


Linda's head shot up with a smile as she moaned, while she arched her back with her blouse bunched up over her breast while her jeans were pulled down to her knees and her thong moved to the side allowing Naruto to slam into her from behind, while her groping her ass, before she leaned back into him and the two shared a kiss, as Naruto caressed her breast "You're amazing." Linda moaned panting as she slammed her hips back into Naruto before grinding her hips against him

"So are you," Naruto replied, as he licked up along her neck

Linda moaned holding the back of Naruto's head, as he continued to slam into her, as he began to sucked on her neck, as Linda started to grind against him while holding his ass check tightly, Naruto smirked and lightly bit her, causing her to throw her head back and release a loud moan, as her orgasm ripped through her body causing her to shake, as Naruto came with a grunt, before they kissed each other, as Naruto slapped her ass loudly causing her to moan

"You must've really needed a pick me up if you called me for this," Naruto said moaning as he removed himself from Linda who sped off and returned clean and in a new pair of pants

"I did, but that isn't why I called." Linda said handing him a photo from the satellite of a bus with 12 passengers, "So far we encountered 2 of the bus metas and there are still 10 out there."

"How hard can it be to track down ten bus passengers?" Naruto asked

"Well, according to the Department of Transportation, over 900 people rode that bus that day," Linda said

"What about the bus driver?" Naruto asked

"That's where things get more interesting. He's dead. Drowned in his own bathtub." Linda said

"That's not too suspicious." Naruto frowned

"What do you know about Devoe?"

"The name is familiar to me, but I can't quite remember why. All I get is seeing the name in the future and hearing it from Kadabra. But this guy is smart. I mean, the Samuroid pushing you guys to bring me back, me not coming out of the place you thought I would, the bus being in the exact right place to be hit by dark matter It was planned. Scary planned."

"Okay, let's look closer into the bus driver's death. It may give us a lead." Linda said

"I'll have Felicity pull up the autopsy report from the coroner's office," Naruto replied before the two walked downstairs and paused seeing the news crew with the Mayor

"You know, some of you may not realize, but before I was mayor, I was a cop in this very precinct. And it's because of these men and women every family in Central City can sleep comfortably at night. Detective Linda Park. Keep up the good work. What do you say, Linda?"

Naruto and Linda watched as the cameras turned onto them as Linda raised an eyebrow, "Huh, I'll do that." she said before the crew turned back to Mayor Bellows

"And that's why she's not a politician." Bellows smiled as the duo left

Naruto and Linda went home and took a shower together before they made their way to Uzumaki Labs, the elevator dinged as the door opened while the two kissed before Naruto saw a Danny Trejo looking guy in the hall

"This facility is poorly guarded." the man said

Linda called upon her light while Naruto created two Chidori's and they were about to attack but Cisco arrived, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Okay. Power down."

Linda and Naruto looked at Cisco while the man wondered why his powers weren't working, "Oh, good. You're both here."

"Cisco, who is this?" Naruto asked

"This is Breacher. AKA Gypsy's father." Cisco said

"Oh. Yeah, I, um, can see the resemblance.' Linda lied

'There is no resemblance.' Breacher said

"Least you know that," Naruto commented before Cisco loudly continued to speak

"So, you know how Gypsy's kind of a big deal collector on Earth-19? Well, her boss is her dad. Who decided to pay us a little surprise visit at the perfect time." Cisco said causing Naruto to gain a look of realization and hold in his laughter, "Which is why I decided to show him around where I work. You know?"

"I'm Nathan Allen." Naruto smiled

"Cisco's personal assistant." Breacher nodded

"His what?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow as Cisco walked in front of him looking him in the eyes

"And he is the best personal assistant I've ever had. He stays late, starts early. One day, I'll be working for him."

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked quietly

"I wanted to impress him, and now I can't stop." Cisco whispered before he motioned to Linda, "Linda Park."

