
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Mikoto solves the night of the nine tails

Uchiha Mikoto and Kushina were sitting in Mikoto's living room, sipping tea and discussing the news that had recently rocked the village. Kushina was pregnant with her first child and she was worried about how she was going to hide her growing belly until she gave birth.

'I just don't know what to do, Mikoto,' Kushina sighed, running a hand over her stomach. 'I can't exactly go around wearing loose clothing all the time, people will start to suspect something.'

Mikoto chuckled, placing a comforting hand on Kushina's shoulder. 'Don't worry, I have a suggestion. After I gave birth to Itachi, my 3 tomoe sharingan evolved into a mangekyo sharingan with the power to turn my modest futanari dick into a massive slab of dick meat with balls as big as rooms. I think I can help you hide your pregnancy.'

Kushina's eyes widened in surprise. 'Really? How?'

'Just climb into my massive cock,' Mikoto said with a smirk. 'There's enough space in there to house you and your growing baby bump. And with your sealing skills, you can decorate my balls and make it feel like a second home.'

Kushina couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she quickly accepted the offer. She climbed into Mikoto's huge cock, marveling at the sheer size of it. She made her way to the balls and found a space inside, just as Mikoto had promised.

Meanwhile, Minato had just finished a long day as hokage and was looking forward to a relaxing evening with his wife. He quickly used his flying thunder god mark to return to his wife, but found himself in a new place. He quickly placed new marks to teleport back anytime he wanted, and then notciced Kushina naked joining her for her bath strips naked to join Kushina.

To his surprise, when he learned from Kushina he was inside Mikoto's massive cock, Kushina marinating in Mikoto's sperm. But instead of being angry or jealous, he was intrigued. He had always been curious about a mangekyo's unique abilities and now he had the chance to experience it first-hand.

Kushina, who had been waiting for this moment, was ready for some sexual release. Her massive Uzumaki erection was raging to life and she wasted no time in claiming Minato ass after a long day. They spent the rest of the evening inside Mikoto's balls, enjoying each other's company and the unique environment.

As the months went by, Kushina continued to live inside Mikoto's balls, creating shadow clones to keep herself company and using her sealing skills to expand and decorate the space. She even made a spa and various other rooms, and spending time soaking in the sperm baths to relax and rejuvenate.

Finally, the day came for Kushina to give birth. Minato, who had been keeping a close eye on her, quickly got the medical team and teleported them to Mikoto's balls. With their help, Kushina successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Minato was overjoyed and couldn't wait to use Mikoto's balls as a vacation home and spa. He and Kushina spent many happy days there, enjoying the unique experience and bonding with their newborn son.

One day, a young Naruto was relaxing in his second home – the pool of creamy sperm inside Mikoto's balls. He had been using his teleport marker to visit the place ever since he was a child. He was surprised to find another boy swimming inside the pool.

The two boys started talking and quickly hit it off. Naruto was instantly smitten with the other boy, Sasuke, and they spent months together inside Mikoto's balls, dating and getting to know each other.

Their parents were thrilled to hear about their blossoming relationship and were happy to support their children in their marriage that had been arranged before they were even born. And as Naruto and Sasuke grew up, they continued to visit Mikoto's balls, creating many happy memories together.