
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Roxanne The RoJ

Roxanne was just your average girl, living in the bustling city of Metropolis. But little did anyone know, she possessed a secret power that made her far from ordinary. She was The Rod of Justice, a new superhero who used her futanari powers for the greater good.

Roxanne had discovered her powers one fateful day, when she was caught in a freak accident caused by a radioactive meteor. Instead of turning into a monster like the others who were exposed, she found herself becoming stronger, faster, and endowed with an unusual appendage - a pulsating rod of flesh between her legs.

At first, she was confused and scared. But as she experimented with her new powers, she realized that her unique gift could be used to bring justice to the city that was plagued by crime and corruption. She could use her pulsating rod to penetrate the evil-doers and bring them to their knees.

And so, she donned a sleek black suit with a striking red 'R' emblazoned on her chest, and became The Rod of Justice. With her enhanced strength and agility, she fought against the criminal underworld of the city, using her special powers to bring them to justice.

But it wasn't just her physical abilities that made her a formidable opponent. Her insatiable appetite for sex also played a crucial role in her fight against crime. She found that her rod of flesh had the power to create instances where she could use it on all the evildoers' holes, making them submit to her will and turn away from their wicked ways.

As The Rod of Justice, Roxanne became a symbol of hope for the citizens of Metropolis. They would look up to the sky, waiting for her to appear and save them from the clutches of their oppressors. And she never disappointed.

But every superhero needs a nemesis, and for The Rod of Justice, it was The Dark Master - a powerful villain who sought to control the city with his army of criminals. The Dark Master was a mastermind, always staying one step ahead of the law. And he knew of The Rod of Justice's weakness - her insatiable appetite for sex.

The Dark Master would often send his minions to distract The Rod of Justice with their bodies, knowing that she couldn't resist. But little did he know, she had complete control over her desires and could use them to her advantage.

In their epic battles, The Rod of Justice and The Dark Master clashed, using their powers to try and defeat each other. But in the end, it was always The Rod of Justice who emerged victorious, thanks to her fleshy powers and determination to bring justice to her city.

With each victory, The Rod of Justice became more renowned and beloved by the people of Metropolis. And as for The Dark Master and his cronies, they soon realized that they were no match for the power of The Rod of Justice's pulsating rod of fleshy justice.

Roxanne had truly found her purpose as The Rod of Justice, using her futanari powers for the greater good and bringing evil back to the right path. She had become a hero in the eyes of many, all while satisfying her insatiable appetite for sex. And as long as there were criminals to be punished, The Rod of Justice would continue to reign supreme in Metropolis.