
From Truck-Kun To Part-Time System!

She, *****, the owner of the Isekai Delivery Service, the one who looks after her employees who send humans to the Higher Beings through multiple, different kinds of means, have decided to retire from her current job. Giving her position to one of her most trusted employee, she went to one of the Higher Beings to ask for a more open job. Then, that's how she found herself as a part-time System being! Follow her as she goes to multiple universes as a System Interface, and not as a System for some reincarnated or transmigrated person, but for an already existing herione!! She, *****, will manage her host's stats and rewards, help them grow stronger, and be selfish and cunning, corrupting her host for whatever reasons!! *Images aren't mine!*

JazmineShyly · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs



[[3rd Person's POV]]


Today was a good day! The wooden floor planks were all nearly done, only waiting for the cement foundations to fully dry up. The wooden spike barriers still weren't enough to encompass the whole 250 meter radius of the camp, but they were still used and were spread out. Some small animal traps were made, and Lillian, Sakura, and Rei had spread them out deeper into the forest using the fruits from the garden. They really needed meat, because noodles and vegetables weren't going to be enough for them. The canned goods could have been used, but they were for emergency purposes.

Then, other than that, nothing happened. Just a peaceful day. A peaceful day of work, joy, and bonding! No worrying about the zombies, no worrying about the apocalypse! Just a plain old day filled with normalcy.

There was even a time of the day where everyone went for a swim! Save for Shiki. They pitied the boy, but he was a boy, who would be all alone in a group of beautiful women, and two angels, so they had him tend to his father for that time being. Fortunately for him, Shizuka hadn't seen any allies from the outside of the river getting close, so he was safe from the women's wrath.

Afterwards, they spent the remainder of the day lazing about, relishing at their well-deserved down-time. Well, Saya and Shizuka were currently talking about what had occurred before the sun had come up outside the couselers' building, enjoying the view of the setting sun above the tall pine trees, Rei and Kiriko were having a mother-daughter bonding time while watching over the little angels, Alice and Ichika, Akeno, Rika, and Yuriko were messing with the handguns, Hina and Sara were learning about Sojutsu with the Quick Learn Skill Book, Lillian and Sakura were talking about their experiences as mothers, with Lillian shamelessly saying that she cheated on her uncaring husband, Shiki was at the river, and Saeko, Yuki, and Derierei were currently talking while re-checking their weapons.


"So, you wanna get a go at Shizu?" Derierei, always one of the most brazen of the group, didn't beat around the bush and immediately asked.

Yuki, for her part, just smiled. "Yes." A simple, one word answer. That's what she gave Derierei, and the pinkette could only smile as she gave Saeko a glance, noticing how the other woman had gained a viscous smirk.

"Hmm~... Well~, honestly, we wouldn't shy away from new 'members', but at this point, the cabin wouldn't be adequate with our current group anymore. Though I thank the cabin for giving us so many opportunities, but having a different place for our 'activities' would be good. A much larger place, where we could move easily, without the need to be bumping with each other, and so we could easily tie other people up!" Derierei sighed a bit at what she had said. She had wanted to tie up Shizuka before, hanging from the roof and such, but it would have been uncomfortable to do it in the cabin.

And there wasn't really much problem with adding another person in the cabin, it wouldn't even be cramped! But, yes, it would have been better to continue their activities in a much bigger space. A Dungeon would have been preferable, but making a room just for their love-making would be good too!

"But! Since you have been bold enough to come and talk to us about this, let Saeko-chan and I have a free sample first!" Suddenly, before Yuki could even react, she had been pinned to the wall by two beautiful women, who had dove straight to her neck, causing her to moan!


A week had passed since Derierei and Shizuka had taken a "bite" out of Yuki, and things had gone well. Though their foursome(Shizuka, Derierei, Saeko, and Saya) continued on a daily basis, with Yuki being an absolute voyeur, with Saeko and Derierei occasionally having a threesome with Yuki, no additions had come to their current group. Saeko and Derierei had wanted to train Yuki first before she could properly join the ranks of Saya and Shizuka as their bitches, since the woman had quite the kinks.

