
Furuichi and the Dimensional Chat Group of Disaster

???: Furuichi give me some Lucky talisman. ???: Furuichi teach me magic. ???: Furuichi do you have a new fish recipe? also erza is pissed and looking for you. ???: Furuichi-san how do you make some friends. ???: Furuichi! ???: Furuichi! ... 'Just how did my second life become troublesome?' I thought. "Furuichi fight me!" some random delinquent run towards me. "Furuichi-kun ? woul you join my peerage?" a sexy red haired devil is tempting me. "Furuichi what's the answer of this question?" an idiot asked me. "How did my life become troublesome?' I asked as I look at the sky and saw a cloud giving me the middle finger. 'F*ck off!!!' _____________________ Inspired by: Cultivation Chat Group and Sis-con with Dimensional Chat group I don't own any characters, this is just an idea and a fanfic

Simping_4_Akali · Komik
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44 Chs

Chapter 14: Scouting some Restaurants

Opening my eyes I see that I am in a abandoned alley along with other people that is holding their head.

"So we really did travel." A young woman white haired that I tied to a twin tails spoke.

"Tama-chan?" I asked her as my head become clear.

"What do you want?" she asked me as she looked towards my direction.

"Mr.Playboy?" she said.

"That not my name." I tiredly said to her as I felt exhausted for some reason.

"What are you tired?" she mockingly said to me.

"I don't want to hear that from you." I lightly touched her and she began to tremble and was about to fall before she hold my hand tightly so she won't fall.

"Bastard!" she glared at me with a smile.

"Furuichi? Tama-chan?" we looked at the source and found a beautiful young girl with crimson-colored eyes and mid-length dark brown hair tied into two twin-tails that lie on her shoulders.

"Yunyun" we both asked.

"Hai!" her eyes become glassy as tears start to form in her eyes and jumped at us as we catches her.

"I finally meet my new friends!" She said with joy as she hug is whish Tama and I hug back.

"Looks like we finally meet brats." Looking at the source we saw a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man. He has a beard and a scar over his left eye.

"Garp?" Yunyun asked as she looked at him.

"Nice to meet Cha Hahahaha!!!" he laughed wholeheartedly.

"Yay! We are finally meeting each other!!" Yunyun said in joy.

"Meow!" (Hey! I'm still here) looking around to find the voice that we heard in our head.

"Who?" we asked.

(Look Down!) we heard it again and Looking down we see a dark midnight blue (that looks like the night) cat meowing us.

"Happy?" we asked.

(That right!!) the cat replied

"Hahaha!!!" we all laughed.

(Shut up!) the cat jumped but couldn't reach us so he only sulked.


"So anyone felt different after coming to this world? aside from Happy of course." I asked them.

"I did!" Tama raised her hand.

"When I arrived, o start inspecting my body first and I noticed that I grew a little taller, my hair become silkier and smooth along with some small fats in my arms are now all gone and somehow my skin become more smooth like a baby. Then I inspected my breast that it also grew and become more perkier and my waist somehow become slimmer and my hips became wider and my ass become more curvier and had more perkier shape than my previous ass in my world. Then finally my legs become thicc and my legs are slime. Overall my looks right now is a A+ Beauty. I only need to have large breast then I'd be perfect." Tama said as she explain she moved her hand and touched the area she was describing.

"Hmm..." I kept nodding my head as she described.

"What about you kid?" Garp asked me.

"Well, I also felt some change as somehow my muscles can now be clearly outlined, I also I think I grew more taller." I said.

"What about Gramps?" I said to him.

"Hahaha!! believe it or not my body felt a bit younger. That's all that I noticed but another thing is that all over my body I think my muscle become more refined." Garp said as she flex his muscles.

"Yunyun?" Tama asked.

"Ah, Hai! When I landed I feel my skin also become smoother, my breast became perkier and became more bouncy. My waist also become slimmer and the fat in my stomach disappeared that left me a flat stomach. My hips didn't change but my rear became more bouncy too and more firm along with my thigh have gained some fat but they seems thick fat and my legs are also ok." She said.

"Anyway, where should we go first?"


We heard a notification and we took our phone and saw a message.

[Dear Participants,

We would like to in form you that this is a non supernatural world so any supernatural ability has been sealed.

Another thing is that, that's what would your body look like if you were born in this world.

We would also like to tell you that each one of you have 1 million yen for you to use and also your background in this world.

You also can use the storage features to store items.]

"So each of us have 1 million huh, What's your background? Mine is a young chef from the country side that wants to build a restaurant." I said to them.

"Mine seems to be your childhood friend that went with you because you are nothing without me." Tama said as she smiled and mockingly look at me.

"See this? looks like you are nothing without me." She showed her phone to me and I see that it's actually in there.

"F"ck!" I cursed

"Ah, I got mine as a Aspiring chef without any friends." Yunyun said as she read her background in this world her mood goes down with her.

"Don't worry, it's just some background. It's not real." Tama told her.

"Mine say that I am an unknown expert fisherman that joined the marine in my youth and is now retired." Garp said.

(Mine says, I'm a stray cat.) happy said before crying silently.

"Don't worry happy it's just some background." Yunyun comforted Happy as she fell what Happy is feeling right now.

"Come on, let's get out of her and find some food to try and scout on what we would do." I said to them as I start to leave the alley.

"Also Yunyun. Catch." I threw her my jacket and she caught it but has a confused face.

"Wear it, your clothes are a bit revealing." I said to her as she blushed and turned around as she wear the jacket.

"What about me?" Tama asked me.

"You look fine." She just pointed at me.

"Old man, you might also want to put you coat in the storage. since I don't now what they think if they saw your marine coat." I said to Garp and just nod as he placed the coat in his phone, leaving him only in his white suit.

We left the alley and look a place to eat.

"There! that looks like a diner." Tama said as she point a store.

"Sure, I'm hungry plus I smell something there." Garp said as we walk towards the diner.

"Restaurant Yukihira?" I read the sign in the front and head inside.