
Lavish Gifts

After the banquet evening had come to a close, Aerin safely sent me back to my home without any issues. However, I couldn't say that our relationship hadn't changed because of the events of that evening. For one, the fact that Aerin knows that I now have capacity for sexual desire is a game changer in and of itself. But the manner in which everything unfolded could have other unexpected repercussions.

But for now, all Aerin did was send me back home and even give me a cheerful smile before sending me off.

The next few days were.. peaceful. My next lesson was up in two days, and I was set to learn about sound magic under Aerin again. However, for now, I was at home with my family.


With all three of us: Mom, Celine, and me; seated at the living room, reading the newspaper, we all heard a knock resound from the front door. Immediately, Mom was the one to go up and answer.

"Hello– …!?" Mom opened the door to ask, but was briefly taken aback by the professional looking servant that stood by our doorstep. "uhm, how may I help you?" Mom asked.

The servant in question was a woman, dressed smartly not as you would expect from a maid but more akin to a secretary. She had her hair pulled back and tied to tight bun behind her head. Then on her left hand, she held a heavy leather suitcase.

"Is this the residence of Maelriel, pupil of Aerin Incaross?" asked the woman.

"Riel?" My mother repeated, surprised. "Yes, he lives here. I'm his mother."

"Good morning ma'am, we have a parcel addressed to your son from Her Royal Highness," the woman said perfunctorily, before pointing to the large leather suitcase on her hand.

"From the princess?" Mom gasped.

Her words caught my sister's attention from the living room. My mother reached out to accept the parcel on my behalf, but the servant refused, stating firmly, "The princess has made specific orders to only give the parcel to Maelriel himself."

My mother's eyebrows raised in surprise. "May I ask what is in the parcel?" she inquired.

The servant responded politely but firmly, "I apologize ma'am, but I do not have that information. I was only instructed to deliver the parcel into Sir Maelriel's hands directly upon his return home."

My mother paused thoughtfully. Then she called out loudly, "Riel! Come quickly, someone is here to see you."

I immediately rose from my seat and walked over to the doorway. As soon as the servant laid eyes on me, she bowed her head slightly in respect.

"Good day sir," she greeted me politely. "I have been sent by Her Royal Highness Princess Sofys with a parcel for you."

I already had a rough idea for what it could be. After all, during the banquet, the princess had said that she would be sending me 'some' monetary aid. So I bowed my head in return. "Thank you for delivering it in person. Please, come inside while I retrieve the parcel."

However, the servant shook her head. "I've been instructed to only hand over the parcel and this letter." She produced an envelope bearing the imperial seal.

Her words caused Celine's eyes to narrow slightly as she eyed the letter with distaste. The servant continued, "The princess said you should read the letter in private."

She held out the envelope. As I took it, Celine's frown deepened as though the letter were something unpleasant.

I thanked the servant and she took her leave. However, Celine's expression did not escape my notice. I turned to her. "Is something wrong?"

She shrugged casually. "No, why would anything be wrong?" But her tone was clipped.

From the side, Mom didn't notice Celine's behavior and curiously asked, "What's inside? Why did the princess give you something?" However, I didn't answer for now. Instead, I hurried to put the suitcase on the table and open it.


"Is this...?"

Gasps came out from both Mother and Celine as they realized what was inside.

The moment we opened the suitcase, a golden light was reflected into our eyes. Inside, packaged carefully in cushioned wrappings, were two solid gold bars weighing roughly one bullion each. My jaw dropped at the sight of so much wealth piled into one parcel.

"Is it really gold?" exclaimed my mother.

Sitting atop the gold were other gifts from the princess – an engraved silver pocket watch, a jeweled pendant, and a finely crafted wooden box inlaid with mother-of-pearl.

Celine's frown deepened as she saw the extravagant presents. Though she tried to hide it, her jealousy was evident. My mother, however, was both delighted and confused at the princess' generosity.

"Why would the princess gift you such a small fortune?" Mom asked in disbelief.

"I..." Obviously, I knew why but I didn't expect her 'monetary gift' to be this lavish. This is too much no? From what I knew, the Mozart himself only received a basic salary. This is akin to a fortune in an of itself.

"I played music for the princess at the banquet. She seemed to enjoy it greatly." I explain and give them a brief rundown of the patronage system where wealthy patrons sponsor and take prestige from their protege's achievements. Obviously, the princess either must've really seen some great potential in me or she's just this lavish with her gifts normally.

"Still, isn't this a bit much?" Celine asked, eyeing the extravagant presents.

At her words, I couldn't help but agree as I put away the suitcase into somewhere more secure. Any news of a gold bar can attract unwanted attention from undesired people. Aerin's words about people underestimating the amount of money wealthy people are willing to squander rang even more true.

