
Full Generic Storyline

A teenager hero rises to defeat the king of darkness along with his adventure are new, interesting allies with different kinds of personality and abilities. They travel together to achieve peace and defeat the dark army. Its a full generic storyline what else do you expect?

smartwise02 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

A Place To Stay

[The day has now come to an end.After hours of walking of looking around the kingdom. The obvious hero along with her heroine finally found the best place they could rent]

"I think this is the most appropriate place we could stay for a while"

"Yeah...? You shoud've just said that "this is the last possible place we could stay for a while..."

"Well, we don't have a choice! Every "thing" we went to asked completesly ignores us" said by the hero with an uncomfortable look.

"The "thing" is what we call rent house"

"Oh... rent house that another new word for me"

"What are we waiting for? Let's ask them if we could stay for at least a night"

*When they entered, the first thing they saw is a teenager with a black messy hair, sharp eyes that seems to be the obvious rival for the hero sitting right in front of the door*

"Welcome! Obvious Hero! I would gladly serve you while you enjoy your stay"

"You looks and personality doesn't match"

"Hero! *whispers*remember this is the last place we could asked for...*

"Sorry for his rudeness you seem a kind person thanks for welcoming us"

"Of course! my character was meant to be an edgy one but It just doesn't work for me except when I'm using it as a persona"

"I see... Hmm... You look cooler... More handsome I guess... looks about the same age as mine... your the perfect rival for me!!What do you think!"

"I knew it! Your looking for someone that can rival you so that you can prove the difference between the protagonist and what not!"

"Ho- how did you know!"

"I didn't expect for the hero who defeated the king of darkness by making him bald is such a simple minded person!"

The hero was confused."Wait how did you know?"

"I actually want to meet with you that day to join your journey or adventure stuff but then the king of darkness shows up out of nowhere so I decided to hide"

The heroine doesn't want to be left out of the conversation so she swifly joins in, "Then... why didn't you approach us after the fight"

"After seeing the hero battle like that i just... Can't stop LAUGHING HAHAHAHAHAH!!"

*The two were shocked by his sudden change in personality*

"This guys is insane"

"Well, heres the rival you wanted"

After settling down the rival offered something, "Anyway, I was really expecting you guys so I prepared a decent dinner for all of us..."

The hero's face change from disappointment to delightness, "You know what.. your not bad at all!"

"Do you own this place?",said by the heroine.

"Nah, I just work here. Boss went out to do some urgent business thingy"

Obvious Hero: "Whoaaa...! Did you cook all of these?"

The rival replied with a smug look on his face, "Of course! I'm a pretty good chef ya know"

The two didn't waste any more time they know that this is the only opportunity for them to fill their empty stomach.

Heroine: "No way... This is so good!! I like how theres so many different food here from seafood to meat! I want to stay here forever!.

"You seem like you haven't eaten for days!"

Timid Heroine: "You'll miss a really decent food after eating dozens of monsters like that"

*The hero started eating too*

Rival: "I'm surprised your kinda eating normally"

"What...? You want me to eat "differently?"

"Nah, not at all. Its just I'm expecting you more to eat like a monsters! devour all meat! something like that."

"Wha- what?You want me to eat like her?

*Casually points on the heroine*

"Hmmm! So good!"

"If eat like that my old grandpa master will literally smack me right in the face",said by the hero with an uncomfortable look.

*He imagines the way he's granda smack him*

{Such a disrespectful manner!}


"I see... Oh right, this full dinner service will roughly cost 200 gold pieces."

*Moment of silence for the two*

"YOU TRICKED US!!",said by the heroine with a full mouth.

"I mean... I didn't say it was free!"

Surprisingly, the hero was actually calm about this,

"So that's how it is... You deliberately made all the other rent house to completely ignore us so that we'll be lured right on this place.

"Then now you can charge us by using this full dinner service since were already starving after walking for hours. After that, you'll divide that 200 gold pieces with the other rent house owners who rejected us."

Both: (What's this? The hero is acting smart?)

Rival: "Yeah... Well, you caught me red-handed! but it doesn't change the fact that you still gonna have to pay for this."

"Fine... 200 gold pieces its no big deal."

*The hero grabs the bag of coin and puts it on the table*

"I'm actually prepared for this kind of situation"

The rival was astounded, (What? The gold pieces were already in a bag?)

Rival: "All right... Thanks (This man is sharper than I thought. He's just supposed to be a naive hero who likes nothing but fighting, eating, training or some other weird things)

Rival: "Your looks and personality doesn't match at all!"

"Backfired", said by the hero with a confident look.

Rival: (Wait... This is his revenge when I mocked him earlier?)

"Incredible, So this is what its mean to have a rival"

The "edgy rival" inside him has finaly awaken,(Your maybe the protagonist but I can still surpass you...)

I! Wryan T. Arino! Shall be the obvious hero's rival!!

"You don't have to say it out loud Its kinda cringe..."

The heroine had finally spoken, "Were all cringe here!"

Obvious Hero: "Uhh... wheres all the food?"

*The heroine looks away*

"Maybe theres a thief somewhere"

"Yeah its your guts!"

*Wryan chuckles about how the two interacts to each other*

"Your more than welcome to stay in this place as long as you want. A whole month will cost exactly 100 gold pieces."

Obvious Hero: "That's more cheaper than what I anticipated"

"The girl fell asleep"

"Oh Laria...? I knew it! she does sleep after eating too much. Can you guide us to our room?


"Wait your sharing a room?"

"Why not?"

"No no no!! I'm going to put you two in separate rooms that's dangerous ya know"

"I'm not that kind person, Wryan. I just thought that maybe its more convinient if we use the same room but don't worry I won't go against you"

"Your a lot more mature than what I imagined,Norean" said by the rival with a calm face

"Then reverse all your expectations to me like what I did to you!"

*The two both smiles on each other*

[On that night, the hero found his "worthy?" rival and a new cozy place to stay]