
From Loser to Goddess: A Xianxia Story

Lin Feng was a miserable man who had nothing going for him. He was 31 years old, unemployed, single, friendless, and living with his nagging parents. His only escape was playing MMORPG games, where he could create his own characters and explore fantasy worlds. He was thrilled when he heard about Land of Immortality, a new MMORPG that promised to be the most realistic and immersive game ever. He bought the game and spent a whole day creating his dream girl. He named her Qing Yu Xue, meaning Azure Jade Snow. She was the epitome of beauty and perfection. But something went wrong when he started the game. He felt a jolt of pain in his head and passed out. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that he was in a cave with a lake. He looked at his reflection and realized that he had become Qing Yu Xue.

boredape_3499 · Fantasi Timur
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5 Chs

Heavenly Crystal Restaurant

Qing Yu Xue caressed her face again, still amazed by her own beauty.

"I can't believe I created such a stunning character…"

The more Qing Yu Xue gazed at her own reflection, the more she realized that her beauty surpassed that of the original character she had designed.

Qing Yu Xue's sweet voice sounded, "This body should be around 15 years old…"

Qing Yu Xue's eyes narrowed after saying those words. "H-hold on… I was 31 years old in my previous life, so isn't it weird that I'm attracted to myself right now?"

But she soon shrugged, "There was no Qing Yu Xue before. I made her. It's like those adult animations with loli characters, it's not strange to be attracted to this character."

Qing Yu Xue rubbed her chin with her hand and wondered, "Hmm, I wonder if I have a system or something like that?"

She yelled, "System! Come! Show yourself to your host."

Qing Yu Xue scowled and yelled again, "System status! Aah…"

She pouted and said, "It looks like there's no system for me…"

Qing Yu Xue cursed, "Damn… I transmigrated into this crappy world without a system!"

Qing Yu Xue looked around, trying to find the exit of the cave.

As Qing Yu Xue looked for the exit of the cave, she checked inside her robe for any items that she had.

She found a map of the Red Mountain Continent, an information book, a Spiritual Ring, 30 Rejuvenating Qi pills, 3 Stellar Vine Restoration pills, Verdant Heaven Cultivation Technique, Heaven-Defying Inscription Technique, Heavenly Wind Spirit Cultivation Technique… and some food and other items.

Qing Yu Xue held the map in her hands and studied it carefully. Her emerald eyes sparkled with curiosity as she saw the layout of the continent.

The map showed an arrow that indicated Qing Yu Xue's current location.

She said to herself, "I should go to the nearest city, which is Fallen Leaf City. It's a third-tier city of the Heavenly Flame Empire…"

She liked the sound of her own voice. It was sweet and charming, like a song.

She knew that on the Red Mountain Continent, there were different forces that were ranked by seven tiers, corresponding to the seven realms of cultivation.

They were Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Soul Formation, Dao Enlightenment, and Void Shattering.

"I should get going… It will take me a week to get there. I should also start cultivating."

Qing Yu Xue was adapting to her new world and her new identity quickly… but being in this new body made her feel horny all the time.

She couldn't help it. Qing Yu Xue's previous life, Lin Feng, was a loser who hardly talked to any women.

Now that Lin Feng was in Qing Yu Xue's body, sometimes, strange things happened…


After countless hours of journeying, an enticing, primal urge suddenly seized the delicate form of Qing Yu Xue, her heavenly body yearning for release.

Her lotus-steps carried her to a waiting tree, its bark rough against the smooth silk of her elegant dress.

With a mesmerizing swish of her robes, she gently lowered herself, her tender dew-drops of life glistening like fine pearls as they flowed from the delicate folds of her jade orchid, breathing life into the arid land below and coaxing hesitant sprouts into vibrant greenery.

An odd sensation brushed against her flawless bottom, like a breath of wind whispering an amorous secret.

"What the fuck? Why does my butt feel so weird?" Qing Yu Xue swore, her voice was a decadent melody, sweet as honey yet laced with curiosity, capable of enticing even celestial beings. Glancing downward, her cherry lips parted at the miraculous tableau that unfolded beneath her.

Qing Yu Xue was shocked to see that her heavenly nectar had created a small oasis of greenery in the mountains.

"H-how does this work? Suppose I decide to drop a shit, would some fucking amazing Spiritual Herb sprout up?" Qing Yu Xue mused, an enchanting laugh laced her vulgar expression, her voice as intoxicating as the rich wine found only in the celestial realms.


A week flew by in a flash…

It finally dawned on Qing Yu Xue that her new body had no need for such base functions like pooping, reinforcing the timeless myth that girls, to be more specific, goddesses of her calibre and beauty, don't poop.

