
chapter 8&9

Upon returning to Magnolia, Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Happy found that the guild building impaled by numerous giant metal rods.Informing them about the situation, Mirajane tells the team that the Phantom Lord Guild is behind the attack.so them dont continue to find Ford but rushed toward fairy tail guild

after they arive,Makarov welcoming Team Natsu back as if nothing happened. Natsu is clearly upset that Makarov is just ignoring what happened

to the guild.

but happen next shocked all of fairy tail wizard

"master makarov!!,the phantom...the phantom has beaten the team shadow gear and crucified them to a tree!!!"


then Makarov and the fairies rush toward the scene and when he saw it he became completely serious, says that Phantom Lord has gone too far. As he crushes his staff in rage, Makarov officially declares war between the two guilds

but unknwon to them ford is following them from the beginning

"hemm,that old man has some strenght isnt him?,but still weak compared with the guardian"said ford as he look at the angry faries

after that Fairy Tail directly attacks Phantom Lord's base in retaliation. The Element 4 and Gajeel, however, are nowhere to be seen, something which easily grants the upper hand to the invading force...but that was not ford problem as he right now walking through town.

but then he meet with Lucy that rendered unconscious in the orb of water.

ford saw two people around lucy,and those two people almost as strong as him"now that troblesome"muttured ford




magic:water magic




magic:earth&sand magic

but ford still walking toward them

"two of you,realease that girl"said ford as he actively use haoshoku haki toward Juvia and Sol.

minwhile juvia and sol already feel weak on their knees

"who are you?,we are the element four the phantom guild,you should not again us if you dont want to make enemy with phantom guild"said Sol

Juvia dont say anything but her hand that turned into water has shown that she were ready for fight

"phantom guild?,oh those weakling"said ford,well it was true that phantom guild is weak compared with super guild like the emperor guild.

"what weakling?!,phantom guild is the strongest guild in kingfom fiore!!,"shouted Sol

"strongest?,hahahha, are you kidding me?,your guild master few year ago challange the emperor guild master...but then he badly beaten and ran away,that what are saying the strongest?"ford was amused by them,who will not laugh when ant say it was stronger than elephent?

"now let end this"said ford


and that it hajime nagumo favorite weapon on ford hand{i dont want to google those two gun so sorry}

"you two can died now"said ford as he shooted at two of them



the shoot hitted sol and juvia but them turn into sand and water

"hemm,it look like their has run away,oop how about that girl?"said ford as he walk toward lucy that still fainted so he has ni choise than to princess carry her and walk toward fairy tail guild.

and at the phantom guild,makarov already lost his magic and fairy tail is retreating from the battle

"now master jose should us start the war?"said gajeel

"wait for sol and juvia,where are them?and where is that lucy heartfilia?!!"shouted jose

after he said that he saw juvia and sol that injured entered the guild

"master,forgive us master"said juvia and sol

"huh,if you dont get that girl,we can just get her after fairy tail is destroyed,hahahaha"said jose while thinking'damn those two even weak girl they cant catch...i will punish them next time just becouse their are important for next plan'

"now all of you go to you selected place,we will start the second round right now"said jose with sinister look on his face...

the phantom guild building starting to move toward fairy tail guild


ding ding ding...

the end for this chapter

wait for the next chapter

our long lost mc will join the becouse he want to help erza,and he will let Doma vs Jose...well he want the emperor guild master get wizard saint title after deafeting jose

as for ford...he will follow natsu team....as he want to has some intresting journey and majorityly his master zen order him to protect erza....

so see you on the next chapter

when situation at fairy tail become more tense....suddenly Phantom Lord's headquarters are seen moving in the direction of Fairy Tail on 6 large mechanical legs. Once they're near enough,all fairy tail member look at phantom hq

"wha...what is that?"

"what should we do?"

"that is phantom?"

"converment canon?!!"

"shit,they want kill us with canon?"

as for jose

"prepare the magic converment canon 'jupiter'"said jose with cold voice

after that jupiter charcing it powet before attack

"EVERY ONE GET DOWN"shouted erza as she run toward jupiter



"herculean armor?"