Then, other than their sexual activities, the trees in a 200 meter radius had all been cleared, with the wooden spike barricades acting as a barrier for the 250 meter radius, so they had started to chop down the trees on the other side of the road opposite to their camp, for the second camp. The tress chopped there were all kept there, where they were used as defensive walls. They had yet to put defensive walls up in the original camp, but it wasn't immediately needed because of the Ward.

And, of course, Shizuka had also received multiple rewards, mostly Pills to help them grow stronger, some more blueprints, some Sharable Status Points, and other miscellaneous items! But the most important ones were Quick Learn Skill Books, which were [Mechanic], [Scouting], [Electrician], [Carpenter] and [Determination]! Most were skills that did exactly as it sounded, and are supposed to be Class or Occupations in games and fantasy, but this World didn't have those, and as for the last Skill, it just made people more focused and not give up.

And with all these Skills, the vehicles had been checked and repaired, animals were much more easier to be caught -by people other than Shizuka and Derierei-, the electricity generated from the water wheels was being used efficiently -a Raid Team was sent to Shoshoramu to find what they needed to keep the electricity running, avoiding the aggressive humans that appeared in Shizuka's Map, there were also more evolved zombies there-, and the production of the wooden base had become better -the 1st floor was nearly done-!

Another thing was that people started to receive their powers! Well, Alice and Ichika had. It turns out that the younger you were, the faster you'll receive your powers! And it was something that didn't follow a specific energy system, like needing mana to create a Fireball, or needing Chakra to create something. Rather, it was like Quirks from My Hero Academia! Ichika had Super Strength, and was able to lift a 140 feet pine-tree with some effort, while Alice had been able to generate a burst of force around her that could push away nearby enemies.

Anyway, the whole week was quite productive, but the day after had brought some trouble.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[3rd Person's POV]]

As Shizuka, Rei, Yuki, and Yuriko were making furniture for the first floor, Shizuka had suddenly noticed something in her mini-map. With the mini-map encompassing everything in a 500 meter radius from Shizuka, she knew that these things she saw were far away from them, she couldn't help but worry. Looking at the five dots that entered her mini-map, Shizuka stopped what she was doing, catching everyone's attention, and I mean everyone, as they were all in the middle of camp doing their work, and immediately donned her Leader mode.

"Five Evo-Zombies are going to possibly pass by, but we can't take the risk of having them get any closer. The Ward may not work against them. Everyone! Get your weapons!" With a grim tone, Shizuka commanded "her" people, causing them to straighten up and head to their armory, even the still recuperating, but able, Saito, to either get their weapons, or to get better ones.

And, Derierei and Saeko, the two people who always had their main weapon with them, got in front of Shizuka to get to know more.

"What 'we got?" Derierei asked as she leaned against Saeko, scythe ready in hand.

"Five black ones, grouped up, and going in the same direction. May be humans, may be Evo's, but I think Evo's are more likely. They're going through the forest and not the road." The blonde informed the two, with she herself now heading into their armory.

"Well, Saeko-chan, stay with them. I'll go check on them first." The pinkette didn't wait for a response, and in moments, she disappeared into the treeline. She hadn't even asked Shizuka where the zombies were, but Shizuka already thought that the scythe weilder most probably knew about them before she had, and Saeko hadn't noticed anything wrong.

"Let's go, Saeko-chan. We might need the Rocket Launcher for this." The nurse-slash-leader was quite curious about these Evo's, so she hoped Derierei wouldn't get impatient and kill then all herself!


5 -Derierei not included- people went to intercept the Evo's, while 12 remained back at base just in case. Yuriko, Yuki, Saeko, and Rika followed Shizuka towards the Evo's on foot, since they wouldn't be able to use vehicles in the forest as there was no path, other than the one leading to the summer camp.

Shizuka had informed them that Derierei was staying a fair distance away from them, so they had went to her position after they felt that they were getting too close to the Evo's. Then, soon enough, they found Derierei walking parallel with what they instantly confirmed to be Evo's!

Upon seeing them, they immediately began to judge what they could do. Their attention was immediately grabbed by the hulking mass of muscle that reached around 4 meter in height, definitely physically strong, the next was the Evo crawling around it. The Evo was very thin, and was really stretched out, like it was all bones, and it immediately reminded them of a spider. Next was a female Evo walking along the massive Evo, and though they were far from it, they noticed it twitching at most times, and it was even humming! Then, after it was something Yuki and Shizuka were familiar with, a 3 meter tall Evo with bloated parts that, if broken, would emit a disgusting gas that would easily distract you and possibly even make you faint, plus Shizuka also deduced that it might be flammable! And lastly, a male Evo that looked partially melted! However, focusing more on it, the team noticed that it might actually be oozing acid! They didn't know, but Rika was quick and used the scope of her sniper rifle to check.

