that they are groups of A/S Ranks or 1 individual of Rank S leading them, a very large force and that many Nations want, but naturally they do nothing, they do not look for problems, because the damage that such individuals can do is immense .

Not to mention that in 2 S Rank clashes, the environment always changes, mountains can literally collapse from the shock of their attacks, I think the scope of such a conflict, would be something like [Luffy vs. Kaido].

Anyway, it's interesting that I'm going to step foot in one of these locations. - "How about we all go?" - I ask them smiling. - "I pay of course, I have a lot of money!"

Even though I'm not a 2nd year student, where I can enter Dungeons that give real money, I made a lot of money selling some of the rare and precious items I got from the Trial Dungeon.

I also received several tens of thousands from competitions.

"A pleasure trip, sounds interesting!" -Said Squiti, just his voice makes me irritated.

"But what about school?" - Kassia asked worriedly.

"Kassia, our grades are the best, I can speak to the director, he will accept it with no problems!" - I say smiling.

"I'm a 3rd year, Annie is a 2nd year, so there won't be any problems in our case, but for you 1st years, things are more restricted, but there are always exceptions, this is an Academy full of nobles." - Said Sahari and smile.

"I will, I always wanted to visit Garipus!" - Maya said.

"I go!" - Tazla raised her little arms, my cute and sexy little thing!

"… I'll talk to my parents… but I think they'll accept it, they like Rox." - Cassie said. - "I'm a great girl!"

"You are strong and rich, they are commoners, meaning no offense!" - Said Mayara, Kassia rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to talk to my sister, but I think she'll come." - Said Tazla, Juju naturally for not being a student, can't stay in the Academy.

She lives in her parents' mansion in the city, I've been there before, there are some Goblin servants, I had small problems with the maids there, like my clothes disappearing, some of them showing their bodies to me and wanting me to take them.

But I held back, not all Goblins are as pretty as Tazla and Juju, they aren't ugly, but I don't want a bunch of small green creatures chasing me wanting to suck my dick!

"I'll send a message!" -I say and send a message to Juju, I ignore her pussy pictures, her masturbating and stuff like that, that bitch!

{Juju: Ok!}

The response was instantaneous. - "She comes!" - I said smiling.

So the days that followed were preparations for our trip.

I spoke with Pericles and he said he wouldn't have any problems, they are all Alunas, we deserve holidays and missing 2 to 3 days will not affect our grades at all.

In fact, he ordered some freebies himself and even gave me an address, saying that if I wanted to learn things from a strong Berserker, there's one there.

I was interested and in fact I would stop by to meet this Berserker, it will be the first time I meet someone with a Class similar to mine.

As for Renner, I paid him a visit 2 days after I fucked his ass!


"Hey bitch, how's your ass?" - I ask when he opens the door, he shudders and bites his lips.

"What you want?" - He asked gritting his teeth.

My hand goes forward and I hold his face, he gets confused and shudders, then I steal his lips and close the door.

It's natural that I punished him a little, but not too harshly.

And while he had his ass full of cum, I told him he was still conscious. - "In 2 weeks, I'm going to travel, for about 4 to 6 days, so let's enjoy it!"

He just lets out a weak grunt, but I think he'd say, Fuck you! I'm not bothered!

Because I know this, I fuck your throat tasty and leave later.


PART 2 – Airport!


Thursday came, me and my girls were in casual clothes, the weather was nice.

With me having 20 M³ of storage space, it's only natural that all the luggage was with me.

Mayara, Sahari and the others envied me, as the maximum they had was 5 M³, I have 4 times that, showing how good an epic item is!

Not to mention my insane luck, if I sold my choker I would probably make a fortune!

'I still have that bracelet…' - I think about that equine bracelet, for some reason it's in high demand, but for some reason I don't feel like selling it, you never know when it will come in handy.

Anyway, we arrived at the airport, about 1 hour before our flight.

"Again, all passports in hand?" - I ask and they all showed their passports.

Nodding slightly, we went and… - "I want to go to the bathroom…" - I look at Tazla and nod, still a long way to go.

I took her to the bathroom, it's not good to leave Goblins alone in places like this, you never know what kind of asshole is around here.

I even got to see some Elves, I saw people with elven lineage at school and stuff like that, but I never saw pure-blood Elves.

