
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Coalition Asuras decision

On the other side of the battlefield, Zorha stood victorious, his hands still trembling a little with the raw power of the magic he had just unleashed.

The lifeless body of the Deva Druid lay at his feet, along with the two blood druids who had foolishly dared to challenge him.

As the magical fluctuations dissipated, the running Asuras far away from him finally came to a stop, their faces a mix of shock and horror at the sight before them.

"Did our Coalition leader die?"

One of the Asuras with a missing arm asked, his voice tinged with despair.

The younger Asura nodded solemnly, his eyes filling with tears.

"It could be, and maybe, he is being eaten by Deva Druid now."

Another Asura stepped forward, his hands clasped together in prayer.

"Praying to the Deva Tree, please forgive us for leaving and betraying our Coalition leader in the middle of the fight. We had to, our leader in his cursed state of mind would use us and seem to die in front of him without our Coalition leader moving a muscle."

As they stood there, mourning their fallen leader, a sense of unease began to settle in the hearts of the Asuras.

"I'm feeling bad about this.

One of them whispered, his voice barely audible.

"What if our Coalition leader survived?"

The thought hung heavy in the air, each Asura lost in their own thoughts. But then, the one-armed Asura shook his head vehemently.

"Impossible! That Deva Druid was a 13th order creature, and because he is a Deva, his defense would be comparable to a 15th order creature. How could our Coalition leader, who was only in 10th order, beat that monster Deva Druid and his followers, the blood druids with him?"

The young Asura nodded in agreement.

"Yes, even if our coalition leader was an Asura Deva, I don't think he could beat those six. As an Asura Deva, the highest limit given power was surmounting three levels, so his attack should be comparable to a 13th order creature only. Against the 15th order Deva Druid, I don't think he could make it!"

The Asuras stood in silence, their hearts heavy with grief and uncertainty.

Little did they know that their Coalition leader had indeed survived, and was now sprinting back to the camp to check his gaming pod if it was still there.

As the Asuras stood there, still reeling from the loss of their Coalition leader, they suddenly heard a rustling sound.

Immediately, they became alert, their senses on high alert as they scanned their surroundings for any sign of danger.

And then, just as suddenly, the creature they had been dreading appeared before them.

"A blood druid?"

The Asuras muttered to themselves in shock, their eyes widening in disbelief.

The creature was moving so fast, even the bear it was riding seemed to be infused with an otherworldly power.

Seeing the group of Asuras in front of him, the blood druid cursed under his breath.


He spat, coming to a sudden stop. He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes scanning the area behind him.

"I'll just escape this seven, it's better than facing that one monster back there."

With that, the blood druid kicked his feet on the rib of his bear, eliciting a loud roar from the beast.


It bellowed, its massive paws pounding the ground as it began to run with all its might.

The blood druid braced himself, ready to receive any attack that might rain down on him as he rode forward, ignoring the Asuras that were watching him with bated breath.

The blood druid rode away, his eyes filled with fear and horror.

As he glanced back at the Asuras, he realized that they were not pursuing him.

He didn't need to think twice to understand why.

He knew that he didn't want to meet the Asura Deva who had killed their leader so easily.

"He's just running away."

The Asuras muttered to themselves, watching as the blood druid disappeared into the distance.

"What happened there?"

The one-armed Asura asked, his voice filled with confusion.

"Don't tell me that our leader was the one who caused that blood druid to run?"

The praying Asura from earlier murmured, his voice trembling with fear.

The other Asuras looked at each other, unsure of what to say.

"How can he do that?"

The one-armed Asura exclaimed, his mouth wide open in disbelief.

Suddenly, the young Asura's eyes widened with realization.

"Didn't he tell us that he came from another Asura kingdom? Don't tell me he has a technique that can surmount many levels?"

He asked, his voice filled with dread.

The other Asuras could feel the panic rising within them, but one of them stepped forward, trying to calm their nerves.

"Don't panic."

He said, his voice steady and confident.

"We are not even sure if our leader is really alive."

He turned to look in the direction where the blood druid had fled.

"Maybe something more terrifying happened back there."

The other Asura stepped forward, his voice filled with determination.

"To know the truth, or even a connection with the truth, we need to do this."

He said, looking at his fellow Asuras.

The others nodded in agreement, knowing that they needed to uncover the mystery behind their leader's disappearance.

Soon, the Asura who had spoken clenched his fist, and the others followed suit.

As they did so, a transformation began to take place.

Their white skin turned a deep shade of blood red, and too many eyes sprouted from their foreheads.

Their horns grew darker and more menacing, until they had fully transformed into their Asura Deva form.

As they stood there, their power radiating outwards, like they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.

However, their terrifying appearances belying the fear they felt inside, one of them had a vacant look on his face as he mumbled.

"The leader is alive."

Fear was written on the faces of all the other Asuras as they processed this information.

"We could still transform... meaning that our leader was alive."

One of them said, his voice trembling with emotion.

After a moment of silence, they all turned to face the direction where the blood druid had run away.

"We need to go back and find an excuse why we abandoned him, even if we ran away. We will be under his command and will meet us outside once the trial ends. I am sure our fate would be even harder once we wait."

The one-armed Asura said, his voice filled with determination.

The other Asuras looked at him, the horror still written in their eyes, but they knew that he was right.

They needed to move quickly and come up with a plan if they were to stand any chance of surviving what was to come.

With a nod, they transformed back into their normal Asura form and began to make their way back to the trial site, their hearts heavy with grief and uncertainty.

Suddenly, one of them had his eyes twinkling with ideas.

"Wait… I have a good plan."

The other Asuras crowded around the one-armed Asura, their eyes fixed on him as they waited for him to reveal his plan.

"What's the plan?"

They asked in unison, their voices filled with urgency.

The one who had spoken swallowed hard, his throat dry with fear.

"The running blood druids and the army that abandoned us first."

He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The other Asuras looked at him, confusion etched on their faces.

"What do you mean?"

One of them asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

The one-armed Asura took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves before he continued.

"We need to find the blood druids who ran away and the Asura army that betrayed us."

The other Asuras looked at him, their eyes filled with determination.

Like he calculated it fully.