
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

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9 Chs

loosing control

|A week later|

Rosalee is entering her shop and closes the door behind herself but before she can reach for the closed sign to turn it over someone grabs her from behind, putting a hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming for help. Panicking Rosalee stomps on the foot of the assailant and thrusts her elbow into the attacker's chest with enough force to make him stumble backwards and land on the floor. She immediately reaches for the door to flee outside and get help until she hears a familiar voice calling her name. Looking back at the attacker she sees her old friend Ian lying on the floor with a blood-soaked spot on his jacket.

"Ian? My god, what happened to you?" She asks worriedly, rushing over to him and seeing that he's been shot.

"I've to get you to a hospital." Rosalee says, reaching for her phone.

"No, no, if they find out where I am I'm as good as dead. Where's Freddy?" Ian tells her, reaching for her arm to stop her from dialing.

"Freddy was killed in a robbery a couple weeks ago." Rosalee informs him.

"Freddy was supposed to have some papers for me. That's why I'm here." Ian replies.

"What papers?" Rosalee questions.

"A new identity." Ian says.

"Who's trying to kill you?" Rosalee asks him, knowing that he's in danger since he's the leader of the resistance.

"It's better if you don't know. I should get out of here." Ian says and tries to stand up, but collapses from the pain spreading in his shoulder, where he's been shot.

"You're not going anywhere like this, let me help you up." Rosalee says and helps him stand and brings him over to the bed in the back of the shop, lying him down on it.

"I'm going to give you something for the pain and get some help." Rosalee tells him, going back to the main room where she fetches some pain medication and gets out her phone, calling Monroe and Scott, telling them to come to the shop as fast as possible.

About 20 minutes later Scott is knocking on the door of the Tea Shop and Monroe opens the door for him a few seconds later.

"Monroe? What is going on?" Scott asks, entering the shop with Monroe locking it behind him hurriedly.

"Scott, oh am I glad you are here. I need your help." Rosalee says going over to the two and motioning them to follow her to the back.

"Ian, this is Scott. He'll help you." Rosalee says, bringing Scott and Monroe over to the almost passed out Ian.

"He is a little young to be a doctor." Ian says, looking at the teen through half lidded eyes.

"He isn't but he'll help me get the bullet out." Rosalee replies.

"What bullet? Why isn't he going to the hospital?" Scott asks confused.

"He can't." Rosalee says, fetching the medical gear in the shop.

"Why?" Scott questions.

"He's on the run and someone tried to kill him. He's the head of the Läufer. A Wesen resistance." Monroe tells him, already having been filled in by Rosalee when he arrived 10 minutes earlier.

"What resistance?" Scott asks surprised.

"That's a bit much to explain now, just he's a good guy." Monroe explains.

"And you trust him? Just cause he said he's part of this Läufer?" Scott asks, doubting the unknown man.

"I know him very well and he's telling the truth. We were together 6 years ago." Rosalee informs Scott.

"What do you need me to do?" Scott asks, taking off his jacket and lying it over an empty chair.

"The wound isn't bad, the bullet didn't go far in. I could get it out, but I might be a little rusty." Rosalee says in an unconvincing tone.

"Alright, I'll do it. Shouldn't be much different from the gunshot wounds I treated on some deers." Scott says, taking the equipment Rosalee took out of her bag.

A few minutes later Scott sterilized the equipment and put on some gloves.

"Alright, Monroe, I'm gonna need you to hold those steady when I tell you to." Scott says, making sure Ian is knocked out by the medicine Rosalee gave Ian.

"OK." Monroe agrees, surprised that he got tasked with it since Rosalee is right next to Scott.

"Here, hold these. I'm gonna get access to the bullet that way." Scott says, giving Monroe the scissor like tool and using the clasps on the front to keep the skin from the entry wound apart.

"Ah yeah, there's the bullet." Scott says, gently feeling with his finger in the wound and then takes another tool with which he pulls out the bullet.

"You can let go now." Scott tells Monroe once he took the bullet out and presses a cloth to the wound to slow down the bleeding.

"Sowing it up with the inside not being healed is a bad idea, so he'll have to deal with a makeshift bandage. He should be glad though, not much to the left and it would've been bad. And I mean dead in a few seconds bad." Scott says, putting a new cloth against the wound and fixing it to Ian's skin with tape.

"Shouldn't we call Nick? I mean if someone's trying to kill that guy…" Monroe suggests, but before anyone can answer Ian wakes up with Rosalee taking his hand for support and both of them woging and Ian basically purring while Scott decides to leave and wash his hands with Monroe looking after the teen concerned, knowing about his feeling for Rosalee.