But they seemed to be quite arrogant, even though they were very handsome, tall and thin, as they are categorized in most stories.

It reminded me of those cliché personifications of a blonde, blue-eyed foreigner arriving at the airport with luggage, a dress blowing and the like, same feeling, only with greater coldness and antipathy.

I looked a little, I took Tazla to the bathroom, then we went to Mayara who was taking care of our tickets.

Everything was very simple, we soon arrived at the waiting seats, waiting to be called.

Sitting in a corner, I admire my beautiful beauties, 6 beautiful young women perfect in many ways, all my women, how did I get so lucky?

"I didn't think they allowed dogs out of cages around here!" - An unpleasant voice sounded… and luck ran out!

"Hey, dogs are cute, don't insult them, just call them Goblins, that's an insult in itself!" - A female voice sounded even more unpleasant and I got up, I wasn't the only one, Sahari and Kassia also got up, followed by the others.

We looked at a group of 5 people.

"Some problem?" - Asked a man, who must be a type of security for assholes.

"Yes, I think a bunch of flies are buzzing, it's annoying!" - I say smiling and crossing my arms.

"And even? I don't hear anything, but I smell a stench, that being of those things that comes from the swamp! - Said the leader of the group, who appears to be a man in his 20s.

Then I laugh, which leaves them confused, so I say. - "Hey Sahari, don't you think it's pathetic for a bunch of adults with nothing to do, to come looking for problems with children? Haha ha! I can not stop laughing!" - I say out loud, attracting a lot of attention.

This immediately embarrasses them, my girls laugh, really. - "Really, it's very pathetic, we're here, waiting, then out of nowhere a bunch of idiots come looking for trouble, it even looks like those retarded extras from Anime, it just appears to be idiots!" - Mayara started laughing pointing to them.

Really, a bunch of extras in our history. - "A good joke!" - I say and we do not stop humiliating them.

In the end, the assholes leave, but not before saying the classic. - "Wait, let me complete the sentence for you: This is not going to stay like this!" - I say making a serious face and interrupting him, then I laugh and he stamps his foot and leaves.

Smiling, I sit down and the mood calms down, but slowly my face turns serious, because if it weren't for the fact that I had to catch my flight in no time, I would have sunk the motherfuckers heads in the ground!

But if I did that, I would have legal problems, I would miss the flight and a lot of money, I don't want a headache.

In half an hour, the flight was finishing its preparations and we were allowed to board, where we got seats next to each other and waited, it would be a 6 hour trip, a good nap.

{Passengers, if you look out the window now, you can see the Glorious City of Garipus!}

I slowly wake up and look out the window, luckily I'm in the one with a view of the city and… holy shit!

[Image] →

The city is colossal, a mixture of something Medieval and Modern, having a region with several buildings, another with smaller houses, an area with large mansions, in the center the majestic castle.

Not to mention the river channels that pass through the city, a huge circular square that, when I concentrate, I can see many people walking around there, but they look like tiny ants from here.

This city is majestic and amazing, I'm not the only one amazed, but even though it's such an amazing city, it has its problems, like the region outside it, it's dangerous!

High walls of at least 50 meters were raised, it is difficult to have a base from up here, but it is gigantic and it surrounds this whole colossal city, where in the background huge mountains, on one side, where I can see, a gigantic field of golden wheat , which is also protected by walls.

If they even surrounded their crops with walls, it shows the dangers from the outside, I wonder how many decades were used in the creation of these walls and seeing how parts appear to be missing, it means that either they received some attack, or they are renovating the walls.

"What is the population again?" - Asked Annie beside me.

"The City of Garipus must have around 5 million inhabitants!" - Annie said thinking and remembering.

I nodded and observed a little more, it really is a beautiful sight!


PART 3 – Stay! (+18)


The flight was calm, I slept through it, I only woke up to see the magnificent landscape.

We landed with no problems, Annie called someone and it wasn't long before a man came to pick us up.

"Rox, this is my uncle Yago, he's taking us to where we're staying this week!" - Annie said smiling and the man came to me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you young man, I'm Yago, brother of the little one's father here!" He squeezed my hand and I squeezed his.

"Nice to meet you, Roxana!" - I mean, I really wanted to say: I'm the one who's fucking your brother's daughter! But I think it would sound very wrong!

"A strong grip, I like that!" - He said laughing, then looked at the other girls and introduced themselves.