"A fellow officer of the law. You, I can respect." Breacher nodded

"Oh, thank you." Linda smiled

"And Harry Wells back there," Cisco said as Harry leaned on the wall behind Breacher who glared at him

"You look like someone I once sent my daughter to kill." Breacher said

"I get that a lot." Harry nodded

"Uh, I thought maybe someone would want to give him the, uh, the old look-see," Cisco said

'Great idea. Um, Allen, Detective Park, why don't you give Gypsy's father here the nickel tour of the facilities?" Harry asked before with shrugs the two heroes lead Breacher away while Harry looked to Cisco who was leaning on the wall

"I've had to pee for, like, three hours." Cisco moaned

Moments Later

Naruto, Linda, Felicity, and Iris were in the cortex when Caitlin walked in, "Why is the scariest person I've ever seen roaming our halls?" she asked

"Cisco." Everyone said

"Oh." Caitlin nodded

"Okay, so, I've got the coroner's report for the death of the bus driver, but it doesn't seem like there are any signs of foul play," Felicity said

"Aside from him being the one guy that could have told us who else was on that bus." Naruto sighed

"They logged his personal effects, let's see Credit cards, cash, receipts, um-" Iris listed moving aside photos when Naruto noticed something,

"Wait, go back." Naruto said causing Iris to go back to a Private Investigator business card, 'Helen Smith."

"That name mean anything to you?" Caitlin asked

"She used to be a cop until she got kicked off the force." Naruto frowned

"For what?" Felicity asked

"It's a long story." Naruto sighed before a photo of Helen appeared (Hayley Atwell), "That's her."

"She's hot," Felicity noted

"The I.O.U. is dated the same day that I came out of the Speed Force," Naruto said

"You think Helen was on the bus that day? Maybe she's a meta-human now?" Linda asked

"I'll pay her a visit," Naruto said before he walked off with everyone watching him

"Iris." Linda said causing Iris to look and see everyone watching her, "Spill."

"Okay, Helen was CCPD's lead detective during the murder investigation of Judy Gimlin, one of Nate's first cases as a Junior CSI wherein Helen was his superior. They were dating at the time when Mrs. Gimlin was stabbed to death and her husband was the prime suspect. Nate having gone through something similar with what happened to his family, was determined to get the truth out more than anyone and discovered that Helen fabricated evidence and tried to get her to right her wrong but she refused, so Nate testified against her, leading to Helen dishonorably being kicked off from the police force and driving a deep wedge in their relationship."

"When you say dated, how serious we talking about?" Linda asked

"Well the date is a strong word, they were more sex buddies than boyfriend-girlfriend," Iris said

Smith Investigations

Naruto walked up the stairs hearing arguing, "That bitch! She's sleeping with my brother!?"

"Calm down."

"She wants to go behind my back! She destroyed my life!"

Naruto heard the muffled arguing and when he got off the steps, down the hall a window shattered as a man's head was slammed through it, "And then there's the matter of your bill." Helen said before she looked up and saw Naruto standing there

"Don't mind me. This looks entertaining." Naruto smiled watching as Helen smirked before the whimpering man gave her the money and stumbled off with Naruto watching him

Turning around Naruto saw Helen leave the door open and walk into her office/apartment, before he walked in and looked around, "Been a long time Nate, what brings you by?"

"Just wanted to-"

"What check up on me?" Helen asked with a scoff, "It's been 5 years, and you want to make up now."

"Depends do you regret what you did?" Naruto asked

"Why would I?" Helen asked raising an eyebrow, "He was guilty."

"Maybe of another crime, but not that one." Naruto frowned,

"That man was nothing like your father, and you chose to throw me under the bus for him, Helen said

"I chose to do my job." Naruto frowned, "I told you to trust me and be patient till I found some damning evidence but you chose to contaminate the crime scene and as a result of that he walked, and you were kicked off the force."

Helen stood up glaring, "A mobster would have been behind bars with what I did."

"And a murderer would still be at large." Naruto returned

"Why are you here?" Helen asked

"Were you on the 405 bus few days ago around noon?" Naruto asked

"That's a very specific question, Helen said

"Uzumaki Labs is under contract with CCPD as a CSI consultant and your I.O.U was found amongst the deceased bus driver's personal effects."

