
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
150 Chs


Once upon a time, in a small kingdom nestled amidst towering mountains and lush green forests, there lived a miller and his beautiful daughter. The miller was a poor man, but he was known for his honesty and hard work. His daughter, on the other hand, was the picture of grace and kindness.

One day, the miller was summoned to the palace by the king. Trembling with fear, he stood before the mighty monarch, unsure of what he had done to warrant such an audience.

The king, however, had no accusations to make. Instead, he had a favor to ask. 'Miller,' he said, 'I have heard that your daughter has a special talent for spinning. I would like to put her skills to the test. Bring her to the palace tomorrow and I will provide her with a room full of straw. If she can spin it all into gold by morning, I will reward her handsomely.'

The miller was overjoyed at the prospect of his daughter becoming a queen. But the next day, as he watched her trying to spin the straw into gold, his heart sank. It was an impossible task, and the girl was in tears.

Then, all at once, the door opened and in came a little man. He had a mischievous glint in his eye and a sly smile on his lips. 'Good evening, miller's daughter,' he said. 'Why are you crying?'

'Oh!' answered the girl, 'I have to spin gold out of straw, and I don't understand the business.'

The little man laughed. 'What will you give me if I spin it for you?' he asked.

The girl thought for a moment and then said, 'My necklace.'

The little man waved his hand, and in an instant, the straw had all been spun into fine, shimmering gold. The girl was overjoyed, and so was the miller. But the king was not satisfied. He wanted more gold, and he wanted it the next night too.

And so, the miller's daughter found herself in the same predicament once again. And once again, the little man appeared and said, 'What will you give me if I spin all this straw into gold?'

'The ring from my finger,' answered the girl.

The little man spun the gold, and the king was pleased. But on the third night, the miller's daughter had nothing left to give. She was on the verge of tears when the little man appeared once again.

'What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time?' he asked.

'I have nothing left to give,' answered the girl.

'Then you must promise me something personal that will affect your life,' said the little man.

'Then take away my lack of a huge girlcock,' said the girl, knowing that it was something she would never want or need.

The little man cackled with delight and spun the straw into gold once again.

In the morning, the king was amazed to find all the straw had been turned into gold. He was so impressed that he decided to marry the miller's pretty daughter and make her his queen.

But when the king saw the queen's unusual appendage, he was taken aback. He had never seen anything like it before, and he was unsure of how to react. However, the queen was kind and loving, and soon the king forgot all about her unusual feature. They were married, and the kingdom rejoiced.

As the king and queen made love that night, he realized that he had found the perfect partner in the queen, even if she had a dick bigger than his. And as they ruled the kingdom together, the king knew that he had found the true love he had been searching for all along.

And so, the miller's daughter, now a queen, lived happily ever after, thanks to a little man who taught her the value of honesty and the importance of being true to oneself.