Meanwhile Nick has been set on the case involved with Ian's shooting and assumes that Ian is the shooter, since the actual shooter left Ian's passport at the scene of another shooting in a bar.

|three hours later|

Ian has recovered enough to be able to sit up properly, having his arm in a sling which Rosalee had lying around.

"Drink this." Rosalee says, giving Ian a cup of tea.

"I hope you warned your friends that it could be very dangerous wherever I am." Ian says, accepting the cup and looking at Scott and Monroe.

"I think We'll be fine." Scott says in a darker voice, woging while rolling his head, revealing what Wesen he is.

"Uh, you know who else is dangerous to be around? You should meet our friend Nick. He's a friend who uhh…" Monroe says, wanting to suggest them involving him.

"He's a Grimm." Rosalee finishes.

"Are you serious?" Ian asks shocked.

"Yes, very. Look he's not what you've ever heard about." Monroe tells him.

"Monroe's right. He's caught one of the men responsible for killing Freddy and helped me when I first got here and had to deal with the murder." Rosalee informs her former boyfriend.

"And how much did you have to pay this Grimm to go after the man who killed Freddy?" Ian asks, thinking if he can finance hiring a Grimm.

"I didn't have to pay him anything." Rosalee replies.

"Yeah, that's the other shoe. He's a cop. It's the real deal. If you need help in this town he's the man, or Grimm." Monroe reveals.

"Do you know about the resistance?" Ian asks the others.

"Yeah." Monroe answers.

"Do you know who the Verrat send after anyone associated with it?" Ian questions.

"No." Monroe replies.

"Hundjäger." Ian tells them.

"That is so not good." Monroe grumbles.

"What's a Hundjäger?" Scott asks Monroe.

"Rosalee do you trust this Grimm?" Ian asks, ignoring Scott's question.

"I do." Rosalee says.

"Well then put my life in his hands." Ian agrees.

"I'll make the call." Scott says with an annoyed tone, leaving the shop to make the call.

"Burkhardt." Nick answers his cell.

"Hey it's Scott. Can you get down to the Spice Shop asap? There is a man here, a friend of Rosalee's he's been shot and someone's after him." Scott says.

"I'll be right there." Nick replies and hangs up the phone.

"Great." Scott says to himself, looking around himself to check if someone's watching but sees that he's alone and disappears into an alleyway behind the shop.

"Ugh." Scott grunts, hitting the wall opposite to the Spice Shop while his skin is changing into his white and black fur.

"Not now." Scott groans headbutting the wall, creating a decent dent in it while a small trickle of blood flows down his forehead.

He tries to reach for his jacket pocket, but he left the jacket inside the shop so instead he crouches down and rakes his claws over the floor, scratching a small triskele into it, right behind Rosalee's back entrance and focuses on the symbol, trying to calm himself down and stop his woge.

After 3 more minutes of controlling his breathing and staring at the symbol his changes disappear as quickly as they came.

Hearing a car pull up to the front of the Spice Shop Scott hurries out of the alleyway to meet up with Nick.

"Hey, what happened there?" Nick asks, seeing the trail of blood on Scott's forehead.

"Uhh nothing, just bumped my head, anyways. Come inside." Scott lies, leading Nick into the Spice Shop, closing the door behind them.

"He's here." Scott tells the others who are all in the backroom and opens its door, with Nick following him through, immediately raising his gun when he sees Ian.

"Don't move!" Nick yells aiming his gun at Ian with Rosalee shielding him.

"Nick wait." Rosalee says.

"This man's wanted for murder." Nick tells them, keeping his gun aimed at Rosalee and Ian.

"Uhh Nick. I'd put the gun away." Monroe says, looking next to Nick worriedly.

"Why?" Nick asks, glancing to his side where Scott is clutching to the side of the door, his eyes being a bright yellow as they glare at Nick, while white patches of fur appear on his skin.

"What is wrong with him?" Nick asks, aiming at Scott instead.

"I think aiming your gun at Rosalee made Scott loose his cool, but once Nick puts his gun away it's cool right buddy?" Monroe says, slowly making his way over to the teen, to either try to calm him down or contain him as best as he can.

"Alright, gun is going away." Nick says, lowering his gun and slowly putting it away.

Scott's breathing starts to even out and the fur disappears from his arms. He quickly reaches past Monroe for his jacket and hurries out of the shop.