"Deceased? Well, that's one less "U" I owe. " Helen shrugged

"Answer the question please,, Naruto said

"You walk into my office after five years like nothing ever happened, and ask me for a favor? I smell a mystery."

"It's not a favor. It's information."

"Tomato, Tomahto. How much is this information worth?" Helen asked

"Excuse me?" Naruto asked

"I know something you don't. And you need to know it badly, otherwise, you'd never swallow your pride and face me after what you did." Helen said

"After what I did?" Naruto asked stepping forward aggressively while Helen clenched her fist ready to fight, watching as Naruto calmed himself, "Helen. The people on that bus were exposed to a dangerous substance."

"Dangerous? Dangerous like what? Like Ebola?" Helen asked

"Were you on the bus?" Naruto asked

"No." Helen said getting a nod from Naruto who turned on his heel and headed for the door, "Hey." Naruto paused and looked at her, blinking as a camera flash blinded him,

"What the hell?" Naruto asked blinking the spots out his eyes

"Masturbation material." Helen shrugged as Naruto made to say something but shook his head

"Ok, Naruto said turning to leave when a gun was put to his forehead his face as two men entered the office

"Ah, crap." Helen sighed

Moments Later, Rooftop

Naruto was handcuffed to a pipe as the two men held Helen by her ankles over the ledge, "Guys, you don't want to do this! I don't know what you want. Let's talk about this. Put me down."

"Whoa!" The men screamed loosening their grip

"Don't put me down! Don't put me down!" Helen yelled before Naruto heard stretching as the men looked shocked as he easily snapped the cuffs and sped forward, tapping the sides of the man's head and as he stopped their heads slammed into each other knocking them unconscious

Naruto looked over the ledge and saw Helen on the ground with her legs stretched out

"I guess she was on that bus,", Naruto said as Helen looked up to him completely freaked out

Later, Uzumaki Labs

Iris walked down the hall humming before she saw a Chuck Taylor attached to a leg that was stretching from the med bay, and screamed running down the hall beside the leg, "Hey, guys? What the hell?"

Everyone besides Cisco was in the med bay with Helen "What happened to me?"

"Breathe, okay?" Naruto said as he and Caitlin took deep breaths

"I am breathing. Okay."

"Clearly this guy is a bus meta," Iris said to Felicity

"This is interesting. The dark matter has polymerized Helen's cells."

"What the hell is dark matter, and why is it in my cells?" Helen asked

"You're saying the walls of every cell in his body have elasticized?" Caitlin asked

"I'm saying they formed an unbreakable bond at the atomic level. Now you can stretch these cells and stretch these cells." Harry explained

"Like Silly Putty," Felicity said

"Like Silly Putty." Harry nodded

"I'm Silly Putty?" Helen asked

"No." Harry and Caitlin said

"Kinda." Naruto nodded

"Nathan! You and your friends better put me back together." Helen yelled

"I just need a sample of blood," Caitlin said walking forward and taking Helen's arm but Helen tried to rip it away and ended up stretching her arm causing Caitlin to gasp and stumble back her hand slamming onto a bottle of baby powder that hit Helen in the face causing her to gasp before she sneezed

Everyone looked at her face in horror as it was now stretched out into her hands, "Oh, is that my face?" Helen asked

CC Jitters

Gypsy sat across from her dad after he scared off some guy looking to plug up his tablet, "Daddy, I know you love me, and I love you." she said as Breacher smiled nodding, "I really like Cisco, and I need you two to get along. So do you think that you can try to do that?"