He smiled, being polite to everyone, before leading us to a minibus he rented or had, I'm not sure, anyway, he drove to the rich area, full of mansions.

On the way, Yago talked about how he came to live in Garipus City, here apparently has one of the best Faculties of Science and Magic, he came to study here, then fell in love with a woman and started living here ever since.

Yago is a nice guy, very talkative, never letting the trip get boring.

When we finally arrive at his mansion, which is very nice and doesn't seem to have many people.

Yago then introduced us to his house, yes, he lives here and will be receiving us, that is, we cannot have our orgies out of respect for him.

He showed us the guest rooms, naturally they wouldn't have 7 extra rooms, even though it's a mansion and he's quite rich, it's not like he always gets a group of almost 10 women to stay in his house for 1 week or more!

But since there's plenty of bedding, needless to say, we'd cover the floor and such, the house is quite big.

Yago lives with his wife and their 2 children, but because we are here he decided it would be good to take some vacation and leave everything to us.

He understands the importance of what Annie is doing and since there are so many of us, he decided to do this to give us space and improve our relationship.

Now where does he and his family go? Looks like some luxury resort, good for him.

And so, we had the mansion all to ourselves, but obviously we didn't just enjoy it.

I went with Annie to mark her presence at the meeting that will take place on Saturday, we also don't know anything about ordering food around here, so we went to a cafeteria on the way and bought pizzas, hamburgers and so on.

Arriving at the mansion, we ate a lot and even enjoyed the pool, where Juju, that pervert, constantly tried to have sex with me.

While I was relaxing by the pool, this green beauty swam up to me so cute, she hugged me and started kissing me passionately and unrestrictedly.

Then she caressed my crotch with her knee, but I stopped her, I don't want to do that in the other people's pool and there must be security cameras around here.


She huffed at me, turning around and I hugged her. -"We'll do this in the bedroom later, it doesn't have to be like this…"-I say and bite her ear.

In response to that, she rubbed and pressed her ass into my crotch, making me hard, but I held back.

Then she was gone, leaving me there, the others laughed, they love to tease me.

I wanted to enjoy the pool some more, but with an erection, it's not easy!

I swim up to Juju, this naughty little devil, throw her over my shoulder and then head to the stairs.

"Where are you going?" - Asked Squiti to the side, crossing his arms, it would be cute if I didn't want to crush him.

"I'm going to fuck this bitch!" - I say while my body drips from the pool water, my penis is well marked in my shorts, which is unable to hide everything and the tip is exposed on my left thigh.

My girls laugh and Juju says. - "Girls, I will warm her up for you!"

"Hey, dry off!" - Annie screamed grunting. - "Sorry, no time!" - I say and already invaded the house, wetting the whole floor, we can take care of it later.

Arriving in the room, I take Juju off my shoulders, she smiles at me, her beautiful eyes being hidden by those bangs, I don't say anything, I just point down.

Her smile widens and she advances towards me. - "Yes master!" -She says seductively, before pulling my shorts down and my huge cock shoots out, swinging beside her face.


She lets out a gleeful grunt as she grabs my cock, then licks it, followed by a kiss, pulling me out of my bikini, as Juju starts to slide down to the tip.

Her tongue teases my urethra, her hands cup my balls, making me grunt in pleasure and then, in a sudden fit, she thrusts her face in, swallowing all of my cock, which fills her throat.


I curse and lift my head as I shudder, my breathing already starting to hitch, there's no way I can adapt to this woman, she does amazing things!

Soon Juju started moving steadily, it's shocking how my huge and thick cock so easily enters the throat of such a small creature!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like it will fit, but then I see her nose touching my pubis, my whole cock inside her throat, I can feel her squeezing my cock, what a hot thing!

This lasted until Juju withdrew, finally letting go of being so greedy and freeing my cock from her soft, wet interior.

She like it was nothing, wiped her wet lips, smiling at her, I reach down and give her a hug, kissing her before pulling her into my arms, I cup her chubby ass in glee, my cock already rubbing in her pussy soaked and I know it's not because of the pool water.

Then I pull her panties to the side, I feel warm lips touching my cock, I rub them a little, before climbing up her ass, I withdraw my hips, fit and we don't want something slow...


A forceful thrust that had me shuddering and rolling my eyes in delight, as Juju contorts her face wildly and gleefully, hugging me tightly, her sharp nails piercing my flesh.