"I'll see where he went." Monroe says, following Scott outside but when Monroe gets there Scott is already down the street and he barely spots him before he turns around a corner.

"This man's passport was next to the bartender he shot." Nick says, keeping his hand on his holster.

"Ian lost his bag when he was shot. The guy who shot him has his passport." Rosalee explains.

"That's what he told you?" Nick questions doubtfully.

"When was this bartender shot?" Rosalee asks while Monroe quietly rejoins the three of them.

"Four hours ago." Nick replies.

"Then it can't be him. We've been with him longer than that." Monroe cuts in.

"He's been here since I opened the Shop this morning." Rosalee explains.

"Clearly he wants you to find me because he can't. That's why he shot the bartender. And if you arrest me now, he'll know exactly where I am." Ian says.

"Well Nick Burkhardt, meet Ian Harmond. Ian, Nick." Monroe introduces the two when Nick lets go of his holster.

"The man trying to kill you what`s his name?" Nick asks.

"Edgard Waltz. He's an enforcer for the Verrat." Ian replies.

"Verrat? I thought they only operated in Europe." Nick asks surprised.

"Their influence is spreading. They occupy positions in power everywhere, anything corruptible they have their hands in." Ian tells them.

"Nick, these guys make the Spanish inquisition look like childsplay and Ian's resistance group is the only thing standing in their way." Monroe informs the Grimm.

"Monroe, where is Scott?" Rosalee asks the Blutbad worriedly.

"I don't know, when I got outside he was already down the block running around the corner." Monroe tells them disappointed.

"OK lets focus on the matter at hand first, we can find out what Scott's freakout was about later. Right now I'm trying to find a murderer." Nick says.

"Roslaee's brother was the last stop for Wesen trying to get out of the country. He was going to help me, get a new identity. But…" Ian says.

"False Documents? Seriously? Look if all this is true, then the most important thing for me to do, is to find this Edgar Waltz." Nick tells them.

"OK, the best thing for you is if you stay in the shop." Nick tells Ian.

"OK." The man agrees.

"Do you know where to get him a new passport?" Nick asks Rosalee.

"Yes, I was looking through some things of my brother and…" Rosalee explains.

"Don't tell me anymore." Nick sighs and leaves the shop.

"Do you think he can find him?" Ian asks Rosalee and Monroe.

"If anyone can, it's Nick." Monroe tells him.

"Anyways, I'll go to Reginald to get the new passport, but first Monroe, what happened with Scott?" Rosalee asks.

"I don't know, he's still young, younger than any of us. Probably has trouble controlling his woge." Monroe says.

"He didn't before, at least not that I saw." Rosalee replies doubtfully.

"He was out there a while when he made the call, maybe something happened? I think he went to the back of the shop." Ian says.

Rosalee goes to the backentrance with Ian and Monroe following and opens the door, looking into the empty alleyway.

"Was that always there?" Monroe asks, pointing out the small and big dent in the wall.

"No." Rosalee replies.

"Oh, Rosalee, take your foot away." Monroe says, seeing something on the floor.

"I know what this is. A triskele." Monroe says, brushing over the carving.

"And what does that mean?" Rosalee asks, closing the door again after making sure no one saw them.

"It's old Wesen stuff. It was used to help children control their woge." Monroe explains.

"How does Scott know about it then if it's old stuff?" Rosalee questions, getting a shoulder shrug in response.

"Look, I don't mean to be inconsiderate, but I think we have more pressing matters at hand here then your friends mental state." Ian tells them brashly.

"That friend saved me more than once and dug the bullet out of your shoulder." Rosalee says reproachful.

"Anways, I'll go see Reginald now." Rosalee says and puts on a Jacket and her purse before leaving the shop to go see Freddy's friend about the passport.

While Rosalee is at Reginald's waiting for the passport Edgard Waltz calls Nick, asking him to meet, where he threatens to kill innocent people if Nick doesn't give him Ian. Once the meeting is over Edgard receives a call from Reginald, who he threatened earlier that Rosalee is at his shop, wanting a passport for Ian. While this is happening, Monroe took Ian to his home after Nick told him about the meet.

Edgard goes back to the shop, sneaking in the back entrance and waits for Reginald to finish the new passport and hand it to Rosalee so he can follow her to Ian.

When Rosalee leaves Edgard kills Reginald to leave no witnesses and follows the Fuchsbau to her Spice and Tea shop.

"Hi, are you open?" Edgard asks, walking into the shop while Rosalee is taking some money out of her brothers wall safe and putting it in an envelope with the new passport.

