
Chapter 4

"This should be the place." Cado stared at the door in front of him.

From what information he had gotten from his previous predecessor's memories, the room behind the door should be his room.

"Well, let's sleep for now." For some reason, Cado was feeling fatigued, not physically but mentally fatigued.

He just thought of it as the side-effect of reincarnating or reborning.

"What a grandiose room, indeed." Cado complicated the richness of his family as he slowly entered his luxurious room.

It was filled with all kinds of strange decorations and things.

Cado was curious but he casts his curiosity aside as he slowly made his way towards his king-sized bed.


Jumping onto the middle of the bed, Cado felt he was being swallowed a soft marshmallow once his body had crashed into his extremely soft bed.

"This is great..." Cado's voice trailed into the air, his eyes slowly closed itself as his mind goes into a slumbering state.

[Scanning... Scanning Complete... Ready to be installed... Sensing the Host has in the unconscious state... Automatically installing the 'Bandit System'... Installing...]

[...Installation Complete...]

[Bandit System has successfully bound with the Host's soul...]

While sleeping, Cado was naturally oblivious on what is going on, that something had bonded with his soul.

After a few hours of sleeping, Cado's eyes twitched for a few times before they slowly opened.

"That was a good sleep," Cado said as he sat upright and stretched his neck and 2 upper limbs.

"Holy Shit!" Cado yelped in surprise.

The reason?

A game-like screen was in front of him.

There he saw a figure, a transparent figure, no clothes, no fifth limb, the figure was naked and it looked extremely similar.

It was Cado-more accurately- it was the current body of Cado.

And beside his transparent figure were huge and black colored words;





"Oh, my shit! This must be my golden finger or cheat!" Cado was delighted, very delighted.

With this, his life would drastically change.

His life would not end so soon.

His life would become more interesting.

His life would be not so stressful.

"So, where is my A.I? Hello, are you there." Cado then tried for a few minutes to see if his system had an A.I.(artificial intelligence.) but unfortunately, he didn't have one.

"Well, okay..." Taking a deep breath, Cado deeply contemplated.

What should I do now?

Then, Cado felt stupid.

I should first get to know my system.

Cado then raised his right hand and used his finger to click at [QUEST] word.

[Quest: None of the moment.

P.S.: Quests would be gained through some events]

"Ohhh...." Cado felt amazed.

Even though Cado had gone through many unbelievable phenomenons, he was still amazed by this event.

Getting reincarnated.

Having a system.

What should he ask for?

Cado was already contented getting reincarnated, although his second life would be short, he was still happy.

But now he got a system, though he didn't know what his system could do, there's one thing that Cado was sure; his life would be no shorter! It would lengthen!

"Hmm, so I can get quests through events, huh? Would I get a quest if someone was bullying a damsel in front of me?" Cado was unsure.

"Well, let's not think that for now." Cado shook his head as he decided no to think too much about it, there's no mich evidence he got so, for now, it was one of the least important.

Then, Cado started to get to know his system and after a few minutes, he got the basics.

First, he got a shop, a shop that could provide skills, abilities, weapons, and many more. Second, there was an Inventory, his Inventory could store many items but it has a limitation, for now, he could not put things too much in there, he could only a sword or something with the same size like that to his inventory.

Third, Quest. Quests would provide him points once completing Quests, and the Quest Points would need to buy things in the shop.

And lastly, Status. Basically, Status would show him his stats such as Body, Aura, and Mana. The body is naturally his physical body, Aura and Mana are like spiritual.

Aura could do many cool things like in the Martial Arts Novels and Mana could do many magical things like in Fantasy World.

In summary, this wold is like a crossover of Cultivation World and Fantasy Magical World.

Cado could increase 3 of them by training, eating magical fruits, etc.

However, for now, Cado doesn't have either Aura and Mana so he could only train his body.

Body is pretty much everything, his stamina, his strength, agility, dexterity, all of them were covered by Body.

And while he was discovering his system's functions, he had finally found the name of his system.

He was wondering his system's name would be and he had finally found it after minutes of twinkling with his system interfaces.

And when he did, it greatly shocked him.

He was frozen for a few minutes before he finally had gained his composure back.

"Bandit System..." Cado felt his scalp became a little numb.

Just hearing the name, Cado felt bitter inside.

And just from the name, Cado had guessed what his Quests would be like.

Of course, it would be related to the things that Bandits do!

Would the system give him a quest about razing a city or massacring a village?

He didn't know but there is a quite high chance for that to happen.

Cado was disturbed by this but what could he do?

Cado could only do is to accept this, this is the reality after all.

'Sigh~, well, things happen.' Cadi thought, he was selfish, and Cado very well knew that.

If that would make his life lengthen then he would do it.

If that would give him more chances to bed females, then he would gladly accept it!

That's right, Cado is not a saint, but he would surely be called an Evil by others.

