
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Get that damn treasure!

As the sun set on the blood-soaked battlefield, the clash between the Asuras and the Blood Druids had left behind a desolate and eerie silence.

The cries of the wounded and dying had ceased, replaced only by the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves of the nearby trees.

Amidst the carnage and destruction, a lone figure stood tall, seemingly unperturbed by the death and destruction that surrounded him.

His stillness and calmness were almost otherworldly, like that of a statue carved from the very stones of the earth.

The figure was a warrior with pointy light red ears, his armor drenched in the blood of his fallen enemies.

His armor was a deep, rich shade of red, matching the color of the life force that had been spilled on this desolate graveyard.

As he surveyed the scene before him, the warrior's nose wrinkled in disgust at the stench of death that hung heavy in the air.

"Such a pungent smell."

He whispered to himself, his voice barely audible above the gentle rustling of the leaves.

But then, as if in response to his words, his eyes flickered with a glint of something fierce and unyielding.

"The last day of the five year trial is coming, if we don't make a scene we will be turned into a slave, in the Asura race, forever."

The Asura lifted his hand and made a fist, signaling that it was time to take action.

His deep, commanding voice echoed across the silent battlefield, causing the very air to tremble with his power.

"In our realm."

He continued.

"We Asuras live beneath the great canopy of the Deva Blood Tree. Our tree is the lifeblood of our society, sustained by our sacrifice of creatures and animals to its roots. It is this sacrifice that provides us with the power to thrive."

The warrior's eyes flickered with a fierce intensity as he continued to speak.

"Each root of the Deva Blood Tree provides enough space for a small kingdom, with the largest roots supporting the most expensive territories. It is this power that imbues us with exceptional strength and magical abilities, making us the most formidable warriors in all the land."

A hint of pride crept into Asura's voice as he spoke of his people.

"Although both males and females play important roles in our society, we exhibit distinct behaviors and responsibilities. It is this balance between the sexes that has allowed us to thrive for centuries, and it is this balance that will continue to ensure our success in the battles yet to come."

As the Asura leader stood tall above his army of warriors, their faces and bloody horns glistening in the sunlight, he began to speak in a commanding voice that echoed across the battlefield.

"But what is our role as Asuras in our society?"

He asked, his voice ringing out like thunder.

"As male Asuras, we leave our mother's family when we reach sexual maturity, typically around the age of eighteen. This is due to the complex social structure in which females hold dominance over us, and mating within our own clan is strictly prohibited."

The warrior's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity as he continued.

"Upon leaving our mother kingdom, we must join other kingdoms or other families or live as solitary warriors. In some cases, Asuras form coalitions with other males to increase their chances of mating with unrelated Shuras. These coalitions can be weak or strong, depending on the members' ability to work together like soldiers to gain status in that kingdom! In this kingdom! However, we need to be a strong coalition to gain status!"

The Asura leader turned to face his army of warriors, his gaze sweeping over them with a mixture of pride and determination.

"We are that coalition!"

He declared, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

"But are we the strong ones?"

The warriors let out a fierce roar of approval.


Their weapons raised high in the air as they pledged their loyalty to their leader and their cause.

For they knew that they were the strongest of the strong, the most fearsome warriors in all the land, and they were ready to prove it to all who dared to stand in their way.

"Are we the strong ones!?"

He asked once more, his eyes fixed on his army of Asuras below him.

The warriors responded with a deafening roar, their voices ringing out across the battlefield.


They cried out in unison, their fists raised high.

"Are we the strong ones!!?"

The calm Asura leader earlier shouted, louder than earlier.


The army replied with a louder response too.

Followed by a stomp on the ground with all their might, their cries of "Asura! Ashura!" echoing across the battlefield.

The Asura leader's face remained stoic and commanding as he looked out at his army of warriors, his eyes scanning their ranks with a fierce intensity.

But inside his head, a different story played out.


He thought to himself, a demonic smile flickering across his lips.

'We are weak, and I know it. That's why you all followed me to this place, hoping that I would become an Asura Deva and lead you to victory. But the truth is that I need you just as much as you need me. Without your strength and your loyalty, I am nothing.'

Asura's leader's posture remained strong and commanding, his face a mask of determination and power.

But inside, he knew that he was walking a fine line, that the slightest misstep could lead to his downfall.

And so he hid his true thoughts and feelings from his army of warriors, knowing that they would follow him blindly as long as he remained strong and confident.

When the army of Asuras stopped screaming, he stared at them.

The calm Asura leader could sense the questions and doubts that were running through their minds even though they were showing him their spirit, and he knew that he was not accepted.

'My scroll will work once I get these bastard hearts.'

He mumbled and then loudly spoke to his army.

"I know that many of you have questions."

He began, his voice steady and strong.

"Questions like who I am, or whether I am truly capable of attaining the Asura Deva state."

The army of Asuras fell silent, their eyes fixed on their leader as he spoke.

"But despite all of that, you have followed me!"

He continued.

"Perhaps some of you were unsure, or even disagreed with my leadership. But still, you followed me."

The calm Asura leader looked down at his army of Asuras, sensing their unease and uncertainty.

He knew that his words had stirred something within them, and that they needed more answers.

Although his comrades treated him as their leader, the calm Asura leader knew that he needed to become something more if they were to succeed in their quest for the magical treasure.