"I'm sorry we're closed, won't you come back tomorrow after nine?" Rosalee tells him.

"Oh please, I was told I could get some help here." Edgard says.

"Give me a minute and I'll see what I can do." Rosalee tells him, finishing what she was doing.

"Hey, Rosalee sorry about earlier, I… Ugh." Scott says entering the shop and walking past Edgard, thinking he's just a customer but Edgard shoots him through his side from behind.

"Scott!" Rosalee shouts worriedly, rushing to his side, while Scott is lying on the floor, blood pouring out his side while he clutches a metal triskele in one of his hands.

"Where is he?" Edgard asks, woging to show her he's a Hundjäger.

"That's really a good likeness." Edgard says, picking up the passport from where Rosalee left it.

"I prefer not to hurt anybody else, so go ahead and call him. I shot a non lethal spot on your friend here, he has an hour or two before he bleeds out. You won't have that long however if you won't call Ian." Edgard tells her.

Rosalee takes her phone and calls Monroe. "He's here, get Ian to safety." Rosalee tells the Blutbad.

"Are you done? May I?" Edgard asks her, reaching for the phone which Rosalee hands over.

"Ian?" Edgard says.

"I swear if you touch a hair on her head…" Monroe threatens.

"I don't know who you are but if you do not deliver Ian Harmond to me in 15 minutes, I will kill your girlfriend and put the one I already shot out of his misery, what was he called dear? A yes, Scott." Edgard tells Monroe.

Monroe calls Nick while getting in his car with Ian to drive over to the shop.

"We have a problem. Waltz has Rosalee and Scott, he wants to make a trade." Monroe says.

"He's not gonna trade, he's going to kill you all." Nick tells him.

"He already shot Scott, so if you have any plan I'm all ears." Monroe replies.

"Don't do anything until I get there." Nick says, already going to his car.

"I'll wait as long as I can, but if push comes to shove, I'll shove." Monroe says before hanging up.

"No, no. You're staying here. He doesn't know who I am while the moment he sees you you're dead." Monroe tells Ian as he pulls up in front of the shop.

"That doesn't mean he won't kill you." Ian replies.

"Yeah, well we still need to know about Rosalee." Monroe says getting out of the car.

"Don't let your emotions get to your head, that's why he took her." Ian warns.

"I have a plan." Nick says, pulling up behind them.

"For real?" Monroe asks hopefully.

"Yeah, I'm going in. You're staying out." Nick tells him.

"No, no, no you don't understand Waltz." Ian says.

"I understand him better than you think I do. He won't be expecting me and doesn't know the connection between any of us." Nick tells him.

"What will that get us?" Monroe asks.

"Time." Nick answers.

"Well it seems like your friend is a coward." Edgard says, looking at his watch.

"Waltz, you want Ian. I got him." Nick says entering the shop, raising his hands when the Verrat agent aims his gun at him.

"What?" Rosalee asks shocked.

"Shut up and get on the floor next to the other one." Waltz orders, aiming back at her with Rosalee lying down next to Scott, whose wound she's been putting pressure on ever since her call with Monroe.

Scott gently pusher her hand aside while handing her his triskele when Monroe enters the shop.

"Who are you?" Waltz asks, aiming at the front door again.

"I'm the guy you called, I got Ian." Monroe tells him, raising his hands as well.

"The hell is going on here?" Waltz asks annoyed while Monroe and Nick start to fight, yelling at each other.

Scott uses the distraction and quietly gets up, not making one sound due to his cat-like abilities while his skin changes into his black and white fur and his fangs sprout of his mouth. He stands right behind Edgard after getting up and quickly reaches for the hand holding the gun, slicing through the tendon, making the gun drop to the floor with a thump.

"What?!" Waltz shouts angrily, woging and turns around only to see the angry yellow eyes of Scott staring at him before Scott carves out his throat with his claws and bites into his neck for good measure, shocking everyone present at the display of violence.

"Scott he's dead, you can get off him now." Nick says, putting his gun away while Scott is crouched over Waltz's body.

"What happened?" Ian asks, entering the shop as well, seeing the dead Verrat agent on the floor with Scott glaring at Ian.

"Uhm guys. I think you should leave, slowly and carefully." Rosalee tells them, seeing that Scott looks like he's only acting on instinct.

"What, we're not leaving you alone with that mauvais dentes." Ian protests, basically saying the name in disgust.

"Go. He won't hurt me." Rosalee replies.

"I think we should get out of here." Monroe agrees.