"I'll do anything for you, petal." Breacher said as Cisco arrived with mugs

"Ah, three coffees. How about you, huh? Ready for some hot java?" Cisco asked taking a cup and sitting beside Gypsy who grabbed one

"We don't have coffee on my Earth. Crops were destroyed. My world was attacked, invaded by the worst, most evil creatures in the multiverse. I'll never drink coffee again." Breacher growled as Cisco grabbed the other mug

"Two for me." Cisco smiled

"It's okay. Daddy, why don't I get you a tea?" Gypsy getting a nod and smile from her father

"Like a relaxing tea?" Cisco asked

"Yeah." Gypsy nodded before she stood up and walked off as Cisco sat down

"Pop a squat. Uh, I know from a friend who is also a father, how important his daughter is to him. And I just wanted to let you know how important your daughter is to me. And that after you and I get to know each other a little, maybe we might find that we're not so different." Cisco smiled sitting back proudly as he sipped his coffee

"I'm going to hunt you." Breacher started causing Cisco to choke, "You're not worthy of her."

"Isn't that for her to decide?" Cisco asked

"Ten." Breacher said

"Also, I could have sworn you said, uh, you were gonna hunt me. What, like a deer?" Cisco asked

"I have hunted some of the worst breach criminals in history. Marla the Dark Lord. Soolunga of Sheerdra. The Sand People of Scar. You will be easy prey. Nine." Breacher said before Cisco frowned

"Listen, I have tried to be polite with you, but this is going a little too far. I get that you're overprotective-"

"Eight." Breacher interrupted

"Are you counting?" Cisco asked

"For the next 24 hours, I will be hunting you throughout this city. We will not use our powers. But when it's over, my daughter will be free of you. Seven." Breacher said

"Do you do this with all her boyfriends?" Cisco asked

"I hunted her last one, yes." Breacher nodded

"Where is he now?" Cisco asked

"I don't know." Breacher shrugged causing Cisco to sit back smiling

"So, he got away," Cisco said

"I don't know where you go when you die." Breacher replied causing Cisco to frown, "Five."

"You just skipped six," Cisco said

"I know. Four. And don't try to breach. I'll know it if you do. You can't hide from me. So if I were you, I would start running, Cisky." Breacher glared as Cisco with a chuckle stood up and ran while Breacher sighed, "Three, two, one."

Gypsy walked back with her father's tea and saw Cisco, and her dad gone, "Damn. He's hunting him." she sighed

With Naruto

Naruto whistled a tune, as he made his way up to Caitlin's old apartment, he had just finished completely moving all his stuff out of Linda's apartment and was ready to pick up the last few boxes Caitlin had only to pause when he approached the door but paused seeing a curved blade on the ground and a message on the door

"We missed you. Come back soon."

Naruto glared, picking up the blade he left

Uzumaki Labs

Naruto walked into Cisco's workshop to see Harry working before Cisco crawled out if a vent, "Um, what are you doing?" he asked

"Yeah, do you think it's wise to be sneaking around a technologically weaponized facility?" Harry asked

"It's a lot safer than what I'm up against out there, so," Cisco said walking to a shelf

"Coffee didn't go well, I take it?" Naruto asked

"Well, Gypsy's dad wants to hunt me for 24 hours to see if I'm worthy of his daughter. No powers so, don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do about that." Cisco said

"Fight back." Naruto and Harry said as one

"I swear, it's like you both are trying to listen, but just nod while thinking of something else," Cisco replied

"Look, Cisco. All fathers want their daughter to be with someone who can protect them. You running away instead of confronting your adversary is cowardly, and you Cisco Ramon are not a coward."

"But I can't use my powers," Cisco said

"So. Your a black belt martial artist and a genius. Sure he's more experienced than you but your faster and stronger. Your powers aren't what make you dangerous, its that big hyperactive brain of yours." Naruto said

"Okay, you're right. 'Cause he may be the Predator, but I'm the Schwarzenegger." Cisco nodded while Naruto caught Breacher's scent

"He's coming," Naruto said and immediately Cisco got back into the vent while Breacher appeared in the doorway

"He was here." Breacher stated

"Uh, he went that way," Harry said as Naruto nodded before Breacher walked off and Naruto smiled before he walked off mentally wishing Cisco luck,


Helen frowned looking around, "This is a pretty nice setup, you guys got here." she said as the news appeared covering Linda arresting Mayor Bellows for ordering the attack on her

"Thanks." Naruto said walking into the room, "Though I'm surprised your still here."

