
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

Grimm_48 · Televisi
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The next day Scott starts his new job working for the Portland police department and is meeting Sean Renard, who is happy to accept him to their force, knowing that Nick suggested the young man for their department.

The captain assigns him to ride with Wu, since he's one of their best officers and works the closest with the grimm.

"Seargent Wu." Sean Renard says, opening his office's door and the asian officer walks over to it, entering.

"This is our new recruit Scott McCall. I thought it'd be good if you can take him under your wing." Sean says, Scott holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Sure. No problem. Say, haven't I seen you before?" Wu asks, shaking his hand.

"Yeah right, we have. You had some kind of allergic reaction and I helped Nick bring you to your home once you were healed up." Scott says.

"Right. That happened." Wu says remembering the incident not that fondly.

"Anyways, come on. Let me give you a tour." Wu says, leading Scott out of the office.

The two quickly hit it off, once Scott joins Wu in verbally trading blows with Nick and Hank.

After his shift Scott goes home, wondering if he should go by Rosalee's shop which is on the way, but decides not to visit yet.

Opening his door he is surprised to see that the light is on in his apartment and drawing his gun, he enters looking around for any intruders.

Once he cleared the hallway with catlike sneakiness he sees Rosalee lying on his couch with a blanket over herself.

"Phew." He sighs relaxed and holsters his gun, closing his front door and walks back into his living room, looking at Rosalee confused, wondering why she's in his home.

But he decides to let her rest after her condition yesterday.

Once he's changed into street clothes Scott starts cooking, making some simple noodles with tomato sauce and shortly before he's finished making his meal he hears Rosalee awake from her sleep.

"Hey. How long have you been here? You were already sleeping when I arrived." Scott says, focusing on his food though.

"What time is it?" She asks, sitting up on the couch.

"Around 6 o'clock." Scott answers, getting a bowl and fills it with a serving of the food.

He sticks a fork in it and brings it over to the small tv table in front of his couch.

"You want some?" He asks, placing the bowl in front of her.

"Thanks." She says, smiling at him before it falls again and she starts digging in, an awkward mood coming off the woman.

"So, why are you here?" Scott asks, getting himself some food and sits down across from her on the floor, starting to eat his meal.

"I wanted to explain." She says guiltily.

"Munroe and I have been together for about 2 months." Rosalee confesses.

"Rosalee, we broke up because of that. I wanted to you to have the freedom to date whoever you want." Scott tells her.

"So you aren't mad?" She asks.

"No. If anything I'm disappointed, but that's it." Scott answers calmly.

"Disappointed? So you do still..." she starts to say.

"Doesn't matter." Scott interrupts her, shaking his head, the room filling up with uncomfortable silence.

"Are you guys happy?" He asks, looking over to her.

"Yes. It's been great so far." Rosalee answers with a kind smile.

"Good. That's all I need to know." Scott replies.

"So, how's my cooking? I only cooked for my mom and well she wasn't that impressed by it." Scott asks.

"It's... edible." Rosalee says grinning teasingly.

"Dumb female tastebuds." Scott murmurs with a pout.

"How's your new job?" Rosalee asks him amused by his childish reaction.

"Too soon to tell I think. But I'm working with Wu. You know, that guy you saved who ate some magic cookie or something." Scott says.

"Right. What is he like?" Rosalee asks.

"He's quite funny and definitely can teach me a lot." Scott answers.

The two continue to chat for a bit before Rosalee bids farewell and heads home.

About a week later Scott has a day off, but hears about the case Nick and Hank are working on and decides to join them since wesen are involved, the three plus Wu standing at the marina in front of a houseboat.

"Sir, we're with Portland PD and we're investigating a drowning." Nick tells an middle aged man standing in front of the houseboat they tracked the missing phone, of one of the two guys who got attacked to.

"Really? I didn't hear anything. Who drowned?" The man asks.

"May I have your name?" Nick asks.

"Abel Mahario. What's this about?" He answers.

"There is a cellphone stolen from a victim by the river and the signal led us here. Do you mind if we look inside?" Hank informs him.

"I told you, I don't know whoever drowned and I've done nothing wrong. You must be mistaken." Abel tells them.

"That should be easy enough to find out. I'll call the stolen cellphone right now." Wu says and the group hears a ringing from aboard the houseboat.

"We're going inside Sir." Nick tells him, entering the boat with Hank.

The two follow the ringing to under a seat cushion.

"How did that get here huh?" Hank asks, bagging his find.

"The girl on the left looks like the one who ran away." Nick tells Hank, picking up a framed picture.

"Let's find out what's going on." Hank says and the two head outside.

"Do you mind explaining how this cellphone got in your house?" Hank asks Abel accusingly.

"I have no idea how it got there." Abel says.

"This girl, is she your daughter?" Nick asks pointing at the younger, dark-haired girl in the picture he picked up.

"Yeah, why? Elly didn't do anything." Abel insists.

"She may have been in the area around where the drowning took place." Nick tells him.