"I think one of 'em's drippin' acid." Rika calmly reported after lowering her sniper rifle, feeling curious on how their attacks would work on it.

"That's...something." It was the only reply Shizuka could give, as she didn't expect something like that would be here.

"Life is full of surprises." Yuriko added while waving at Derierei, who had become her crush of sorts at some point in time.

Derierei, who was now beside the team, continued to walk parallel to the zombies, causing the rest to follow. Then, agreeing with what Yuriko had said, Derierei hummed, "Mmm. Tru dat. And you should know, the acid doesn't seem to be °too° strong. The ground it walked on, and the acid that dripped from it, hadn't damaged it by much. Still dangerous for human skin, but the acid shouldn't be able to pass through you."

Afterwards, Derierei held out a binocular and handed it to Yuki, who received it and immediately used it to get a better look at the Evo's. "The boney one has its gem right below its left eye, it kinda feels like a mix of a spider and those things in horror that has those bone cracking sound effects with them while having sudden bursts of movements and like, walk on all fours with its back facing the ground, so I'mma call it the Horror Spider Evo, and since I'm the first to discover them, I get to name them. "

Though Derierei gave a valuable info, she had to ruin the serious moment by naming the Evo. But, in all honesty, they'll just let Derierei have her moment as they watch on in amusement.

"The massive one has its gem in its right ankle, and with its hulkin', muscular build, I'll call it, the Juggernaut Evo!" Derierei, had once again, given an evolved zombie a classification, but they still didn't care. And also, it was somewhat accurate, because that thing did look like it would crush everything in its path. Hence, a juggernaut.

"Next one's  the female one. She has'er gem up on her head. Like, just on top. I don't know what to call her yet. But the next one, the bloated one, well, I can't actually think of anything else to call it, so now, I dub thee, Bloater Evo. And it also has its gem in its right shoulder, right in between the bloated parts. And lastly, the ac'dic one will be....hmm...Melt Evo....don't judge me, okay?" Everyone had to stifle their laughter at that. At first, Derierei was just doing fine, being all adorable and such, like a kid naming her puppy, but towards the end, it got more funnier than it was cuter.

"Hmph. Yeah yeah, laugh all you want. But anyway, the Melt has its gem right where it's right eye'z'upposed to be at." Derierei looked away, not wanting to see Shizuka and the rest's red faces. They, even Saeko, were really trying hard not to laugh from Derierei's sudden gap moe-ness. It was just so cute and funny how she continued to stick with "Melt" and even use it!

But, soon after, they went back to being serious. As they continued to follow the Evo's, they finally began to make a plan.

"Rika-chan, find a position where you could shoot the...*giggles*...the Horro Spider's gem, while Yuriko-chan will go for the...pfft!...go-go after Melt- hahaha...sorry, sorry. Rika-chan will go for the Horror Spider, while Yuriko-chan goes for the Melt. Wait for my signal, alright? And once they get shot down, Yuki-chan will unload a mag at the Bloater. Be sure to hit its bloated parts, then I'll deal with the female Evo while Saeko-chan and Derierei-chan will deal with Juggernaut. Derierei-chan hadn't named the female one yet, so I will make sure to make it show what it could do." After having explained her plan, everyone but Derierei gave her an amused smile, which she mirrored as Shizuka averted their attention to the blushing Derierei.

Then, feeling that they teased the woman enough, they finally got ready. Rika went some meters forward to gain a clear sight of the Horror Spider, and thankfully that the trees weren't to close to one another, or else it would have made hitting her target harder. And, unlike Rika, Yuriko just continued to walk parallel with her target, her own sniper rifle ready to fire as she had checked the trees for a proper place to shoot through. And as for Yuki, she just made sure to aim at the Bloater with her SCAR.

Shizuka, back in serious leader mode, focused on the group Evos, waiting for a moment, before she finally exclaimed, "Shoot!"