I feel her delicious pussy squeeze and suck my cock over and over, not wanting me to come out, but I force myself out, only to thrust inside her again, tugging at the entrance to her womb and driving her wild!

Then I lay her on the bed, hold her neck and ass, I start to penetrate her steadily, I continuously kiss her aggressively, because Juju loves something wilder, so I don't hold back when it comes to fucking her.

And that makes her extremely happy, she bites my lips when I kiss her, when I squeeze her neck, she smiles at me with a wild expression of pleasure, she screams and moans like a whore, she wants more, much more and that's what makes her happy. I give!

I fuck her incessantly and it seems she is more excited than usual.

I start to growl, until something seems to click in my head.

"Aaaaahhh~ THIS!!!" -She screams shrilly and squirts, waiting for something from me, but at the last moment I take my pussy cock out of her, I'm panting, he's still hard, pulsing vigorously.

"No~" - She screams indignantly.

"I still don't want kids…" - I say and then I take several packages of condoms from my item.

Juju bites her lip, her finger slides across my penis, she looks at me and says. - "Master… only 1 child… it won't hurt…"

I blink at her, is she even listening to herself? - "No!" -I say resolutely, but she keeps insisting, so to shut her up for good, I stick my cock in her throat until I come.

"Okay, there's your sperm!" -I say bored, she with a smeared face smiles at me and raises her thumb, but I know she is far from finished.

And then the door was slammed, with Tazla walking in and already throwing her clothes. - "I will have her child first!" - She said and jumped on me, already wanting to fit me in, but I stop, my cock still has semen.

She bites her lip, I give a light laugh before putting on a condom, I have to be more careful with those perverted Goblins.


Tazla screams as she sits vigorously on my cock, I hug my cute perv and start giving her the vigorous, steady, loving thrusts she loves so much.

Then I look at my breasts, seeing those clear and cute eyes, reveling in pleasure, she hugs me tightly, while she has her pussy rolled and fucked intensely by me.

Her legs wrap around my waist, I stand up to give her a tight hug and fuck her harder.

Juju took advantage of this, coming around to my back and penetrating my pussy with her tongue, grunt, you pervert, but keep going.

She invades my pussy with her fingers, even teases my anus, but she stops, since I've never used anything on it.

I continue to fuck Tazla, but then I sit down, not because I'm tired, but because I want something more!

Tazla continued giving me great pleasure for the cock, but my hand moves towards Juju, I pull her to my side, where we kiss and I appreciate her amazing and sexy body!

Soon Tazla pouts, Juju seeing her sister like that, laughs and starts kissing her too, where I am presented with such a sinful and happy scene!

I smile and lie down, Juju guides her beautiful little sister to mount my cock, playing with her tight pussy, caressing her wonderful breasts.

Fuck! I'm mesmerized watching these two perverts making out!

Soon the two stop kissing, Juju is smiling wickedly as she hugs her sister, she licks her lips, while Tazla is drunk with pleasure, confused, as she sits on top of me.

Soon Juju falls on top of me, kissing and sucking my breasts, Tazla soon follows her and I see both of them like babies, sucking my breasts, it's nice.

It doesn't take long for my face to be covered by Juju's crotch, which I already give a light hug and start feasting on myself, while Tazla dries me off!

Then I ejaculate, filling Tazla's womb, who howls happily and falls weakly against my chest.

I give a light gasp, Juju sits down next to me as she wants to sit on my cock.

I pull myself out of Tazla, I pull the condom attached to my cock, that semen bubble dangling, when I go to take it off, Juju takes it. - "No waste!" - She said as she devoured the condom, popping it in her mouth and expressing delight.

Soon she smiles, showing her tongue and the broken condom on it, now with nothing inside!

"You're such a little devil that there's no way I wouldn't want to fuck!" - I say hugging her and taking her to bed, I already have a condom on my dick and then I start to fuck her.

"Purge this demon inside of me!" - Juju squeals happily, laughing and enjoying herself.

"Purge? I will tame it!" - I say thrusting so hard, I saw the huge bulge in his abdomen.

Seriously, there's no way I can hold back from this hottie with a lust that never ends!


