
Full of Illusions

Things are not always what they seem. ---------- I rushed through the corridor, the sound of my shoes echoing and bouncing off the walls. Removing my wig and the pins keeping it in place, I toss it to the family butler as he walks behind me with the same urgency in his stride. I stop just in front of a set of big wooden doors that shut my father's study to the rest of the house. With a loud knock and a faint "come in", I throw the doors open and march in. My father was sitting quietly behind his desk. I caught a look in his eyes filled with shock and surprise for a split second before he expertly masked it with his usual blank stare. "What is the meaning of this?" ---------- Adelaide Isla is anything but ordinary. Being the daughter of a prominent businessman in the kingdom is something she still considers normal. With her father an earl and close friends with the crown prince, her status is what she wishes is normal. After years of scandal, family drama, and tension, her father allows her to live undercover for her later teenage years. Adelaide was loving life until she gets thrown a curveball as the grandson of the king needs a bodyguard.

overthinkingWriter · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Aim for the Target

A target can be so many different things. It can be the round one with a bullseye or a goal you are trying to achieve. Whichever target you choose, you almost always try to aim. You aim for the best of the best, the X-mark, or whatever you want to call it. To not aim is ridiculous and risky. It is like driving a car blindfolded. You are completely vulnerable and unaware. You can hurt people and destroy things.

With that said, I only have one target in my sights right now. The wind blew through my tangled light brown hair as I took in a deep breath and let go. I was still wearing my full school uniform so the autumn chill barely bothered me. The sound of a string's tension relieved pierced through the silent night and only then did I breathe out. I lowered my arm once the arrow hit the target. It was a couple of centimeters to the right of the bullseye.

I let out a sigh. The wooden plank I had been shooting arrows at for the past 10 minutes had arrows sticking out all over the place. Not one arrow had hit the center yet. Admittedly, I was not really aiming. Something you should know about me is that I have crazy good aim. Not as good as Hawkeye, but I almost never miss the mark. That is assuming I aim in the first place.

After walking out of my father's study, I went directly to the one place I know where I can calm down. That place happens to be in the backyard area of the estate. My brothers and I put up an archery and target practice area for me when we realized I had good aim.

The sun was just starting to set as I put my bow down on the grass and crossed the distance to the target. I gave a small punch at the plank, letting out a bit of my frustration, before pulling the arrows out of the painted target. I may have used a little more force than I intended to because I pulled out the last arrow and fell down on my behind. The arrow was probably not deeply embedded in the wood as much as the others.

"Are you ok?" A voice said giggling with laughter.

My face sported a scowl as I got up and fixed my clothes. Almost everything went wrong today. First, I start seeing things. Then, an aggravated idiot gives me a bruise, prompting my visit to the principal's office. The creepy anonymous note should have been the end of things, but no. Life had to throw more complications in my already complicated situation. I just hope that the bodyguard job and problems at the company are the cherries on top of the sundae.

I turned around and faced the source of the giggles. My face instantly lightened up at the sight in front of me. She stood there in a pair of blue denim jeans, white sneakers, and a knitted grey sweater. Her gorgeous golden blonde hair, which literally looks like sunshine when the light hits it at the perfect angle, was braided into a crown. Right now, Sunshine was a sight for sore eyes.

"Howdy there, partner. What brings you to this side of town?" I said in the fakest mid-western accent I could muster. I put my hands on my hips and a smile was slowly appearing on my face.

"A little birdie told me there was a damsel in distress. I came to join her in waiting for her dear knight in shining armor to come and save her. Or perhaps her prince charming. Whoever he may be, I hope he has a handsome friend." She followed along with my act with her near-perfect southern belle impersonation.

We stared at each other for a full 20 seconds before bursting out with laughter. We were doubled over with our arms around our abdomen. The sounds of our laughter broke the deafening silence that enveloped me before.

"You know me, Shine. I do not need anyone to come and save me. I can manage on my own." I said after our laughter died down.

We had somehow ended up laying down on the grass staring at the sky. A smile was plastered on my face as we lay in comfortable tranquility. The sun was slowly retiring for the day, leaving behind beautiful hues of orange, yellow, and pink. The air got a little colder and colder, but I didn't mind it. I was having fun with my best friend in the whole wide world. Nobody in their right mind would give that up.

"I'm serious, Addy. It wouldn't be too the end of the world if some guy sweeps you off your feet. Especially if he is very easy on the eyes." Sunshine smirked as we fell back into peaceful silence

We have had this conversation more times than I can count. My response was always the same. Relationships are a distraction and a waste of time. A relationship always leaves you hurt and heartbroken eventually. Just do yourself a favor and spare yourself from the pain altogether. You do not need someone to make you feel happy, you can do that all on your own. Sunshine, on the other hand, was always on the lookout for any cute guy she can call her boyfriend.


I don't know how long Sunshine and I have been laying on the grass, but by the time Gordon told us that dinner was ready, the sun was completely gone and the stars twinkled in the vast midnight blue sky. After the archery and some one-on-one time with my BFF, I felt better. Sure, I was hesitant about the bodyguard job and have a bad feeling with regards to the creepy note and the embezzling of company funds, but overall my anxiety was improving.

Sunshine and I walked side by side back into the house. I looked up towards the window of my father's study to find Charles staring at me, his arms were crossed in front of his chest. I could not read his expression but his posture was rigid. Maybe things got more and more complex after I left. I slowed my pace and lagged behind as I tried to get an insight as to why Charles was standing like he was squaring up to someone.

I seemed to have stopped walking entirely because I suddenly feel pain shoot up my bruised arm. Sunshine had grabbed me in the same spot her brother had earlier and attempted to pull me along with her. My face scrunches up in pain as I pull my arm out of her grip. She looked at me baffled while I took my blazer off to inspect my arm.

"Your halfwit brother gave me a bruise this morning. I had completely forgotten about it...until now." I brushed past her and made my way to the kitchen for some ice.

This is more of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it. I get stuck writing some of these chapters so feel free to message me or comment about any story ideas you may have or what you want to see/happen next.

Please do not forget to comment on your thoughts/reactions, add the story to your library, vote, and I humbly accept any gift you give me.

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