Rika was the first one to shoot, having a clear sight at the Horror Spider's gem, which was destroyed in an instant! Then, Yuriko, with her target passing by the tree that blocked her sight showing itself a moment after Shizuka's signal, pulled the trigger and shattered the Melt's gem.

Then, moments later, the female Evo shrieked so loud, everything within a mile would have heard it, and immediately afterwards, Derierei's voice cut in.

"It's a Banshee!" Derierei exclaims in glee, knowing that it was a fitting name for it, but Shizuka had to cut her short. "Let's go!"

Following Shizuka's command, Derierei was first to appear in front of the Juggernaut, which looked aggravated by the Banshee's shrieks, but also confused. And, Derierei, not wanting to waste the opportunity, went for the Juggernaut's left ankle, hooking her scythe behind it and then pulling it with enough strength to cut the foot off! Then, with the sudden lack of its foot to keep its balance steady, and from the force of the scythe's pull, the Juggernaut couldn't help but stumble backwards.

And as it fell, Yuki had already began unloading her magazine at the Bloater, causing most of its bloated parts to burst and surround it with a green haze.

Then, as the Juggernaut fell with an groundbreaking *TTHHHUUDDD!!!*, Shizuka threw a lighter at the green haze beside the Juggernaut and *BBBOOOMMM!!!*, an explosion occurred, just like Shizuka had guessed. There was a shockwave from the explosion, but Deriere, Shizuka, and Saeko, who finally arrived and stabbed her katana into the Juggernaut's rising hand, stayed their ground.

Though, unfortunately for the Banshee, it got knocked down with its frail dead body, giving Shizuka the chance to swiftly end her with her knife. The only reason why she hadn't had Yuriko or Shizuka shoot it down right after because, in all honesty, wanted Derierei to name it. And since it was named, with its kind forever being called Banshees, it wasn't needed anymore.

Then, back go Saeko and Derierei, they just had to worry at the struggling Juggernaut. Though it was stopped for a bit by Saeko's sudden attack, it was still able to lift its hand up, and Saeko had to immediately retrieve her katana from the Juggernaut. And as it was about to stand up, Derierei decided to help it by burrowing the tip of her scythe to its shoulder, causing it to roar, and use just enough strength to pull it up.

The Juggernaut struggled a bit, but with Derierei's help, it got to stand up, only to wobble forward. Sighing, Derierei pulled her scythe back, causing a massive gash to appear on the Juggernaut's left shoulder. Though, as it fell down, it tried to swipe at Saeko. Unfortunately for it, it was too slow and Saeko was able to dodge it.

Then, as it was now laying on its face, Derierei couldn't help but sigh in disappointment. "There's no point'n trying to fight this."

Saeko, agreeing with Derierei's statement, made a sound of disappointment before going to the Juggernaut's ankle and destroying the black gem in it.

"Well...that's that, I suppose." Yuki, having seen that the Evo's were dealt with, got close to the three, with Yuriko and Rika following behind her.

"Though they've evolved, they still aren't a match for us. Though I admit we had multiple advantages, they still shouldn't pose much of a threat to our current firepower." Yuriko added as she walked over and kicked the dead-dead Juggernaut, wanting to feel if its muscles were hard or were just for show.

"Anyway, good job team!" Shizuka, from her leader mode, to her normal mode, praised her team with a dazzling smile.


[A/N: Hope I did good. The harem right now are going to be hurriedly wrapped up, but don't worry, they'll still have their time even when we're in the Akame Ga Kill world.

Honestly, next chap will be pulling in the harem members, some 16+? scenes/suggestive scenes, and then some relaxation in the cabin! Ooh! I just thought about this while writing this. I might just make HOTD universe be where Shizuka and the rest of the current group, and for the future harem, will govern over after reaching Godhood!

Also, sorry for the Esdeath-host team, but...

) Esdeath: 17

) Kurome: 21

) Najenda: 3

) Chelsea: 2

Kurome will be the System holder!

Kurome will definitely top Esdeath in this fanfic.

Please suggest what the main purpose of Kurome's System.

Also, now...

) Should Kurome still join the Jeagers?

) Be a lone wolf/lone assissin following the System's missions

) Join the Revolutionary Group, but not be part of Night Raid

) Others?...

Hope you liked it though!]