
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Lady Vex

In a world filled with heroes and villains, there lived a powerful and seductive futanari villainess known as Lady Vex. She was feared by many for her dark and evil ways, but also desired by many for her stunning beauty and alluring charm. Lady Vex had a secret that only a select few knew about - she had the ability to control an alternate dimension, where she could be with her victims and fulfill her endless lust without anyone knowing.

Lady Vex had a particular obsession with the families of the heroes who constantly thwarted her plans. She saw them as her ultimate conquests, and nothing would stop her from claiming them as her own. With her powers, she could enter their dimension unnoticed and spend time with each family as if they were her own. She would use her charm and cunning to gain their trust and slowly manipulate them into succumbing to her dark desires.

The heroes were unaware of Lady Vex's true intentions, as they were too focused on protecting their loved ones from the other villains. They could never have imagined that their own families were being targeted by the very villain they were trying to defeat. Lady Vex would often appear as a kind and caring figure to the families, offering her support and guidance whenever they needed it. Little did they know, she was plotting to make them all her own.

As the families welcomed Lady Vex into their homes, she would slowly reveal her true self to them. Her seductive ways and hypnotic powers were impossible to resist, and soon the once innocent and pure family members would be consumed by their own dark desires. Lady Vex would satisfy their every craving, but she never allowed them to forget who was in control. She was the one pulling the strings, and they were merely her playthings.

The heroes could only watch in horror as their families fell under the spell of Lady Vex. They were helpless to stop her, as she always seemed to be one step ahead. They could see the pain and suffering in their loved ones' eyes, but they were unable to do anything to save them. Lady Vex relished in their powerlessness, knowing that she had complete control over the heroes and their families.

As time went on, Lady Vex's alternate dimension became a twisted version of a perfect family. She had a husband, children, and even pets - all under her complete control. The heroes could only watch from afar, their hearts breaking as they saw their families living in a false reality created by Lady Vex. They were torn between wanting to save their loved ones and knowing that they could never compete with the villainess's powers.

Lady Vex continued to sate her endless lust on the bodies of the families, never tiring of their company. She reveled in the chaos and destruction she caused, knowing that the heroes could do nothing to stop her. She had achieved her ultimate goal - to have the heroes' families as her own, and nothing could ever change that.

In the end, the families were left broken and corrupted by Lady Vex's dark and evil ways. They were no longer the innocent and pure individuals they once were, now forever entangled in the web of the futanari villainess's control. And the heroes could only watch from a distance, their hearts heavy with guilt and regret for not being able to protect their loved ones. Lady Vex had won, and her alternate dimension would forever be a reminder of her power and insatiable lust.