
Geezers (2)

When it comes to handling a situation where a conversation can draw the line between success and utter doom, respect had to be used to its utmost advantage.

Aaron fairly outworked all of his senses that carried respect, just to be on the good eye of these elders. Half of his kindness was exaggerated, faked.

His intelligence had to be proven through the chit chat, and what would be more difficult than being nice to people who wanted his head? It surely tested emotional intelligence, IQ as well for the sake of puzzling out a solution.

But the card of which this new Count pulled, forced all of these geezers to a gasp.

The bulk yet chubby Pitaro was first to reply after such an answer caused a dark room, questioning. "How can you possibly be sent here by Arthur Hare?"

"I thought you knew all that? Arthur Hare promises to transform this village in exchange for 30% of this place's Income." And upon such a sentence, the shock on these elder's faces was almost funny.