
Chapter 6: Let's Go!

In a conspicuous gorgeous room, a man in his 30s and a teenager were talking with each other.

"Son, the time has come." The man said to the teenager.

In the man's hands, there was an unfolded letter, the letter was sent by someone important.

"I don't know how did they manage to get an exclusive spot for the Imperial Academy but that's not important now." The teenager said as he looked into his father's eyes.

"Hm, you just need to know is how to take that spot from your cousin, it will be more good if you kill him." His father said as he nodded his head.

His son naturally doesn't know about the hidden conspiracies behind the action of the Lile Family and how did they get the spot for the Imperial Academy.

"K-kill?" The teenager was flabbergasted. Even though he and Cado's relationship is not good but it's not bad enough to make him murder his cousin.

Heck, they had only met a few times and now his father was asking him to kill his cousin.

Although the teenager had killed someone before, he didn't kill that person directly but he ordered others to do it. Also because of his status, it was okay to kill people with lower standings, but now... his father wants him to kill his cousin, the young master of their family? Was his father's head been bashed that he turned into an idiot? How could he kill the young master of the Lile Family? Isn't the same thing as committing suicide?

"Haha! Don't worry, don't worry." The man saw his son's troubled expression. He patted his son's shoulder as he laughed.

"Your aunt has approved this so don't fret about it too much." The man reassured.

"Eh? Aunt had...?" The teenager was confused.

Why would his aunt approve his son's death?

Was her head also been bashed and was turned into an idiotic being?

He was confused.

"You are still young and naturally won't know how the world works" His father shook his head as he continued;

"Just focus on killing your cousin."

"A-alright." The teenager could only agree and nod.

"Good, then you can leave now." His father said as he smiled, satisfied with his son's agreement.

"Yes, I will be taking my leave, Father." The teenager slightly bowed as he took a step back before turning around and leaving the room.

'Killing my cousin? Are their heads okay?' The teenager was really confused. Why would they kill their son? Did his cousin do something wrong?

'Tsk tsk tsk.' The teenager shook his head as he walked into the corridor.

In his mind, he was brewing plans, plans that he thought he was right.

"Haha! My sister, ob my sister. You're really amazing, to think you would do this kind of thing to this extent to just help your son?" The teenager's brother who was left in the room said as he licked his lips.

It seems there are unspeakable secrets that were hiding beneath this boiling water.

His son, the teenager was the son of his sister...

They had an affair!

"Hmph! Just wait till our son grow and I will make sure that we will replace the head of the family!" He laughed then his mind goes somewhere else.

He was reminiscing about the past.

In the past, he and little sister, Cado's mother, were siblings that were loving each other but not in a familial way, but more in a romantic way.

They were happy until an uneventful day happened.

His cousin, Cado's father, had taken a liking at his sister and lover at the same time. And since her love was in her brother, his sister naturally rejected his cousin's offer, hoping for him to find someone else but as a rotten spoiled young master, with his arrogance and talent at Magic, how could he not get what he wanted?

Hence, he complained about his father, the previous family leader, what happened. And he wished to have the girl to be his wife at all costs.

The previous family leader was troubled.

On one side, his talented and only son was asking to be wed with her cousin forcefully and on the other side, his brother's daughter doesn't want to marry his son.

What could he do?

He couldn't make a choice.

But, his son, Cado's father had made a bold move.

He shut himself in his room, he didn't eat or practice magic, he didn't do a thing at all. As if he was waiting for his death.

And that made the previous family leader to make a choice.

His wife had died after giving birth to his son so how could he let his son die?

Hence, he made an absolute order; his little brother's daughter is to be wed with his son!


That caused a huge ruckus.

It is to be known that his little brother's children were loving each other and were going to marry in the future but now... the family leader made a move, a hard move.

His little brother was angry!

He tried to convince his elder brother to reconsider but his elder brother was adamant to his decision, thus, he couldn't do anything at all!

He had used many connections, and once again tried to persuade his elder brother to renege his order with most of the elders behind his back, supporting him but...

That move had irritated his elder brother thus, he had punished the elders supporting his little brother and his order was not changed.

And that's how Cado was made.

He was made of sugar, spicy, and bitter tragedy.

The man sighed as he looked at the sky through the window of the room.

If he was just stronger and more talented than his cousin, he and his little sister could have not been broken like this.

But, that's all in the past.

With this, his cousin's, Cado's father's son would be dead and his son in his little sister's belly will be now crowned as the future family leader!

"Haha! Take that!" The man was elated, very elated.

With this, that spoiled fucker would have no more descendant!

"Fuck you bitch!" He cursed as he raised his middle finger to the sky!

Well, it looks like I don't have any readers... fund this is bitter.

Don't complain, okay?

Navizycreators' thoughts