They will face dangerous situations, and their only hope lies in the calm Asura leader's ability to transform himself into an Asura Deva, a powerful warlock capable of turning the tide of the war.

In order to gain the trust of his companions, Asura knew that he would have to tell them that he was truly capable and his origin.

If he failed, while they trusted him, they wouldn't be willing to sacrifice for him.

"Yes, all of you ain't wrong, I am capable of becoming Asura Deva because my mother was a Queen Shura, and my father was a King Asura."

He said, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

The army of Asuras looked up at their leader, their faces showing a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

"He should be sent to a neighboring kingdom, to a noble Shura."

They muttered amongst themselves, their confusion turning to worry.

They knew that merely being born to a Queen Shura and a King Asura was automatically guaranteeing the offspring the same high status.

They couldn't understand why someone of his status would choose to fight alongside them, in the midst of blood and chaos and even last for years.

Instead of being sent to a noble Shura like a Baroness, Viscountess, Marquises, Countess, or Duchess.

"I know that some of you may find this hard to believe."

"Like you have a lot of questions."

The calm Asura leader continued.

"Like I should be sent to a neighboring kingdom, to a noble Shura within the kingdom I'm from, etc…"

"However, I cannot tell you all."

He said, his voice calm and measured.

"But know this, it's all because I have a brother who was born as an Asura Deva while I am not."

The calm Asura leader earlier said, his voice tinged with bitterness.

As the Asuras stood before the calm and collected leader, they noticed a subtle shift in his expression.

His once placid face twisted into a contorted mask, and he nodded at them from side to side, as if battling some inner turmoil.

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he began to speak.

"Yes... yes... yes..."

His voice grew louder with each repetition, until it echoed throughout the gathering.


The leader's eyes caught the flicker in their eyes, and he began to smile wider.

'It seems my scroll worked, did I hit their heart when I told them I don't have an innate talent that was from my Kingdom like then? Such an easy task, I don't need to fool their hearts anymore.'

Suddenly, the calm returned to the leader's face, and he raised his arms before him, palms facing his army.

"Look, my Asuras."

He began, his voice low and solemn.

"I'm not going to tell you a story about my past, but I know all of you can feel the connection as your coalition leader, the hatred and envy that I, your leader felt towards my brother and my parents..."

The Asuras could see the glint of hatred in their leader's eyes, and they could feel it too, with the strange ability they shared.

It was as if the negative emotions were a tangible force, swirling around them like a dark cloud.

"So I am not forcing any of you to come with me."

The leader continued, his voice calm but firm.

"You can go back now, if you wish."

He gave them an option, but the Asuras could feel something was wrong, their body was telling them that there was no turning back now.

So in their heart, whatever their leader had planned, they were all in it together.

Seeing that none of them were budging, they all took a deep breath, steeling themselves for what was to come.

The calm Asura leader released a glorious demonic smile, but he kept it hidden, not a single one of them noticed it.

"My goal is so big."

He said, his voice low and intense.

"But for now, I will sacrifice my life to get that damn thing, even if I have only ten percent of my lifespan left."

The Asuras could feel the weight of his determination, the unwavering resolve that burned within him.

"Some of you will die, or will be crippled but that's our only way to survive since their numbers keep on multiplying and days are coming."

The leader continued, his voice steady despite the somber tone.

"Yet I know, and I feel your anger towards these druids and the Shuras that threw us here to die."

The Asuras nodded in agreement, their fists clenched in anger and frustration.

They had suffered too long at the hands of their oppressors, and they were ready to fight back with all their might.

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, the calm Asura leader raised his hands high above his head.

"If I ever succeed."

He declared, his voice ringing out across the clearing.

"I will make these bastards pay for your lost lives!"

The Asuras roared in approval, their voices blending into a deafening chorus of rage and defiance.


They could see the fire in their leader's eyes, the fierce determination that burned within him.

"And if you survive with me."

He continued, his voice growing louder with each word.

"I will let all your screw those Shuras like rabbits and spit on their faces for treating us like animals!"

The Asuras cheered, their hearts filled with a newfound sense of hope.


Suddenly, a soldier came to his side interrupting them.

The calm Asura leader looked at him and beckoned him to deliver the message.

"Sire, we've found the magical treasure!"

The voice exclaimed.

Hearing this, the calm Asura leader's eyes gleamed!

"What perfect timing."

He said to the wind of fate.

His body began to glow with a brilliant light as he screamed, and a massive bloody magical aura exploded from his body again, and this enveloped the entire battlefield.

"Help me become an Asura Deva!"

He cried out, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

"Once I become one, we will wipe out all these Blood Druids and use their bodies to fertilize our Deva Tree!!"

The earlier calm expression of the leader Asura earlier was now full of murderous intent, written on its bulging veins and bloodied wrinkles.

"My people! I repeat! Survive with me and let us screw those damn Shuras and breed with them like a rabbit!!"

The army of Asuras looked at each other first and then they raised their weapons!


They all screamed in unison.

"For the Deva Tree!!!!!!"


"To collect the bones and filter the blood of those damn forest dogs!!!"


"To remove their soul from their mortal body!!!"


"And to use their fur as a coat in the winter cold!!!"


"So let's get that damn Magical treasure!"