
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Against the blood druids

On the other side of the clearing lay a lush green forest, a paradise of tranquility and peace.

But suddenly, the calm was shattered by a bone-chilling sound that echoed through the air.




The voices of giant beasts resounded, grumbling in the forest floor, destroying the peace of the paradise.

Just then, a powerful gust of wind rushed through the clearing, snapping branches and leaving a trail of blood in its wake.

From the forest emerged a giant brown creature, its large body with stocky legs, long snout, small rounded ears, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five non retractile claws, and short tail.

Though they may have looked adorable, their teeth and eyes revealed the true nature of its cruelty.


The creature roared, its voice shaking the very ground beneath it.

The scent of earth and blood filled the air, as the creature disappeared into the dense forest.

Beyond the beasts, an Asura in armor stood, his mind consumed by terror.

He couldn't help but glance over his shoulder, knowing that the massive creatures were drawing closer by the moment.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling sound echoed through the air, causing Asura's blood to run cold.

He stopped in his tracks, his eyes darting around frantically, searching for any sign of danger.


The Asura shouted in desperation, his voice trembling with fear.

In his right hand, he clutched a bony sword, while his left hand held a bony shield.

He knew that even if he kept moving, there was no way he could outrun the creatures that were pursuing him.

With a resounding clang, the Asura slammed his shield with his sword, hoping to draw out any pursuers.

His heart was pounding in his chest, and he could feel the sweat dripping down his face.


He bellowed, his voice echoing through the forest.

The veins on his neck, forehead, and arms bulged with the effort, as he pushed himself to his limits.

He was looking straight as he heard a rustling sound, he took a fighting stance, no matter what lay ahead, he knew that it's danger.

In the blink of an eye, a giant shadow loomed before the Asura.

He instinctively raised his shield, unwilling to face the creature head-on.

He knew all too well what kind of beast it was.

But his shield was no match for the tank-like creature, and the force of the impact sent the Asura flying into the air.

He struggled to keep hold of his shield, but it was wrenched from his grasp as he hurtled through the sky.

As he soared through the air, his blood trailing behind him, the Asura heard a faint sound, like laughter on the wind.

"Heheheheh, you are my prey."

It seemed to say, taunting him from afar.

The laugh was high-pitched but filled with malice, sending shivers down the Asura's spine.

He couldn't see where it was coming from, but he knew that he was in grave danger.

With a sickening thud, the Asura crashed into a nearby tree, his head slamming into a low-hanging branch.

He lost his grip on his shield and fell to the ground, his body wracked with pain.

The forest spun around him, as the laughter echoed in his ears.

With a jolt, the Asura woke up, his cheeks stinging from the force of the slap.

He blinked in shock, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

As he looked around, his eyes fell on a terrifying beast that had appeared from the corner of his vision.

A creature with a giant nose, red cracking lava skin, giant pores, little eyes, and almost mossy hair sat atop the beast, sending shivers down the Asura's spine.

"Blood druid!"

The Asura exclaimed, his chest and spine feeling chilled at the sight of the creature and its fearsome mount.

"Of course, you woke up!"

The Blood Druid on top of the giant beast said, his breath crackling with energy.

The Asura narrowed his eyes, glaring at the Blood Druid.

But before he could react, the creature stepped forward and let out a deafening roar.


The sound was so loud that Asura could feel it vibrating in his bones.

Suddenly, the Blood Druid performed a backflip in the air, dismounting from the giant beast and landing gracefully on the ground.

Asura was left stunned, he knows what will happen next.

"Eat him alive, but don't bite the parts that will kill him instantly."

The Blood Druid ordered.

The creature beneath him rose up on its hind legs, towering over the Asura like a mountain.

It was massive and fat and cuddly, but the Asura knew that it was nothing but a vicious beast.

With a triumphant roar, the creature celebrated its impending meal.


The Asura could only look up at it with terror in his eyes.

"Stand up and fight back with your sword."

The Blood Druid taunted.

"Mellow didn't want to kill and eat an Asura that didn't want to fight."

His voice dripped with arrogance, as if he already knew the outcome of the battle.

Suddenly, a glint caught his eye, and the Blood Druid reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, narrowly evading the sword as it struck the tree behind him.

"What a fighting spirit."

He said, sounding impressed despite the cut on his cheek.

"But what will you do now? You don't have any weapons left to defend yourself."

The Asura felt a cold dread settle in the pit of his stomach, knowing that he was in grave danger.

The Asura slumped against the tree, his mind racing with thoughts of his imminent demise.

"I don't have a chance."

He muttered to himself.

"Even with the sword, I will be killed. Even if I turn into my Asura battle form, I would still be beaten senseless and eaten alive."

His eyes were lifeless as he gazed at the beasts in front of him.

The Blood Druid looked at the Asura with disappointment in his eyes.

He beckoned his beast to stand down, realizing that there was no hope of a fight.

Bored, he commanded the beast to devour the Asura.

But as the beast prepared to pounce, something within the Asura snapped.

His hopeless expression twisted into one of pure hatred, and something terrible began to happen.

Suddenly, Asura's body jolted.

He could see an unknown power coursing through his body as he transformed into his Asura battle form, yet he ignored it.

He knew that he was only a 9th order brawler, while the beast in front of him was also a 9th order but with the unique ability to surmount levels by two.

It was a formidable opponent, but he refused to give up without a fight.

He stared down the beast, his eyes glowing with a fierce determination.

He knew that his chances of survival were slim, but he wasn't going down without a fight.

He raised his fists, ready to face his opponent head-on.

However, he was surprised by the beast's reaction.

The beast seemed to sense Asura's determination and took a step back, its eyes widening in surprise.

"What's going on?"

The injured Asura asked himself.

He could feel a frightening pressure being released from his body, and he knew that the beast was feeling the same pressure.

He could see the fear in the creature's eyes, and he knew that he had a chance.

With a roar, the Asura charged forward, his fists pounding against the beast's armor in a fierce battle.

"This isn't enough!"

He said as he drove another punch to it's chest!

With a deafening roar, the beast fell to the ground, defeated.

The injured Asura stood over it, panting heavily and his body wracked with pain.

But he had won.

Against all odds, he had emerged victorious.

Suddenly, his eyes widened in something inconceivable.

"Did I just win with only two punches?"

He asked himself with an incredulous look on his face.