"dont tell me that she gonna stop that canon attack?"

"even if that armor famous for its high defend power..."

"erza stop!!!you gonna died if you try to stop it!!"

shouted all other fairy tail member

"GET DOWN!!"shouted erza again

"ERZA!!!"shouted natsu as try to stop erza but gray stopped him

"natsu,you just bealive erza in heart"said gray

"OBLITERATE!!"said Jose

then the jupiter launch it attack straight toward fairy tail guild


but unexpected thing happened,almost all people from phantom and fairy tail saw a man stopped jupiter attack with just onr finger

"z...zen?"said erza

"it okay erza,you should rest for a while and let me handle it okay?"

"ye...yes"muttured erza

as for other people all of them had their jwa dropped

"heck?!?,erza just look like a women now?"said gray

"whaaaaat?!"natsu shouted

"w...who are you?"shouted jose 'damn how can i dont know fairy tail has someone like that...he....maybe same lvl as me'

{jose jose.....how stupid are you?..he is this novel okay,the ops one ever}

"oh,i?dead man should not known my name"said zen with cold voice

"dead man?what do you...."before jose csn finish his sentence he feel strong and fimiliar aura behind him

"fuck,emperor guild master Doma!??!?"shouted jose

"huh,that was right..but there were no gift for you"


said doma as he trow huge fire ball toward jose

"damn you doma!! i am wizard saint how can you try attack me?!"shouted jose and he use his magic




the impact whas to strong even people that stood out of attack range can feel the terror of doma and jose magic

then those two continue their battle on the sky,those two battle were to fast for the other see what happening.

but it still end with jose kneeling infront doma with bald head and half of his body is burned by doma magic

"this is magic saint?,far to weak"said doma

the battle take around half hour....becouse doma held back his power becouse zen order him to drag the battle for few minute...is not the battle will end only with few second with how strong is doma

with jose lose again doma ,that make all phantom guild member run away and fairy tail guild member shouted with happiness

as for erza and zen?

zen already put erza on her bed in her room at girl domitiry

"erza,next time call me if something happen okay?"said zen with gentle voice

"o....okay"muttured erza with blushed face

"now probleam has settled...i has to go"

"what?"erza said with confused

"oh you dont me to go inst you?"

"no no no"

"hahaha,okay erza...see you next time"after that zen directly kiss erza on her mouth and making erza feel shocked but still reponded to zen

{ding ii...i stop lemon here now back to battle field}

"thank you,master doma for helping fairy tail in this war"said makarov

"hahah,it okay,just think it as apologise for the last time before"

"oh,master doma...who is the man before?,i dont think i has meet him before and for succefull defend again jupiter attack with one finger...he should be famous right?"

"he is young master,that it that i can tell you...and he like erza so i hope you dont stop him"said doma with smile

"he..he like erza?,hemm i will not stop him but if he hurt erza...i will hunt him to the end of world"said makarov while he realese some of his magic

"calm down makarov,"said doma as he use haoshoku haki toward makarov

this make makarov feel weak on his knees

"alright i had to go now.so meet you next time makarov"

and again dumbledor pheonix escape hahaha

'young master,someone as strong as doma call that man young master?...it look like something fishy here but...'as makarov thinking he saw destruction that fairy tail and phantom make in war before"now i shoulf not being arrested right?"sai makarov as he cry


oh maybe you want to know about what happen to 4 element right?

its still same as in canon

this.because doma vs jose on the sky for half hour and the battle are to fast so its dont disturb canon to much

so elfman,gray,natsu defeat all elementel 4

as for Aria with his metsu magic.....ford defeat him with ease....but i dont want to write it becouse all those battle almost same as canon

elfman tranform into full body demon

to savr mirajane

gray defeat juvia and juvia felt in love to gray

natsu easyly deafeted fire element enemy(i forgpt that guy name....well he is to weak)

and ford defeat aria with just one shoot on aria head and blast he dead(hahahha just kidding....he just fainted okay...this becouse magic councill system that wizard cant kill other wizard.


next chapter i dont knoe how write yet...let me read it manga first....