"You sure?" Nick asks Rosalee, getting a nod positive in return.

The three of them leave the shop with them almost having to drag Ian out.

"Scott. It's OK now. Nothing will happen to you." Rosalee says gently, putting down the triskele in front of Scott, who looks at the object for a moment before lunging for it, grabbing hold of it so strongly that Rosalee thought it'd break.

After a minute or so the fur goes back on Scott's skin and he is back to human breathing heavily.

"What happened?" He asks, looking at his bloody hands.

"You stopped him." Rosalee tells him, helping Scott to his feet, with him being wobbily at the loss of blood.

"Guys you can come in now." Rosalee yells and the three men enter the shop again.

"What happened man?" Monroe asks Scott.

"I don't remember anything, I blanked out." Scott tells him, leaning against Rosalee's counter.

"We should get him to a hospital, he's been loosing blood for at least half an hour." Rosalee says.

"What if he woges out again?" Monroe asks.

"I'm going with him, he won't lose control if I'm there." Rosalee tells them.

"Alright, I'll call it in, go down the block or something, we can't let the ambulance see that." Nick says, pointing at Edgard's corpse.

"Rosalee, I don't think you are safe here with the Grimm or that out of control guy. Come with me, I may be on the run but I'm sure we could settle down somewhere when the opportunity arises." Ian tells Rosalee, pulling her to the backroom.

"Ian we had a good relationship once. But that was a long time ago and here I am the happiest that I've been in a long time. Here are your passport and some money. I really wish you the best of luck." Rosalee tells him, giving her former boyfriend a hug before going back to Scott and leading him outside with Monroe.

"What now?" Ian asks.

"You're going to get on a train and never show your face in the city again. Because the police will still think you killed that bartender." Nick tells him and drives him to the train station afterwards.

"Rosalee, I don't think I should go to the hospital. What if I woge again?" Scott asks worriedly while being supported by Monroe and Rosalee until they reach a bench down the street where they sit down and wait for the ambulance with Rosalee putting pressure on his wound.

"Scott. I can't help you with this wound. This is the only way. Plus I'm going with you so you don't have to worry. I'll be right beside you." Rosalee tells him, rubbing his shoulder.

"Yeah man, plus you have no reason to freak out right? You only went bananas when someone was threatening Rosalee here and she's safe and sound now." Monroe chimes in.

"I guess." Scott says.

"You should get out of here now. I think I hear the siren." Rosalee tells Monroe.

"Good call." Monroe agrees and hurries back to the Spice Shop.

"Sorry about losing control." Scott apologizes once the Blutbad is gone.

"Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, otherwise Nick would be out of a job as a Grimm." Rosalee tells him.

"So what will happen with Ian now? Is he staying?" Scott asks.

"No, he's going away." Rosalee tells him and the ambulance pulls up.

The drivers secure Scott to a bed in the back with Rosalee staying beside him and riding along.

"Sorry things didn't work out between you two, I know you still like him." Scott says after they were riding in the back in silence for a while.

"I did like him yeah, but that was ages ago. I've changed since then and so has he and not for the better. No one insults my best friend." Rosalee tells him, brushing through his hair.

"Rosalee I… I like" Scott starts to say but Rosalee interrupts him saying "I know, I have since that whole dämonfeuer debacle." Rosalee confesses, leaving Scott in silence.

"And I like you too, so you better tell what the doctors tell you to do and heal up quickly so we can go on a date." Rosalee says breaking the silence.

Scott only nods with a wide grin before passing out.

"He just passed out." Rosalee tells the drivers worriedly.

"I gave him a tranquilizer, I'm surprised he stayed awake that long." One of the two tell her relaxed.

"Don't worry about your friend the wound luckily didn't cause much damage and he hasn't lost a great amount of blood he will be fine." The other one tells her.

|The next day|

"He should be awake now, he already has a visitor." A nurse says leading Hank and Nick to Scott's hospital room.

"Hey, how're you doing?" Nick asks stepping into the room with Hank.

"Good, considering I've been shot." Scott replies.

"This is my partner Hank but I think you've met before." Nick tells Scott.

"Yeah, good to see you again." Scott greets Hank with a handshake.

"Aren't you the sister of the victim in that robbery at the Tea shop." Hank asks Rosalee, who is sitting in a chair next to Scott, having come to visit him and relay the message of the coverstory Nick told the police, which is that Scott was shot in the park near the shop by Wallace and he ran away.

Wallace has been declared to have been killed by a wild animal after the police found him at the edge of a forest.

