
Full Generic Storyline

A teenager hero rises to defeat the king of darkness along with his adventure are new, interesting allies with different kinds of personality and abilities. They travel together to achieve peace and defeat the dark army. Its a full generic storyline what else do you expect?

smartwise02 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Obvious Hero

"Narra is back for another narration!"

[The obvious hero with his obvious magic fire sword skill that you have probably already seen his face on the cover of this novel]

[Are now going to start his journey to fight his obvious enemy the 112th king of darkness]

[He confronts his old grandpa master about his goals in the future]

[They lives in a small house out in the woods that no one could possibly build it except them]

"Old grandpa master! After training with you for years and for wasting my childhood I am now ready to take on a journey and put down to an end to the dark army once and for all!!"

"Very well! But along with your journey don't ever forget to use your ULTIMATE WEAPON!!"

"Is that- FAMILY!!"

"NO!! Beside your parents died in an expected accident and how could you possibly use your family as a weapon"


"NO- Wait! you don't have any friends..."

"Welp, truth hurts.... Then what is it old grandpa master? What is the ULTIMATE WEAPON!?"

"The ultimate weapon is.... FLASHBACKS!!"


"Just remember all those training we had, all the important life lesson I advised to you, those hardships you faced that you almost lost your life!!"

"I get it now!! So this is the ultimate weapon!! Its kinda weird but I think I'm ready to use it!!"

"Thanks old grandpa master I owe you everything ever since my parents left this world you help me get this strong that you'll probably die later on the series so that I'll have a huge character development!!"

"Welp... Truth hurts! Now start your adventure and make some friends so that this series will become more interesting!!"

"Yes! Old grandpa master!"

[He then started his majestic journey aiming to join a hunter's guild on the nearby kingdom to hunt down monsters and earn money legally!]

[While walking on the forest with his way to the nearby kingdom the obvious hero plans his next step]

[The obvious hero suddenly stop moving]

"Wait- are you really going to narrate this whole series? Your like literally describing every detail of the scene"

"Uhhh why not? I have nothing else to do"

"All right! Do whatever you want..."

[And so the obvious hero continues his critical thinking,brainstorming thing]

(Old grandpa master is right... I need to find allies that will help me when a villain suddenly attacks while I'm injured so I'll just block with my arm then close my eyes hoping that someone will save my life)

(because even though I know I'm the main character and I know the author will not let me die that scene is needed to let the side character shine...)

(And another thing is that... one of my allies should be my rival so when the day comes that he'll betray us and fight me to settle our score)

(I'll show him what is the difference between a main character and just a mere side character who just made to look more cool than me so that girls will simp for him)

[After mumbling all those nonsense critical thinking the obvious hero finally reached the nearby kingdom and its called "Nearby Kingdom"...)

"I'm not kidding! Its actually the name of the kingdom!"

[The Obvious hero was amazed by all new common things that a normal human should know when living in this world]

"This nearby kingdom is HUGE!! And what is that stick with a shiny object on top"

[He doesn't even know what a magic staff is! Just how primitive are you! You should go to the academy first!!]

"Wow!!... There are so many things that my old grandpa master haven't told me about!"

[The obvious hero was only taught how to fight! That he's also probably going to be so dense when it comes to romantic feelings with the heroine!!]

"Whoaa.... Cooll!! What is this metal thing that he was wearing!! Oh! A horse is pulling a small house with those swirling things!!This is Incredible!!"

[Unbelievable!! This obvious hero knows what a hunters guild is but doesn't even know what a damn carriage!!]


[After disturbing every merchant and object he encounters he made it to the hunter's guild of the kingdom]

"This is it!! I can now hunt monsters and earn money! That I don't understand why these small piece shiny thing is very important to get anything I want"

[Go to some academy!! You idiot!!]

[The moment the obvious hero enters the guild all hunters were looking at him! Some are tough!, experienced!, professional!]

Granda: "Hey obvious hero!!"

"Hmm? What you need something?"

"I'm here to bully you because you act so naive so I thought I could easily beat you and show my strength to everyone!

but then you beat me instead and the other hunters started to be amazed about how obviously special you are!!"

*Granda strike a straight punch aiming for the obvious hero's head but he easily dodge it with a badass look on his eyes*

(WHAT! Impossible what is wrong with this guy!?)

"Are you done? Now... its my turn!"

*A straight punch right through granda's guts that sends him flying straight the other side of the guild*

[The other hunters were obviously amazed by his obviously given strength]

"What an incredible strength!"

"Who is he!?"

"Is he the next obvious legendary warrior that will obviously save the world according to the prophecy!?"

*The obvious hero walks towards the registration area and passed them like they were nothing just to look more badass*

"I'd like to register as a monster hunter!"

"All right sir! Just sign up this contract and let us test your magical strength just place you hand on this crystal ball and we will immediatly determine your rank on this hunter guild"

"I see so I can change my rank whenever I gained enough magical strength to reach it"

*The obvious hero placed both of his hands on the crystal ball and it started to change its color*

*The registrator were shocked by the result*

(I'm guessing he'll probably gonna say that my magic strength is so weak that I have the lowest rank in the guild)

Your magic strength... is incredibly...

(Here it is...)


"Then why the heck were you surprised for!?"

*The other hunters laughed*

"But sir! its rare to see a normal magic strength sometimes its just so weak and sometimes the magic is incredibly strong but for you Its just basically normal so you really are special!"

"Anyway, I guess its not that bad to start as a normal hunter..."

*The obvious hero finished signing the contract and went out to start hunting "normal" monsters*

"Sorry obvious hero... but i lied, in this crystal ball is a color i have never seen before"

"It shows a black color which is really odd..."

Narra: "Wait... What happened? What is thing that describes the scene? Its supposed to be my job... right?...."