

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

The end of the battle

How the targets they had chosen, each one at the end of the wave of monsters, were killing those in their path, in this way they could help reduce the burden for the other members of the base since some had been injured, in the previous wave and would take a few more minutes to heal enough for them to participate in the fight.

Dylan, Alison and Silver, being the ones with the highest level, were the ones who caused the most damage among the monsters, they could kill the fast-type zombies in a few moves, especially Dylan since he had a much greater strength than what they had he should have been at their level, thanks to that strength he could kill them with a single blow.

Seeing how they advanced quickly while killing every enemy in front of them and with the ferocity they demonstrated in this fight, the morale of the other members of the base rose to its peak, this caused them to begin fighting with faster movements and strong taking advantage of the spaces that Dylan and the others left as they advanced.

Since the final monsters were much stronger than those in the front lines, they had decided to separate them from the group to prevent the members of the base from being injured during their fights since they were aware of the damage they could cause with a single hit, that's why they had decided to take them to separate areas where they could fight with more freedom of movement without having to worry about their surroundings.

Once Dylan arrived in front of the creature, he noticed that it was much more imposing than it seemed when seeing it from afar, on its body you could see stains of dried blood belonging to its previous victims, its eyes had a cold shine that caused chills just by looking at them for a few seconds and its body exuded a strong pressure that kept the other monsters away at a distance of at least 10 meters, the aura that this creature emitted was so fierce that even its allies avoided it unconsciously.

When Dylan entered the creature's range of vision he could feel that strong pressure when the creature fixed its eyes on him, tightening the grip on his daggers, he advanced towards her without fear and with quick and agile movements he dodged the first attack, in place where he was standing a few seconds ago you could see 3 deep cuts in the ground, using the creature's extended arm he used it to give himself momentum and kick it in the head, when he landed on the ground he rushed forward stabbing one of his daggers into a side of the creature.

The creature let out a roar of pain and with one of its hands tried to grab Dylan, but Dylan managed to block the attack by crossing both daggers in front of him, the force of the blow made him take a few steps back and once he was able to regain his balance He lunged forward once again, dodging the claw of the creature that passed near his head Dylan wounded the creature's leg and with a quick turn managed to stab it in the back, twisting the dagger to cause greater damage and moving away as quickly as possible. that could The creature was getting more and more upset and its attacks began to get faster and stronger, Dylan could barely dodge the creature's crazed attacks, seeing the damage the attacks left on the ground, Dylan knew he no longer had the luxury to block them as it seemed that the power behind each attack had doubled and if he were to receive one it could break his weapon or leave him with serious injuries.

Taking his speed to the maximum and with his agile movements, little by little he managed to reduce the creature's health until he found the opportunity to deliver a critical blow to the back of the neck, with the last strength that the creature had left he launched a blow backwards with which he managed to hit Dylan, throwing him 3 meters across the ground, Dylan had managed to use one of his daggers to block the attack since he did not have enough time to dodge it, when Dylan got up from the ground, the hand that was holding the dagger the one with which he blocked the attack was shaking and was barely holding the broken handle of the dagger since the blade had broken from the force contained in that last attack.

When Dylan looked towards the place where the creature was, he could only see the wisps of blue light that indicated that he had already defeated it. He quickly took out a quick recovery medicine and replaced the broken dagger with a spare one. He turned to see how it would fare Alison against the demonic fox but with the help of Silver it seemed that it would not take them long to defeat him, the situation on Aria and Lucas's side was in a stalemate where neither side could take advantage over the other, as for Victor's side he was the one at the most disadvantage, even though Victor had been successfully dodging the zombie's attacks, he couldn't get close enough to the zombie to hurt it.

As Víctor's fight was the one that seemed to have the most problems, he ran towards him and took advantage of the fact that the zombie was focused on attacking Victos to stab both daggers into his head, causing a critical hit, because he attacked him in a weak point, the The zombie was momentarily stunned, which they both took advantage of to give as many attacks as they could at that moment once the zombie stopped being stunned, it began to launch attacks in all directions, making it difficult for them to get close to it to continue attacking once the zombie's attacks were concentrated on just one of them, the other took advantage of the opportunity to approach the zombie's back and attack it both were coordinating with each other to defeat the zombie when one attacked, the other distracted the zombie, they were repeating that method for a few minutes until they finally managed to defeat him.

When the zombie turned into wisps of light, they both turned to see how the others were doing, Alison and Silver had already defeated the fox and were now helping Lucas and Aria with the weretiger, from what they could see they were not worried It would take a long time to defeat him, so they ran in the direction where the other members of the base were fighting and began to attack the monsters from the rear the moment Alison and the others defeated the weretiger, they also joined the battle and 20 minutes later they killed the last one, once the last monster turned into wisps of light all the members of lavase let out a loud cry of victory full of emotion since they had managed to survive another day, some had been injured but fortunately none member of the base had died.

Once the battle was over Victor started looking for Dylan and once he looked at him he started walking in his direction.