PART 4 – Tourism! (+18)


My day ended in bed, I fucked Juju and Tazla, the other girls decided to just let the 3 of us enjoy it for today, probably tomorrow I'll have 2 or 3 of them tormenting me, I'll accept it with open arms!

While upon waking up the next day, I managed to get rid of Juju, if I let it go on, she wouldn't stop!

Then I went to the kitchen, ate one of the pieces of pizza, I particularly like pizza from the day before, I can't say, it's just something unique in a way.

Annie and my girls gradually arrive, where I attack them with kisses and caresses, because they must be full of jealousy or want to fuck, especially Sahari, who is the 2nd in perversity level.

As for Mayara, she wants to fuck me!

Soon I go to sit on the couch to watch TV, but Annie stops me, pats me and talks. - "Go take a shower, you stink of semen and cunt!"

Give me a sniff indeed!

"You smell really good." - I say and she says. - "Of course, I just got out of the shower!"

"Did your makeup do?" - I ask.

"I did a retouch, why?" - Annie asked and then I hug her and throw her on my shoulder.

"What?! Rox! No!" - She screams, understanding what I'm going to do to her, but I hiss and say. - "Girls, I need to take care of who got us the house, then I'll take care of you!"

"We still want to visit the city, so don't burn the shower!" - Cassie said. - "I do not promise anything!"

"Rox! I just showered and did my makeup, for God's sake!" - Annie was still struggling, I laughed and Mayara said. - "Never take a shower before Rox, that bastard does it all the time!"

Annie must have been pouting as she soon sighed and stopped struggling.

So arriving in the bathroom, I trash the shower and go under it with her. - "My clothes, shit!" - She screams, I laugh and then let go.

"You really have no way!" - She said as the eyeliner smeared her face and I say. - "Not even!"

I already take her to the wall, holding her waist and I start kissing her, we get rid of our clothes, then I turn her around, she sticks her beautiful and hot ass, which I penetrate and I hear her loud and happy moan.

Hugging her by the neck and her flat stomach, I start to thrust in the way she loves, hard thrusts, a tightening of her buttocks, a few pulsations of my cock deep inside her, which makes her grunt and clench her teeth, which I I love to see it, so I step back slightly as I roll, even thrusting her out of breath, she spits at the wall, I turn her face to the side and kiss her.

I keep pressing her ass for a while, before continuing with what she likes, until she howls shrilly and has her orgasm, she breathes hard, leaning against the wall and says. - "I hate you!"

"I love you too!" -I say laughing and kissing her neck, I see her happy smile, while I slowly massage her breasts, pinch her nipples and resume the movement, this time being something more intense and constant.

She lets out her light growls, soon I move her, looking at her beautiful face, before lunging, she takes some products and starts rubbing and me, she was confused at first, but I smile and kiss her.

It doesn't take me long to come and of course, I come down the drain, still hugging her from the side, her cunt rubbing against my thigh, she hugs my neck, rests her pretty face on my shoulder. - "At night… I will take revenge!"

I smile, hug her waist and say. - "Will you reward me? I will look forward to it!" - I kiss her and she grunts!


After such an invigorating shower, I go to relax, Annie sits next to me on the sofa, my other girls go to take a shower, many of them shower together, I don't see any problems.

As for Mayara with the others? Kinda all just have eyes for me and Mayara too, they shouldn't think too much about it I guess?

Well, never mind thinking about it, but for some reason I felt like rolling Mayara's ass…but she's not ready for Anal yet…

"Pervert…" - Annie said and she flicks my dick which is getting hard, I laugh lightly and kiss her, then we watch the news.

I take the opportunity to pick up my cell phone and take a look at the local news, I take the opportunity to learn a little more about the city, being surprised by the information.

Around noon, we leave the mansion and walk around the city, especially the Center, which offers a view of the majestic castle.

We took several photos, bought clothes, around 2 pm, we stopped to have a meal in a restaurant, but it's not one of those luxury ones, but those restaurants that give private rooms to their customers.

We had a delicious meal there, where we talked about all sorts of things, with Juju and Sahari constantly trying to start something, I know such rooms were made with such an outcome in mind, so the walls have good soundproofing.

But I don't want to spend 1 or 2 hours fucking!

So we enjoyed the meal, before I paid and then continued to venture into the city.

The city is huge and has many tourist attractions, as I wanted to have a vehicle, but I was too lazy to have a Driver's License.

