
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Lilith's love

Deep within the fiery depths of hell, a demonic futanari known as Lillith lurked. She was a being of dark desires and insatiable lust, and she had grown tired of the never-ending torment and pain that consumed her in the underworld. She longed for something different, for a new source of pleasure and excitement.

With a wicked grin on her face, Lillith crawled out of the fiery pits of hell and onto the surface of the earth. She relished the feeling of the cool air against her skin, a stark contrast to the burning heat of her home. As she looked around, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hunger and anticipation, knowing that the unsuspecting humans would soon be at her mercy.

With a flick of her wrist, Lillith summoned a dark cloud of smoke that enveloped her, disguising her true form. She enjoyed the feeling of power and control as she made her way through the streets, searching for her first victims.

As she wandered through the city, Lillith couldn't help but take pleasure in the terrified screams and cries of the humans as they ran from her. She laughed, reveling in their fear as she used her demonic powers to make them submit to her every desire.

But as she spread her dark lust throughout the city, Lillith came across a man unlike any other. His name was Michael, and he was the husband of one of the women she was currently violating. As Lillith approached him, she could sense something different about him. He seemed unfazed by her demonic presence, almost as if he welcomed it.

Intrigued, Lillith decided to focus her attention on this man. She used her powers to make the woman forget about her, leaving only Michael and Lillith in the room. But as Lillith began to ravage him, something unexpected happened. Michael didn't resist or try to fight her off, instead, he seemed to enjoy her touch.

As they tangled in the sheets, Lillith couldn't deny the strong connection she felt with Michael. For the first time in her existence, she felt something other than lust. She felt love.

In that moment, Lillith made a decision. She would give up her evil ways and only sate her lust with Michael and his wife. She wanted to be with him, to experience love and pleasure like a human. And so, she approached him with a proposal.

Lillith asked Michael to marry her, to be her partner in life and her lover. To her surprise, he accepted without hesitation. And so, the two were married in a dark ceremony, with the fires of hell as their witness.

From that day on, Lillith gave up her demonic ways and lived a life of love and pleasure with Michael and his wife. She no longer needed to spread her dark lust throughout the world, as she found everything she needed in the arms of the man she loved.

And so, the once feared and evil Lillith became a symbol of love and passion, showing that even the darkest of beings can find redemption and happiness.