"We'd like to talk to her and know if she saw anything." Hank says.

"Well, you can't talk to her. She's deaf. So unless one of you can sign..." The man tells them.

"I can read sign langue." Scott says.

"Yeah, even so, I don't know where she is at the moment." Abel tells them.

"Guys, these are the girls I was telling you about. Sarah and Anna." Jake, the victim tells Hank and Nick, having seen the girl arrive from the car and tried to talk to them.

"Alright, who was with Dan?" Hank asks.

"Anna. I was with Sarah." Jake answers, pointing at the respective girl.

"I don't know what he's talking about." Anna says, feigning ignorance.

"Alright. Let's see ids. And where were you yesterday?" Hank tells them annoyed.

"Are you crazy?" Jake says shocked.

"Hey. What the hell is going on here." Someone asks, two guys just arriving at the marina.

"This is a police investigation. Just keep walking." Wu tells them, the two giving him a pissed off look.

"Alright last chance. What were you doing yesterday and how did this cellphone get here?" Hank asks, but is met with silence however.

"Alright. You're coming with us to the precinct then." Nick says, waving for Wu to take them to his police car.

While the group is talking Scott picks up a sound and glances over to the water where the sound originated from, seeing the top of a dark-haired girl and a blue glow at the water's edge.

After Nick, Hank and Wu left with the two girls Scott hangs around, looking at the other houseboats from outside.

Hearing the sound in the water follow him he steps closer to the edge of the docks, the girl in the water looking up at him panicking.

"Hey you. What are you doing? These boats are private property." One of two guys says aggressively, walking by behind him.

"Nothing. Just wanted to see if you could fish here or not." Scott lies, making a shushing motion to the girl, who nods.

"Piss off." Is his reply from the two guys and Scott points over to her home, unseen by the two and walks up the pier, to the other boats, coming aboard the one of the two sisters Nick took with him for questioning.

"What are you doing here again?" The father asks defensively.

"I wanted to meet your daughter. Don't worry. I promise I just want to talk to her." Scott says.

The father then hears a set of feet touch down on his deck and is relieved and worried at the same time to see his daughter step onto the boat.

"Hi, you must be Elly." Scott says, signing it as he speaks, having learned to read sign language from Deaton.

"Hello. Thank you for not telling the others where I am." Elly signs.

"You're welcome." He says, attempting to sign it but messes up.

"I guess my signing isn't same as my reading sign langue level." Scott says a bit embarrassed.

"You signed you're glad." Elly's father says, looking like the wreck of a man.

"Can you tell me what happened at the beach?" Scott asks, Elly looking at her father who shakes his head 'no', which she then mirrors.

"Alright. Thanks anyways." Scott says, while signing to her 'meet me at the other docks.' hidden from her father.

Scott then bids the two farewelll and gets off the dock, heading to the one on the other street side. When he's there he looks around until Elly pulls herself halfway out of the water on the dock, sitting on the wooden planks, gills and eyes glowing.

"Cool." Scott tells her, sitting down next to her.

"My sisters didn't do it." Elly signs.

"Then who did?" Scott asks.

"The two boys you hid me from." She signs.

"Those douches? Are you sure? And are they naiads too?" Scott asks surprised.

"Yes." She signs.

"Yes to everything?" Scott asks when she doesn't continue.

She nods timidly while looking at him curiously.

"How do you know Wesen?" She signs.

"I am one." He answers, woging for her and she immediately dives into the water, not reappearing during the next 5 minutes Scott looks for her.

He then leaves, calling Nick and informs him about the new information.

That evening Elly visits the guy she saved and has a crush on. Meanwhile her father tries to trade his life for his daughters by giving a full confession foe the crimes, the two girls skin already starting to become flaky and peel.

Elly waits for Jake in his apartment and he thanks her for saving him, telling her that the police wants to talk to her.

She shakes her head at this and pulls him outside to his pool, taking off her top she jumps into the water, a blue glow coming from her and she swims around like a torpedo before emerging from the water, looking at him with hope and affection.

"What are you? Are you some kind of mutant?" He asks afraid, stepping backwards, but gets knocked out by the two naiad men looking for her.

Some time later he regains consciousness and calls Nick, telling him what happened.

Nick and Hank tell the sisters in the holding cell that their sister is in danger and they confess that the two naiad men were responsible for the murder.

Nick, Hank and the sisters hurry to the marina and Hank calls Scott down there as well.

All of them arrive almost simultaneously and hurry to the houseboat, where shouting can be heard.

"Police, stop what you're doing and come out of the boat." Nick shouts.

The shouting stops and a splash is heard before the two men come to the pier.

"I'll look what they tossed over." Scott whispers to Nick, tossing away his shirt and kicking off his sneakers before jumping in the water before Nick and Hank get attacked by the two men, but easily contain them and arrest them while the sisters rush onto their boat looking for Elly but see ko sign of her.

Meanwhile Scott is swimming through the water, struggling to see anything but once he's on the other side of the boat he manages to spot a light shimmer which dies down moments later.