Not to mention that if I want, I can buy a car and take it wherever I want, I have a space of 20 M³!

Well, I'll see that in the future, for now we've had to go through these setbacks.

It was night, we got home, I was exhausted, we all were, but it was so much fun!

Sitting on the sofa, barely alive, the others doing the same, I decided to check my phone, some classmates sent messages and such, I gave it a quick read, then looked at Jessica's messages.

{Jessica: I heard you're in Garipus, I was told, did you come to the Singing Meeting?}

{Jessica: Have you been to Central Square today? I think I saw you, but I wasn't sure!}

She sent a lot of messages, as well as pictures, I take a look at them and…

[Image] →

Even though I don't like Jessica, I have to admit that she's a fucking hottie, that she's very beautiful!

Soon I send messages, as I need her, I have to be more gentle.

After sending the messages, she didn't reply right away like she usually does, I didn't mind, she must be doing something important or something.

"Are you looking at pictures of that bitch?" - Annie said pulling my clothes. - "Nope!" - I say looking away, she bites her lips and then mounts and me. - "The time for punishment has come!" - She said and I smiled.

–––––– (Jessica POV)

Today I saw Roxana, in fact I met her with some contacts, I wanted to give her a surprise, but she was surrounded by women, I expected that so I didn't think too much.

But since she might see this as rude, I decided not to disturb her and only messaged her shortly after she left.

I also enjoyed the scenery, my photographer took some pictures of me which I loved.

I posted it on the internet, already receiving hundreds of thousands of hits, tens of thousands of likes.

Thinking a bit, I decided to send some photos to Roxana, I had my photographer take them, only I was a little sexier in them, to seduce her.

I don't even know why I want to seduce her, but whenever I think about her now, I think about that Renner guy and that huge thing… now that I think about it, were there 6 women with her?

If they accept Roxana so readily, does that mean she can handle 6? That makes me really curious.

Unfortunately she doesn't give me the messages I want so I leave it alone and get my car, go meet some important figures, recently I've been thinking about acting a bit, it will help jumpstart my career too, I can never rely on just one weapon!

I'm starting to hate Roxana, so many hours have passed and none of my messages have been visualised, it's making me mad!

I want to text more, but that would make it seem like I'm desperate for attention, I can't expose any weaknesses.

To try to calm down, I look at those pictures, then I find myself biting my nail, most likely I'll see her tomorrow… grrrr~

"Hello Miss Jessica, I'm a big fan!" -A handsome and friendly boy came to me, his clothes are very simple, he must be a commoner.

He's actually pretty cute and cute. - "Do you want an autograph?" - I ask kindly.

"Yes please!" - He said happily, I smile and take a look, I think of something, something stupid, but I need it.

"How about coming with me for a moment? I'm out of paper and pen, I usually carry them, but I think I left them in my other bag!" - I say and he nods without hesitation.

I don't know what came over me, but right now, I'm in my hotel room, with this young man I don't know, sitting on his dick, which is an adequate size, but it's not enough for what I want!

Not to mention his stamina is shit, but since I wanted to satisfy myself, I did everything until he fell exhausted on my bed.

I had someone take him home, I left some money and someone would come to him with a non-disclosure agreement.

I sit cross-legged, look at the 3 used condoms on the table, huffing play away, rubbish!

"He is going to screw it up!" - I curse irritated, until someone knocks on the door.

I go take a look, I find a tall, red-haired man, wearing hotel service clothes, he smiles at me and says. - "I heard you needed help!" - He says, I look down, I think my security asked for this service.

"Get in quickly and take off your clothes!" - I say huffing and he doesn't say anything.

This man probably has Orc blood, I really don't care, I just want to fucking come!

… (3rd Person POV)

Jessica was lying on her stomach and with her ass raised, which was held by the red-haired man, who with his huge and thick cock, constantly reached her uterus.

Jessica's moans reverberated through the room, she had finally found something to suppress this huge and insatiable desire!

Her eyes rolled back and her pretty face contorted with pleasure.

For 2 hours, the man fucked her until he collapsed exhausted, Jessica slumped against his muscled chest, sweaty and satisfied. - "I'll give you a good tip!" - She said and the man smiled, but soon said. - "No need, having such an opportunity with someone like you, is more than enough!"

That made Jessica very happy, but she knew they were just words, she'll still tip him, help him keep quiet.