Once that was all done and I was somewhere more private, only then did I open the princess's letter. It was actually fairly short, as compared to what other people of this time would usually write.

"I trust this letter finds you well. I sincerely hope you have received the small gifts I sent in deep appreciation for your fine musical performance at the recent royal banquet.

The peace and happiness your melodies brought to the hall that evening remain in my memory. It had only been but a few days but I already find myself longing for the delight of your music, if you are willing to indulge this tired princess.

Of late, my numerous duties weigh heavy upon me and rest evades more nights than not. I was wondering if your skilled hands upon the piano or lyre might again weave soothing melodies to calm my troubled mind and allow sleep to return.

If you are able to oblige my request, send word at your convenience and I shall make arrangements for you to play for me in the comfort and privacy of my personal chambers.

I await your reply and remain, as always, your new humble yet ardent admirer of your extraordinary talents."

"Does everyone always sound so dramatic in their letters?" I couldn't help but wonder.

I remember Aerin's letter to me a few months ago and it was just as flowery as this one. From the way they spoke, I would think we were some romantic poet talking to their lovers but that couldn't be further from the truth.

She even added a note at the end, saying: "P.S. Please accept any additional gifts that accompany this letter as tokens of my high esteem for your talents, but never feel obligated by them. Your music itself is reward enough for this one's heart"

As I finished reading, a voice behind me said skeptically, "Sounds like you really impressed her if she's asking you to play in her bedroom."

"…?" I looked back in surprise only to see that Celine was actually standing behind me, reading the letter as well with squinted eyes over my shoulder.

Huh? I didn't even notice that she'd already crept up behind me. It's not like my attention was all focused at the letter that I couldn't hear anything else. But she somehow evaded all my senses and had appeared behind me without me ever noticing.

"It's not like that," I assured her. "The princess just wants soothing music to help her sleep."

Celine nodded calmly. "Of course, how silly of me." Celine placed a hand on my arm, her grip gently squeezing. "I'm sure the princess means no ill will," she said lightly. "After all, you have no reason to visit her bedroom, do you?"

Her expression was neutral but her eyes were watchful. Only when we heard Mom's voice calling for me downstairs, did the situation end. Though I can't say it's for the better.

"Riel, another person's looking for you.." said Mom with furrowed brows as she called for me in the stairs.

"Another?" I couldn't help but utter in surprise. I just received the first one half an hour earlier, and I already have one more? I mean I already have a faint idea whose it from, but.. Was there some schedule that required all deliveries to me to be done so early in the morning? For both of them to arrive in the same day, within the same hour too.

This isn't planned is it?

I walked over to our doorstep and saw this time, a butler. From his demeanor, he didn't seem like one of the ordinary servants as well. He had a refined poise to himself, meaning that he was a person of certain station within his household.

"Your are Sir Maelriel, I presume?" he asked respectfully.

"Yes. That's me," I answer. ",and you are?"

The butler bowed solemnly and said, "I am a butler of the Rosenthal family." he introduced himself. "The mistress, Countess Eloise Rosenthal, has commanded that I deliver this parcel to you directly.

He then presented an ornately engraved leather satchel, inlaid with magical sigils. The high quality materials and the fact that she sent her own butler, showed the importance the Countess placed on delivering the parcel safely.

I thanked the butler and saw him out. My family looked on curiously as I opened the satchel.

Inside was an extremely generous amount of money. Not exactly the gold bars that the princess had given me, but it was certainly no small value as well. About a few thousand Curonnes all in all, in the form of gold coins. It was about twice the salary of the average worker in Elban.

However, the Countess's gift lies not in the money but the other things that were packed alongside it.

Besides the gold coins, there were a couple other items: One of them was a book or tome, however you want to call it. It a book about mana refinement, the circuit in the body, and etc. Things that give a deeper look about the relationship between magic and one's body.

I suppose she chose this after she used her special eyes to discern that I had considerable talent in magic.

Compared to the princess's gift of only utter lavishness, the Countess has clearly put a lot more thought into her gift.

Besides that, there was a jeweled music box and intricately carved flute, gifts carefully selected to complement my musical talents. However, the most special was a ring wrapped in velvet. The silver ring held a tear-drop shaped ruby, cut so perfectly it seemed impossible – more like liquid trapped within solid stone.

But most notable was the ring's powerful magical aura. When worn, it emanated a strange warmth, as though filled with living essence. I've never felt something like this towards an object before.

This time, even Mom was eyeing me suspiciously. "Where are all these gifts coming from" Her tone was skeptical. "What did you do there that made these women give you these things?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mom somehow thinks I was able to charm the two of them into lavishing me with these gifts. Oh how I wish that was actually the case. Not everyone's a pervert Mom.

