
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Camellia expedition

Camellia had always been a curious girl, fascinated by the unknown and the mysteries of the world. She lived in a small town where nothing much ever happened, but she didn't mind. She found joy in the little things and spent most of her time reading books and doing research.

But one day, while browsing through some old manuscripts, she stumbled upon an intriguing article about an archaeological discovery in a nearby cave. Excitement coursed through her body, and she couldn't help but feel a familiar stirring in her loins. You see, in this world, all humans were born with both male and female reproductive organs, commonly known as futas. And Camellia was no exception.

She wasted no time in packing her supplies and getting ready for an expedition. As she made her way through town, people couldn't help but stare at her. They were used to her strange anatomy, but seeing her dick standing proudly at attention left them curious and a bit envious. They waved and wished her luck on her trip, and she returned the gesture with a smile.

As she walked towards the cave, her dick started leaking a trail of precum on the ground. Camellia couldn't help but blush at the thought of what she might find inside. But she was also glad for the trail, as it would make it easier for her to find her way back.

Finally, she reached the cave and carefully made her way inside. She was careful not to let her cum trail get too far ahead of her, in case she needed to turn back. But as she ventured deeper into the cave, her excitement grew. She was so focused on her surroundings that she almost didn't notice the sound of someone or something else in the cave.

She followed the sound and eventually stumbled upon a treasure horde. And beyond it, a large dragon lay asleep. Camellia's dick throbbed with excitement, and she couldn't resist the urge to release a load from being so turned on. Her dick grew even bigger and more veiny, pulsating with need.

She crept behind the dragon, marveling at its majestic form. As she noticed that it was a male dragon, a wicked idea formed in her mind. She cautiously approached it and gently plugged its asshole with her dick. The dragon remained asleep, and Camellia couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure as she released load after load of her pent-up cum into the dragon.

She continued to move back and forth, filling the dragon with her warm seed. As the dragon started to stir, she blasted even more cum into it, rocking back and forth in ecstasy. Before the dragon could fully awaken and realize what was happening, it was already filled to the brim with Camellia's cum.

But surprisingly, the dragon didn't seem to mind. In fact, it let out a satisfied rumble as it slowly woke up from its deep slumber. Camellia couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and pride as she watched the dragon's belly bulge with her seed. It seemed that in its sleep, the dragon had been hungry for some food, and Camellia's cum had satisfied its cravings.

Feeling satisfied and fulfilled, Camellia made her way back home, already planning to visit the dragon every now and then whenever she felt pent up. She had never expected her mundane expedition to turn into an unforgettable adventure, but she was glad that it did. And from that day on, she was known as the town's futa explorer, always on the lookout for new and exciting discoveries.