He swims over to it and finds Elly unconscious, blood on her head with a rope tying her feet to an anker, keeping her on the ocean floor.

Scott woges and starts slashing at the rope, managing to sever it after 5 or six swipes.

He grabs onto the girl at most a year younger than him and swims to the surface as fast as possible, bringing her to the pier and starting to give her cpr, the naiad waking up and couching out water seconds after he started.

"Good work Scott." Nick praises him, patting his shoulder, before leading away the two naiad men.

"We should get her to a hospital." Scott tells Elly's two sisters who rush over from the boat.

Elly signs that she doesn't need one however.

"Are you sure? It looks like they bonked you over your head pretty good." Scott tells her and she nods before getting pulled into a hug by her sisters, who kneel down next to her.

When Scott is about to leave a wet, slender hand grabs his wrist and he looks at Elly confused.

The girl gets released from her sisters hug and signs "please stay."

Scott looks over to Nick and Hank who are already in their car, driving the two men to the station.

"Fine." Scott says, attempting to sign it, but signs something different is Elly's amused smile is anything to go by. She covers his hands with hers and points at her eyes then his lips, signaling him to talk and that she'll read his lips.

"Thank you for saving our sister." He hears Elly's blonde sister say gratefully.

"I'm just glad I found her in time. I didn't know it gets so dark in the water at night. It was like swimming in a pool of black." Scott says.

"Come on Elly, we should get you inside. Dad will probably get released soon too." Anna says and Elly nods, about to stand up but Scott beats her to the punch, carrying her in a bridal hold, following the sisters to Elly's room where he lies her down gently and is about to go, with her attempting to tell him to stay, but only a faint sound comes from her.

"I'll come right back." He promises, going outside to fetch his shirt and shoes before going back inside the boat.

"You can go home if you want to. We can take care of Elly now." One of the sisters says when Scott comes back inside.

"She wants me to stay. I don't know why but if that helps her get comfortable, I'm fine with it." Scott tells them.

"Thank you." The brunette girl says, hugging him and gives him a peck on his cheek.

Scott then goes back inside Elly's room and sits down on a chair, putting his dry clothes on the floor next to it.

Looking at the girl in the bed he smiles contently, she being the first person he saved on the job.

"You're the first person I helped you know. I've only been a cop for a week or two." Scott tells her.

Seeing her look glum and close to tears he gets worried.

"Should I get your sisters? Does your head hurt?" He asks, leaning over her to get a better look at the wound and see if she's bleeding, but there's no fresh blood.

"I'm sorry." Elly signs.

"Sorry? You saved that guy from drowning two days ago. You have nothing to be sorry for." Scott tells her.

"I was mean to you." She signs.

"You mean when you ran away after I woged?" He asks, Elly nodding with a guilty expression.

"That's fine. I'm used to it and barely anyone looks as beautiful as you when woged." Scott tells her, making Elly blush.

"You like how I look as a wesen?" She signs, looking at him shyly.

"Yeah. You're very pretty. Although I only caught a glimpse." He says.

The naiad then woges, her blue glowing eyes staring up at him.

"Wow." Scott says transfixed by her beauty and caresses her cheek without realizing it, Elly leaning into his touch with a happy smile and holds his warm hand against her skin.

Hearing noise from behind them Scott snaps out of his trance and pulls his hand back.

"Do you need something? Dad's on his way back now Elly." Sarah asks, while signing it.

Elly shakes her head no as a reply.

"Do you want something?" She asks Scott, who also shakes his head.

The two then get left alone again.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or something." He tells her, fumbling with his fingers nervously.

She shakes her head and places her hand on his bare chest with a coy smile.

"Wow. Your webbing is way softer than I would have imagined." He tells her grinning while tracing a finger over the skin connecting her fingers.

"Ahem. Anyways I should probably go and let you get some rest." Scott says standing up.

"Wait." She signs, moving to a sitting position and pulls her phone out of her bedside table, laying it on her bed, singing "can I have your number?" before holding the phone out for him.

"Sure. Why, do you often get in trouble around here?" Scott asks, putting his number in her phone before handing his to her along with her own one while he puts on his shirt and shoes, cringing when his still damp foot wiggles around in the shoe uncomfortably.

Once she put her number in his phone she hands it back to him and signs "No. But I would like to see you again."

"You do?" He asks surprised.

"I still look like this. Just because I saved you from drowning it doesn't change who and what I am." Scott says, woging, his yellow glowing eyes searching hers as she woges, staring back at him with her light blue eyes.

Elly slowly stands up, exploring his cheek's fur with her hand and smiles.

"It's not that bad." She says but then looks at him quizzical.

"What is it?" He asks, turning human again.

She then closes their distance quickly and kisses him softly.

"I didn't know how to kiss you woged." She signs with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess that would be hard." He chuckles.

"See you soon." He says and signs, although messing up and singing "see you yesterday."

Elly giggling quietly and lies back down.