"Sorry Scott but we're here on business, we need to take your statement on what happened." Nick says and the three go over what happened, or at least what the cover story says happened.

"Thanks, I think that's all. Get better soon oh and Juliet mentioned she's going to bring by a cake for you, but don't tell her I said anything." Nick tells Scott with a wink.

"Alright, bye." Scott says while the detectives leave.

"I guess now that that's handled, you'll need some help cleaning up your shop's floor." Scott says, looking at Rosalee.

"Don't worry, Monroe already took care of it." Rosalee informs him.

"That's great and thanks for bringing this by." Scott says, twirling around his triskele.

"Why do you have that anyways?" Rosalee asks, brushing over the metal object.

"Deaton, the vet who explained the Wesen world to me gave it to me to help me keep my cool." Scott explains.

"What does it stand for?" Rosalee inquires.

"Each swirl stands for one part and every part is in balance, the Human, the Animal and the Mind." Scott explains, leading her hand over a swirl each time he said another part.

"It's supposed to remind us that we aren't one or the other but both." Scott explains.

"He must be very knowledgeable your mentor." Rosalee says.

"He is, but I'm still glad I left." Scott says.

"Let me guess, no more worried mom on your case?" Rosalee asks, speaking from experience.

"Well that and otherwise I never would've met you. You might not even be in Portland anymore if we hadn't met." Scott says taking her hand and squeezing it.

"Or be alive. You were the one who saved me from that Skalengeck who killed my brother afterall." Rosalee replies, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Juliet asks standing in the doorway and knocking on the door.

"No, no come in." Scott says.

"How're you doing?" Juliet asks.

"I'm fine. Thanks for coming by. Nick just left by the way." Scott tells his boss.

"I know I ran into him just now." Juliet replies.

"So how are things at the animal clinic?" Scott asks her.

"Everything's good. I can live with only having two helpers once in a while. You just make sure you heal properly." Juliet tells him relaxed.

"And to help that along I made you this." Juliet says with a smile, presenting a cake to him.

"Thanks. You shouldn't have." Scott says.

"You should enjoy some, I'm gonna head out and leave you two to it." Juliet tells them.

"You don't have to go, you should stay for a piece of your delicious looking cake." Rosalee says.

"Alright." Juliet agrees happily, pulling up another chair and handing out the precut pieces of cake.

"We met when that bitch took us hostage right?" Juliet asks, remembering where she met Rosalee before.

"Yeah, I'm Rosalee Calvert." She replies.

"Well it's good to meet you under better circumstances although not perfect." Juliet tells the woman a few years younger than her and pats Scott's blanket.

"So you are Scott's boss right?" Rosalee asks.

"That I am. I run one of the three local animal clinics. What do you do?" Juliette tells her.

"I run my late brothers Spice and Tea shop." Rosalee replies.

"Right, that's how you met Nick right?" Juliette asks.

"Yes. He handled the case." Rosalee replies with a nod.

"So how'd you two meet?" Juliette asks the new couple, grinning widely at them, having picked up on their relationship when she walked in on Rosalee giving his cheek a kiss.

"Uhh Deaton actually referred me to her brother's shop." Scott explains.

"Oh, that must've been awkward." Juliette says with a chuckle.

"Only because Scott insisted on taking me to lunch because I was depressed while mourning my brother." Rosalee replies with a playful smirk aimed at Scott.

"Hey, that was a very tasty lunch." Scott counters.

"Anyways, we got to talking and Scott hung around that day, which was lucky for me since he later on saved me from the two guys who were trying to rob the shop while I was inside." Rosalee finishes.

"Well that's quite an adventure how you two met. So have you been together this whole time?" Juliette asks.

"No, that happened last night." Rosalee replies.

"Well that is unfortunate, you guys starting dating on the same day Scott gets shot." Juliette says.

"Anyways I should head out now. Enjoy the cake and get better soon." Juliette tells them and leaves the two of them alone.

"Juliette seems nice." Rosalee says.

"Yeah, she's cool a little meddling with her employee's love lives apparently though." Scott laughs.

"True, I should head out now as well though. I have a few customers who pick up their medicine soon." Rosalee tells Scott, getting up from her chair.

"Alright. Thanks for stopping by." Scott says.

"See you soon." Rosalee tells him, stepping closer to his bed, leans over and gives him a kiss.

"Can't wait till I'm out of here." Scott says at that with a grin.

"Yeah, don't make me wait to long for that date before I change my mind." Rosalee teases him.