"Wait... should I create a bandit group myself?" Cado was confused.

He felt that recruiting bandits to join his group would be troublesome.

First, he needs money.

Second, he needs to carefully choose who would he recruit.

And third, he needs to earn their trust!

Other than being troublesome, it would be dangerous!

He was not familiar with creating a bandit group!

Then a thought struck him.

There's no need to create a bandit group since I can do it all alone!

I can be bandit alone!

A lonely bandit!

That's right.

His system didn't specifically say that he needs to create a group of bandits after all.

Maybe, him alone would be enough!

While thinking to himself, a knock was heard, breaking him from his thoughts.

"Young Master, your friend, Cale wants to speak with you." A feminine voice followed after the knocking sound.

"Hmm?" Cado was confused, who the hell is Cale? Then a wave of memories washed over him.

Memories about Cale entered his brain!

Cado hissed!


Earlier, he didn't know about this person called 'Cale' but now he does!

Then, what is the problem?

With this occasion, Cadi had realized that many of the memories of his predecessor were not given to him yet!

Then, Cado dived into the memories he got from his predecessor.

'Damn, this is so troublesome.' Cado then got another troublesome problem.

The memories Cado had got were only about his family and some other small stuff such as the name of the kingdom, some of the other powerful families, ethics, etc.

His friends... Cado doesn't have memories of them.

Up until now, he only has memories about this person called 'Cale'!

Cado sulked.

Even though it seems insignificance, information is still information!

A little important information could create huge changes.

For example, if an assassin had all of the information about his target, then his job would be much easier and safer!

What's his favorite food, etc.

The assassin could just poison him using his target's favorite foods!

And many more!

Etc etc.

"Let him in." Cado slightly raised his voice, he needs to raise it if he wanted to be heard outside.

"Yes." The feminine voice replied.

Hearing the voice again, Cado, as a professional of these things, had come to a conclusion, the owner of the voice must be a girl at his own age, that girl has a quite melodies voice so Cado had concluded that she was quite pretty.

He was getting horny!

As the young master, Cado could order his maids to do certainly unspeakable things!

Haha! Thank the heavens!


The door of his room slowly opened and a huge figure, a literary huge figure came in.

His height is below the average of a teenager but its width... it's enormous, to say the least.

Every step that this boy did slightly made a small vibration to the ground.

"Hey, fatty." Cado seeing the figure in front of him made a smile crept onto his face.

"Yo!" Cale, the so-called fatty waved his right hand that was sized as Cado's thigh of his present body

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Cado then left his bed and made a high five with fatty.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a few days," Cale replied with a smile.

Because of his fats in his face, his eyes were slit, that it looks he was sleeping.

And strangely, Cale could see things clearly as though his eyes were wide as the normal person's.

"So, what have you brought yourself here, you could just call me and I would naturally go, just like always," Cado said this was the second time that Cale had personally visited him.

Normally, Cale would just ask one of the servants to call Cado to their usual spot, in the forest where Cado's predecessor had rested earlier but... Cado has taken over his friend's body.

And the first time Cale had personally visited him was about him, Cado getting a fiance.


'Argh.' Cado's smiling face had twitched for a moment before it turned quickly into normal.

It's a good thing that he was getting used to getting waves of memories crashing into his body.

'Fiancee, eh?' Cado felt cliched.

"What's wrong?" Cale asked worriedly.

Even though his eyes were slit, he was very perceptive and sensitive.

Cale had seen Cado's twitching moment and got worried.

"Nothing." Cado shook his head with a reassuring smile on his face.

"Okay." Cale knew that he wouldn't get an answer from this friend of mine so he just gave up.

The previous owner was just stubborn.

He was like a stone. If he said it, then he would do it no matter what happens!

"So what brought you here?" Cado asked.

"Cough, I heard about you're attending the Imperial Academy..."

"Yes, what about that?" Cado naturally knew that the news about him having a spot for the Imperial Academy would not be hidden for a long time as his family had made such a big move just getting it.

"Ehm... I think you should leave your house, hmmm... don't worry, I will find a perfect and safe place for you... emm, even though my family is a little bit weaker than yours but still we are quite powerful!" Cale didn't answer as he patted his chest while sending a smile towards Cado.

"Thank you... but can you please tell me what is going on?" Cado felt some warmth inside his chest when he heard Cale but that's not the answer he was seeking.

It's a good feeling if you have reliable and good friends!

"Ehm... I heard a piece of news..."


"Yes, news stating that... ehm..."

"Stating that..?"

"Stating that whoever defeats you in a fight that individual would gain your spot... hmmm...

" hmm?" Cado was slightly shocked hearing him but then it seems that Cale isn't finished yet.

"Life and Death Battle is allowed and you also cannot decline or reject any challenge..."


Sorry for the late chapter.

So I made this chapter with over 2,000 words.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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