I replied innocently, "I simply played music for them at the banquet and they took a liking to it. Though I must admit, the gifts seem...excessive."

"It is.." replied Mom, looking deep in thought. "Let's not talk about the gold, but giving away a magical artifact is an act of extreme generosity."

So that confirms it, this is a magical artifact.. Though I wonder what kind.

From the side, I can see that Celine's face had already turned cold to the point of being frozen. Those pair of ink black eyes were staring at the gifts I had received as though they were the most repulsive things on this world.

Just to calm her down a little, I gave my older sister's plump ass a little smack. "Hinh!?" she yelped in surprise. It was just enough so that Mom wouldn't hear it. "What are you doing?" she whispered under her breath.

"What are you getting so grumpy for?" I asked back. "I just played at the banquet. I do it all the time with my teacher and you're fine with that."

Celine raised an eyebrow at my words but didn't pursue the topic any further. However, I heard her quietly mutter: "Who said anything about me being fine with your teacher?"

After a short while and making sure I was alone, only then did I read the letter that was also sent alongside the parcel.

"I trust this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Knowing Her Royal Highness's generous nature, I felt confident you would lack for no material necessity, and thus resolved to gift you items more suited to your artistic temperament.

Though I have requested much in asking you to guide my wayward son onto the proper path, no amount of motherly advice can truly reform a man; only the wisdom of a friend he respects can effect real change.

The ring I sent is imbued with a power to strengthen fingers prone to numbness from long hours of practice. Its power reaches deep within the flesh, encouraging proper blood flow to any part of the body.

While wealth can only do so much, wisdom and virtue truly uplift the spirit. I regret imposing upon your goodwill yet again, but the fate of my son weighs heavy on this mother's heart. If you have any request or need in order to fulfill my wish, then please write to me in a letter and I will make sure that it come to pass.

Should you feel unable or unwilling to aid him further, I shall of course understand. But if you are so inclined, please know you would redeem this mother's hopes and win my eternal gratitude.

Yours most sincerely,

Countess Eloise Rosenthal"

"I see.. so that's what the ring does," I nodded in understanding.

However, it made me wonder. If this is a magical artifact, then what kind of magic was needed in order to get such an effect? Suddenly, the blood-red ruby started to look more ominous than pretty. I wondered if it was even a ruby in the first place.

Why would the Countess possess something that is considered heretical? Especially since Aerin told me she was very devout to the goddess.


I push those thoughts aside and focused on the other matter written in the Countess's letter: getting closer to her son. To be honest, I already have something in mind but first I have to ask Mom and Celine if they're up for it.

Going downstairs to the living room, I ask: "Mom, sis. Are you fine with going out camping some time next week?"

"Camping?" Celine tilts her head at the unfamiliar word. "What's that?"

Mom looked like she had heard of the term 'camp' before but never really heard it being used as a verb. ""You mean setting up camp? Living in tents like soldiers?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "We sort of like, remove ourselves from the city for a time, living simply and communing with nature."

But of course, this isn't the 21st century where going 'camping' is seen as like this fun retreat activity. Back on Earth, where a lot of people have lived their entire lives on the cities, seeing nothing but urban pollution and dull skyscrapers, going back to nature seems like a great luxury.

However, for the people of this era, simpler lives mean harder lives. Modern comforts are coveted, wilderness viewed as harsh and unforgiving. It doesn't make sense to willingly go back and make things harder for yourself, especially when everyone's dying to live in the big cities and urban areas.

Thus, the reaction was rather lukewarm. Mom especially appeared like she did not comprehend the appeal of willingly returning to conditions she had experienced while marching in the army.

Of course, that's only because her idea of a camp and mine is completely different.

"I'm not really sure," Mom said hesitantly, her brow furrowing slightly as if she was struggling to understand the appeal of camping. "Living in tents, cooking over a fire... sounds like a lot of hassle when we have perfectly good beds and a stove at home."

Celine, however, perked up at the idea. "I do miss the countryside a little," she responded eagerly. "In about a month, I'll be busy studying so some time together would be appreciated."

I smiled at Celine's interest. "I think so too," I told her. "Wouldn't this also be a good way for us to reconnect with nature?" I asked. "Our elven ancestors lived close to the forest, in harmony with the earth. Camping could help us reconnect with out roots"

Celine's eyes lit up. "That does sound nice," she agreed. "Living simply, under the open sky." She turned to Mom. "What do you think? Might be a fun experience, right?"

Mom hesitated, still looking unconvinced. But then she glanced at Celine's hopeful face and my expectant one, and her expression softened. "I suppose an adventure once in a while wouldn't hurt," she relented with a smile. "Alright, let's give camping a try."

"But.. where would we go though?" Mom asked.

"Don't worry, I'll plan for that." I smile as I started thinking of how should I bring this up to the Countess.