
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs


The armored Shura's eyes glinted with respect as she looked at the hooded figure before her, her heart swelling with pride at the honor of escorting a young miss of the esteemed Viravidad family.

She saluted with a crisp motion and greeted her with utmost politeness, her voice a portrait of reverence.

"Welcome young miss of Viravidad Family."

She said, her tone weighted with respect.

As the hooded individual returned the greeting with a shocked nod, the armored Shura's sharp eyes caught sight of the pendant that adorned her neck.

A symbol of great status, only the Duchess and her harem or the consort duke's could wear such a thing.

Despite the hood that covered the young miss's face, the armored Shura's keen experience allowed her to deduce that she was indeed a member of the Viravidad family.

"I will lead you myself young miss, and to apologize for my rude manner earlier."

The armored Shura said, her respectful tone tinged with regret.

The young miss responded with a nod, her face still hidden by the hood that shrouded her features.

A sense of relief washed over the armored Shura, and with a deep breath, she began to lead the way.

As they walked, the armored Shura couldn't resist her curiosity, and turned to the young miss with a respectful tone.

"Young miss, what are the Racial slaves that you would want to put in the internal dimension?"

She asked, her curiosity piqued.

The young miss's response was nonchalant, but it sent a shiver down the armored Shura's spine.

"Hmmm… all of them are Deva Druid."

She said, her voice carrying a hint of detachment.

The young miss's response left the armored Shura taken aback, for she had only asked out of necessity.

Today was the last day to earn favor points for the ranks, and all the top-ranking candidates had already been claimed by other nobles.

She couldn't fathom why the young miss would choose such a difficult task.

As they approached the interdimensional ball, the armored Shura explained that this was where the Asuras who sought status in the Darkom Kingdom were sent to fight for survival for five long years.

The participants would have to face off against the Racial slaves, humanoid intelligent monsters who would act as their enemies inside.

The nobles and wealthy families would send their own Racial slaves inside the ball to earn favor points.

Once they obtained favor points, they could use them to put a favor point on a certain Shuras or group of Shuras to favor with.

Capturing an alive Racial slave was no easy feat.

Their level could not be more than five levels higher than the participants, who were themselves limited to the tenth order.

The Deva Druid was one of the strongest and hardest to capture in the wild, and one of the highest favor point givers.

That's why the armored Shura was taken aback by the young miss's choice.

It was a daunting task, and one that could easily lead to failure.

"Forgive me, young miss, for being nosy, but may I know which ranking the young miss favors?"

The armored Shura asked, her curiosity piqued.

The young miss's choice to capture high-level Racial slaves was perplexing, and the armored Shura couldn't help but wonder who she was trying to impress.

The rankings were reserved for only the most outstanding Asuras who had accomplished significant feats, such as killing a large number of Racial slaves, defeating higher-level Racial slaves, or ascending to the status of Asura Deva.

The most powerful feat was attaining the rare rank of Asura Ashura, which was difficult to achieve due to the vast level gaps between the Asuras and the Racial slaves.

Plus the number of racial slaves were far larger in number compared to the Asuras.

The young miss, who wore a hood, giggled and said.

"He's not that high. Maybe he's ranked around six hundred as the coalition leader of a small group coalition army of Asuras."

She paused to hold her pendant, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"But he impressed me so much in these five years that I've been watching him."

The armored Shura couldn't help but wonder who this individual was and why the young miss was so interested in him.

Her curiosity was piqued, but she knew better than to pry into the affairs of the Viravidad family.

So she simply nodded respectfully and continued to lead the way to the interdimensional ball, her thoughts consumed by questions and wonder.

On their way, the young miss kept talking.

"I'm actually tired of my castle, my family's castle, and so bored. My family wanted me to marry an Asura Deva prince because if he managed to go to a higher kingdom and made a good result, I might become a concubine."

The young miss calmly said, but the armored Shura could sense the frustration in her tone.

As the two of them walked towards the interdimensional ball, the young miss continued to share her thoughts.

"I'm also not impressed by the stronger ones or highest in rankings."

She said, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

"I know that other nobles have already set their sights on them, making me tired of all the competition. I don't want to be a part of it."

The armored Shura could only nod in response, trying to convey her understanding.

The young miss's unconventional approach to earning favor points had piqued her curiosity, and she was eager to learn more.

"So I chose that guy."

The young miss said suddenly, her voice laced with excitement.

"I've been watching him for five years, seeing him dream, seeing him talk to himself, seeing him in moments of desperation, and observing whatever reaction he makes."

The armored Shura couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the young miss's words.

She was fascinated by the young miss's interest in this particular individual and was eager to know more.

The young miss looked at the armored Shura and asked.

"Are you curious to know why I chose him?"

The armored Shura nodded eagerly, her curiosity now fully piqued and ready to be satisfied.

The young miss's words left the armored Shura in awe.

The way she spoke of this man, with such admiration and adoration, was something the armored Shura had never seen before.

"It's because he's very cunning."

The young miss explained, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"When I first noticed that he became a leader of five small Coalitions in just two years and still managed to survive while the other members of the Coalitions he led died, that's when I realized that he was special. So I paid attention."

The young miss went on to describe how this man had a unique ability to make anyone work for him and how he could escape from any situation as if he knew everything.

He even acted and talked like a noble from another kingdom.

The young miss couldn't contain her excitement as she spoke of this man.

"I want a cunning man like that, I want him!"

She exclaimed with a sparkle in her eyes.

The young miss then cheerfully explained her plan to the armored Shura.

"He will be my Concubinus."

She said, clenching her hands in excitement.

"Even if I become a concubine of a higher kingdom, at least I will have my own lover, a very cunning lover."

The armored Shura couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the young miss's boldness.

She had never met anyone who dared to pursue what they truly desired, regardless of the consequences.

Although it's foolish because, if she ever become a Concubine, the Asura from higher kingdom might not like her Concubinus.

Still, the armored Shura nodded in understanding, and a sense of respect grew within her for the young miss.