"Caitlin offered to help me learn to control my powers. These powers can really help me with my investigations." Helen shrugged

"Hm." Naruto nodded before he looked to Caitlin, "Hey, any idea what this is?"

Caitlin's eyes widened, "Where,"

"Your apartment. It was outside the door with someone threatening you to come back. What's going on?" Naruto asked watching as Frost emerged

"It belongs to Amunet Black," Frost said ignoring Helen who looked at her in surprise

"And how does Amunet know about Caitlin?" Naruto asked watching as Frost shrugged

"Caitlin allowed me out every now and then, and I stumbled onto Amunet. She has a way of getting her hands on tech that shouldn't be on the streets, so I worked as her muscle hoping to meet her supplier. When you came out if the speed force we quit." Frost said taking the blade, "I'll deal with this."

"No, we will deal with this," Naruto said

"This is my problem," Frost replied

"No, it's ours. We are a family here. If she's threatening you, she's threatening all of us. And she will learn that that is a big mistake." Naruto said getting a small smile from Frost who yanked him forward into a kiss and when she pulled away and a blast of cold air left Naruto's mouth, "Nice."

"Wait a minute." Helen said as Naruto and the others looked at her, "You were struck by lightning, and show no signs of that ever being the case, and after you woke up from your coma reports of a streak began to circulate after. Flash hasn't been seen for months then you come back, Flash miraculously reappears."

Helen looked at Naruto who sighed as his suit manifested on his body minus the mask, "You're the Flash." watching as Naruto nodded

"Listen Helen. People change, most of us know what it's like to suddenly find yourself with extraordinary powers and be totally freaked out by it. So if you want, you're more than welcome to join us, use your powers to make a difference and help people again."

Helen looked at everyone and focused on Naruto, "If I agree you will never throw what happened in my face."

"I promise," Naruto said seriously

"Okay, fine." Helen nodded


Breacher entered the active danger room to see it was a gym, with Cisco standing in the ring, "What is this?" he asked

"I love your daughter and I'm not going to run. You don't think I'm worthy of her, come find out." Cisco glared

Breacher smirked and nodded, "Okay." he said taking off his jacket and getting into the ring, "Let's go Cisky."

Breacher with his hands walked up to Cisco who shot forward in a show of speed Breacher didn't expect and he suffered a blow to tbe git that robbed him of his ability to breathe,

Breacher collapsed to his knees struggling, "H-how?" he wheezed

"I train under insane levels of gravity. It makes me stronger and faster and luckily it isn't fatal thanks to my metahuman physiology. Now you say I am not worthy of your daughter but I love her and I can protect her. If you still dont think so, get up and show me why I'm not worthy of her." Cisco said stepping back to allow Breacher to stand

Breacher finally got his second wind, and stood up looking at Cisco, "I hate you." he said causing Cisco to blink, "But I respect you. You're a steadfast warrior who would fight the fiercest of enemies to protect your friend and the only person I love."

"With my dying breath, sir," Cisco said looking to Gypsy who was in the control center watching with a small smile

"I know that, but I still hate you." Breacher said walking to his jacket as Gypsy breached into the room

"I have never seen him gush like that." Gypsy smiled

"That's gushing? I'm terrified to experience him loving me." Cisco said

"Well, that's my job." Gypsy smiled

"Oh, that's right." Cisco smiled before the two kissed

"I feel a code-17 breach in progress. We have to leave now, Cynthia." Breacher said causing Gypsy's eyes to snap open as Cisco looked surprised

"Cyn-Cynthia?" Cisco asked as Gypsy walked away, "Cynthia. What's your dad's name?"

"Josh." Breacher said causing Cisco to laugh

"Cynthia and Josh. That's great. Not so scary now, Cynthia."

"Keep calling me that. See what happens." Ghost challenged

"All right. See you around Gypsy." Cisco smiled

Later, Naruto, Cisco, and Harry went to a bar for his bachelor party, while Caitlin and the girls stayed with Cecile for the bachelorette party and they all had a good time.


AN: Helen will be a mix of Ralph Dibny and Jessica Jones.