
Fumbling To Fortune: The Accidental Bandit's Story

Placed Top 50 IN WPC Oct- Nov 2023 :D You've heard of Murphy's law, right? Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong! What do you think happens to the psyche of a person that bears the brunt of this cruel law? Mae Reinhart is a very absent-minded young lady. She has always been like this despite being warned multiple times that her absent-mindedness would cost her dearly one day. And one day, it finally happens. She loses everything after she steals a royal relic and is expelled from her house. But soon she learns that even that does not save her family. They are executed for their supposed association in the crime by higher ups for unsavory reasons. Mae now drifts aimlessly around cities with no purpose or reason to live,. She eventually contemplates ending her life, when a mysterious man named Ayden intervenes and saves her life. Driven by his mysterious nature and vowing to take revenge, she joins the mercenary group "The Twilight Warriors". Ayden presence soon provides Mae with a renewed sense of purpose and a reason to live. But will that be enough for Mae or does she want something more? WPC Oct-Nov 2023 participant, please show some love :D WARNING: A LOT OF 18+ SCENES SO NOT SUITABLE FOR MINORS IN ANY WAY,SHAPE OR FORM Release schedule: 3-4 chapters per week!

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25 Chs

What am I doing?


As Mae continued her journey through city after city, her idealized view of the world began to shatter. The initial excitement of independence and exploration had given way to the harsh reality of the world beyond her sheltered existence. The money she once took for granted was running out, and she needed to find a way to sustain her new life.

As she entered a quaint town named Trudid after almost a day of non-stop walking, she was desperate to get some food and water.

She checked her purse, and all she had was two hundred midos. A single loaf of bread will generally cost fifteen midos. She had started this journey with around a couple thousand midos, which was her monthly allowance.

After wandering around the small and peaceful town of Trudid, which was a beautiful little town situated right next to the roaring Covenling Brook, which was part of the larger Eldoria river system.

The town was framed by lush, rolling hills, and the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers that lined the streets. Bridges arched neatly over the Covenling Brook, their stone structures blending seamlessly with the surrounding landscape.

To her, this town was straight out of a picture book.

The small shops and cafes that lined the streets were bursting with character, their colorful decorations and inviting aromas drawing in Mae. 

From the enchanting bookshop with a cat that perpetually dozed in the window to the cozy bakery that filled the air with the scent of freshly baked bread, Trudid was a place that celebrated the simple joys of life.

It really did feel like Trudid was the perfect place for a fresh start for her.

To make ends meet, she started taking odd jobs here and there.

She saw her first opportunity in a bakery.

"I used to bake a bit before, so I think I may be able to handle this, and make some money." She thought to herself as she walked up to the establishment.

As Mae made her way into the bakery, she was greeted by this elderly lady, who had a very warm smile on her face, holding a hot pan with mittens in her hand.

"Welcome In, dear, what do you need? Some freshly baked bread? Some croquette? Some cupcakes that I just finished making?" She said, as she held up the plate of freshly baked muffins.

"Actually ma'am, I am new to this town, and I was checking in to see if you could use some help around here, and I need to make some money..." Mae's voice faded as she said those words.

The kind lady's face stiffened for a bit, as she was deep in thought. "A very finely dressed noblewoman like you... looking to work in a bakery.. Could it be that you ran away from home, young one, and may I ask your name?" The lady said, as she scratched the chin of her wrinkled face

"My name is Mae. And unfortunately, I can't disclose the situation surrounding my circumstances right now, I'm really sorry." Mae said, not wanting to reveal more about her background in fears of being discovered.

Well, Mae, if you're truly in need and willing to work, I won't turn you away. We could use an extra hand in the kitchen. Just promise me you'll give it your best effort, and by the way, my name is Ms. Evelyn" the baker said with a warm smile, her compassion outweighing her doubts.

Relieved and grateful, Mae nodded vigorously, eager to prove herself. 

She spent the next couple of weeks working diligently in the bakery. It was far from the privileged life she had known, but there was a certain satisfaction in the honest, hard work. 

She learned to knead dough, shape loaves, and tend to the ovens, gradually adapting to the daily routines.

However, it was on an ordinary, seemingly uneventful day that Mae's inattentiveness nearly turned everything awry. Lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice the passage of time, and the pungent smell of burning wafted through the air, accompanied by thick black smoke.

Panic washed over her as she saw smoke billowing from the oven. The fiery realization of her mistake hit her like a punch to the gut.

Evelyn rushed over, extinguishing the small fire and saving the bakery from more significant damage. She fixed Mae with a stern but compassionate gaze, disappointment etched into her kind eye.

Ms. Evelyn, though compassionate, was visibly concerned. She placed a hand on Mae's shoulder and said, "Dear, I appreciate your willingness to work, but the safety of this bakery is more important to me. This is all I have, and I'm really sorry, but I won't be allowing you to work in the kitchen anymore."

Mae nodded solemnly, accepting the decision with a heavy heart. She understood the gravity of her mistake and knew it was for the best.

"What am I doing?" Mae thought to herself.

Her next foray was at a tailoring shop, which was situated a couple of buildings down the road. After a couple of words of persuasion from the sweet Mrs. Evelyn who didn't want to see Mae struggle, and also offered her a place to stay in the town.

She had agreed to work in this shop at the behest of Mrs. Evelyn, but the reality was, her sheltered life had made her unaware of just how troublesome real life can be. She agreed to work, and when asked.

At the tailoring shop, she was tasked with assisting customers, taking measurements, and even attempting minor alterations. But her lack of experience quickly became evident. 

In her efforts to pin a customer's dress, she accidentally pricked her finger with a needle, causing a small but painful cut

Despite her best intentions, Mae's attempt at sewing was a disaster. She miscalculated measurements and clumsily tore the fabric of a valuable garment.

The tailor, a skilled craftsman, looked at her with disappointment. The world of tailoring was precise and unforgiving, and Mae was not able to meet its standards, and this time, her job barely lasted a week.

"Just what the hell am I doing?" Mae thought to herself.