Qing Yu Xue wore a veil over her small head to hide her stunning face from the world. She knew that without enough power or background, she could become the toy of some young master.

"Even though I reached the third stage of Qi Condensation, this little power is nothing compared to most people."

That's right! Qing Yu Xue, in just a week, had advanced to the third stage of Qi Condensation.

She was about to enter Fallen Leaf City, when a big, burly young man blocked her way. He was one of the guards of the city gate.

"Stop! Who are you, young lady?" He asked in a loud voice.

Qing Yu Xue answered politely, but without removing the veil, "Greetings, big brother. My name is Qing Yu Xue. May I ask for your name?"

Her voice was sweet and melodious, like a songbird. The young man felt his heart skip a beat. He wondered how beautiful she was under the veil.

He stuttered, "M-my name is Li Hongbin. Y-you are Qing Yu Xue?"

Qing Yu Xue giggled softly, "Yes, that's right. Did you forget already, big brother?"

She tilted her head slightly, showing a hint of her delicate neck. Li Hongbin felt his face heat up. He looked away.

He said quickly, "N-no, I didn't forget… You can go in, young lady…"

He forgot to charge her the entrance fee. He was too captivated by her charm.

Qing Yu Xue thanked him and walked past him. She entered the city gate.

Li Hongbin watched her go with longing eyes. He wished he could see her face.


Qing Yu Xue felt a shock under her veil. She cursed in her mind. "What the hell! He was so smitten with me after just a few words."

Qing Yu Xue realized the true power of her Eternal Grade talent, Enchant the Heaven and Earth.

As Qing Yu Xue walked down the streets of Fallen Leaf City, people were amazed by her beauty, even though they couldn't see her face.

One bystander said, "Young miss! You must have a very beautiful face under that veil. Can you please show it to us for a moment?"

"Yes, yes! Show us your face. We want to see how pretty you are!"

Another bystander sighed, "If I had a wife like her, I would die happy… No, wait… If I had a wife like her for a day, I would die without regrets…"

The more he looked at Qing Yu Xue, the more he fell in love with her. "N-no… if I could just see her lovely face once, I would die peacefully…"

Qing Yu Xue caused a stir as soon as she entered Fallen Leaf City. Dozens of people surrounded her.

Qing Yu Xue was scared of her own ability.

Even though these people were mostly mortals with no cultivation, or only had a low cultivation base, it still frightened her that they were so obsessed with her.

"T-this… Uncle, I don't think you should die for me." Qing Yu Xue said sincerely.

Even though he was a perverted, lonely person in his previous life, that didn't mean he was a bad person.

The people who formed the crowd were drawn to Qing Yu Xue's melodious voice. They thought she was a goddess.

A middle-aged man from the crowd with a fine robe approached Qing Yu Xue and said with a friendly smile, "Young miss, would you like to join me at the Heavenly Crystal Restaurant?"

Qing Yu Xue looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I'm very hungry and I haven't had good food for a long time. Is the food at your Heavenly Crystal Restaurant tasty?"

The middle-aged man laughed heartily and said, "Young miss, the food at the Heavenly Crystal Restaurant is the best in Fallen Leaf City! No other restaurant can compare to ours. If you honor our restaurant with your visit, we will offer you free food."

Qing Yu Xue thought for a moment and nodded, "Alright, show me the way."


Qing Yu Xue reached the Heavenly Crystal Restaurant.

The Heavenly Crystal Restaurant was a very impressive and prestigious restaurant in Fallen Leaf City. It had six floors, each one more luxurious and exquisite than the last. The higher you went, the better the food and the service were.

The middle-aged man named Chen Ming smiled slightly as they arrived at the restaurant, "Young Miss Qing, we are here. You will dine on the third floor of the restaurant, which is used mostly by rich guests. The food that you will enjoy will be from the fifth floor, which is among the finest in the city."

Qing Yu Xue nodded and followed Chen Ming. "Alright, thank you Mr. Chen."

As Qing Yu Xue sat on the third floor of the Heavenly Crystal Restaurant waiting for her food, she couldn't help but notice how clever Chen Ming was.

She said to him, "Mr. Chen, you are very smart. You invited me to dine at your restaurant because you knew I would attract a lot of customers. They would pay any price to see my face when I eat."

Chen Ming smiled slightly, not denying his scheme. "Yes, but that's not the only reason. I also want to see your face, Young Miss Qing."

Qing Yu Xue felt a bit sorry for the people who came to the third floor to eat there because of her.

She asked him, "How much does it cost an average person to dine on the third floor?" Qing Yu Xue's beautiful voice sounded in Chen Ming's ear.

He chuckled and said, "Let's just say that they would spend a few months' wages…" Chen Ming said.