
From Loser to Goddess: A Xianxia Story

Lin Feng was a miserable man who had nothing going for him. He was 31 years old, unemployed, single, friendless, and living with his nagging parents. His only escape was playing MMORPG games, where he could create his own characters and explore fantasy worlds. He was thrilled when he heard about Land of Immortality, a new MMORPG that promised to be the most realistic and immersive game ever. He bought the game and spent a whole day creating his dream girl. He named her Qing Yu Xue, meaning Azure Jade Snow. She was the epitome of beauty and perfection. But something went wrong when he started the game. He felt a jolt of pain in his head and passed out. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that he was in a cave with a lake. He looked at his reflection and realized that he had become Qing Yu Xue.

boredape_3499 · Fantasi Timur
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5 Chs


Cultivation Realms:

• Qi Condensation

• Foundation Establishment

• Core Formation

• Nascent Soul

• Soul Formation

• Dao Enlightenment

• Shattering Void

Qing Yu Xue's Panel:

Name: Qing Yu Xue

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Talents (6/6):

• Sword Prodigy (Earth Grade)

• Formation Emperor's Mind (Heaven Grade)

• Alchemy Emperor's Eye (Heaven Grade)

• Steps like the Wind (Earth Grade)

• Fast Rejuvenation (Earth Grade)

• Enchant the Heaven and Earth (Eternal Grade)

Physique: Verdant World Immortal Physique (Immortal Grade)

Bones: Heavenly Inscription Bones (Immortal Grade)

Bloodline: Wind Spirit Bloodline (Heaven Grade)

• [Enchant the Heaven and Earth (Eternal Grade)]

[Description: Inspire the Art and Poetry. Bloom the Flowers and Trees. Sway the Heart and Mind. Shine the Stars and Clouds. Charm the Sun and Moon.

Known for endowing the wielder with a celestial allure that surpasses the Heavenly Dao, this talent manifests itself in the user's appearance, demeanor, and aura in such a way that all creation from Heaven to Earth is swayed, spellbound, and compelled to yield.]