
From Earth to a Hellish World

Set alone upon an island with nothing but a system to help you progress, dinosaurs of collosal proportion threatening to tear you to shreds at every turn, and countless humans who may betray you at any time for but a single scrap of food; would you survive? The One True Creator has left his energy behind, mana: the power to create and destroy. The power to become a god. If you became a god, what would you aspire to do with your power?

Cosmictear · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
86 Chs

*Smooth Operator*

*Note, this chapter contains R18 elements.*

I was the first to wake up. It was dawn and light barely shone through the cave, but I had night vision from being in the dark long enough, so I could see fine without a fire. 

I glanced about the cave at our handiwork. We had a doorway and wall piece on top of it to block the entrance to the cave. There was still a gap on top though. The cave was pretty big. It was about the size of my old living room. 

Thinking about that brought me back to memories of my family. My wife had died in a car accident, leaving me to care for my son alone. He was five when I died. I could remember his face, but not his name and that hurt. I thought, in the dark, about how I had left him alone in the world as an orphan. 

My mind shifted to my current circumstances. I was in a world that defied all common sense. A world where the creator cares about progress more than human lives. Where murder is the only way to advance in mana. Perhaps this was hell. The only thought in my head was that I could take my soulstone and crush it. Everything would end.

The only thing that kept me from that was my son. I would remember his face every morning so that even if the creator of this place had restricted my memory and had encouraged me to forget, I would not.

Also, I was not OK with the being that only gave us numbers. We were subjects in the purest sense, that is even what we had been called at every turn. We were degraded to nothing more than animals. My hands clenched in rage. I would find him, I would remember everything that I had lost, and I would kill him.

Zint came up behind where I was sitting, and she softly tapped my clenched fist as she whispered to me. "Are you okay?"

I turned around to her worried face and I smiled. "Hey, I'm fine."

"What were you thinking about?" 

"My goals and the reasons that drive me towards them."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and what are they?"

"Well, that's personal."

She sat down next to me carefully and then wrapped her arm around my own. "I can be personal."

I felt a shiver run up me. I ran my hand up her thigh. "I'm glad, but there are other people here."

She shrugged. "Then we can go outside."

And so, we stood up and creeped out. At the exit of the cave, we slowly opened the door and then softly closed it behind us. Once outside of the cave, we walked about twenty yards away from the cave. As we walked, there was a growing tent in my pants. 

When we had gone far enough, Zint unequipped her clothes. Her clothes vanished in a flash of blue light, revealing bare, wide, curvy hips and two white mounds that looked heavenly. I felt a twinge down in my stomach and a warm feeling in my dick. 

I quickly unequipped my clothes and walked to meet her. As we drew close to each other, we both went in for a kiss. My tongue blended with hers and our saliva mixed. Her breasts rubbed up against my chest; they were very soft and silky. 

I broke off our kiss and her gaze turned to my dick. She smiled. "That's about seven inches, isn't it?"

I nodded. 

She bent down and brought her mouth down to my dick. She was really good at it. Her teeth stayed away, and she kept my dick firmly in her mouth as she twirled her tongue around it. But I needed more, a primal desire within me made me shove my dick down into her throat. She nibbled softly at my dick, probably because she wasn't expecting it, but I did not care, and I continued. 

I kept pushing in and out and her eyes started to widen. I pulled out and stooped down to kiss her again. Our lips smashed against each other again. My tongue brushed hers and then circled around her lips. 

She broke the kiss. "Put it in, I'm wet enough that you don't need to lick my pussy."

I smiled. "Hold onto that tree."

I got behind her and as she grabbed onto the tree, I brought my dick up to her slit. My dick, still wet with her saliva, penetrated her easily. Her walls gripped me tightly, but she was very wet and so I began to thrust with ease.

She moaned. "Ohhh, go harder!"

I was happy to go faster. I slapped her ass and began to thrust hard and fast. My dick made squelching sounds with every thrust. She felt really good. Even better than my wife who had died.

I began to thrust harder with a smile on my face as she moaned even louder. I was about to cum. I thrust all the way to the point that my balls smacked against her ass, and I released my seed deep within her. 

She sighed. "Can you keep going? I'm almost there."'

I smiled. "Sure."

I felt energy well up in me as I gathered myself up and continued to thrust in her harder and harder. With every thrust, my dick went into her womb and my balls slapped against her ass. Both of our breathing was heavy and she moaned in a deeper voice than most women would. That made me want to go even harder. I would make the pitch of her moan go up.

I thrust faster and faster with the same depth and force. She began to moan in a higher pitch, like a true woman. I grinned as I continued. It had been about eight minutes since I had last cum in her and I was about to again. 

Suddenly, she moaned especially loud and dug her fingers into the bark of the tree as her hair was wild over her face which she had smashed against the tree bark as well. 

I felt a wash of liquid come from deep within her. That stimulus brought me to the edge and I thrust as hard as I could. I came into her womb once again. 

As I pulled out, she sighed and turned around with a satisfied expression. I felt the same way. All the worries that had washed over me, were gone for now though I felt more tired.

Suddenly, a blue window appeared in front of me.


Status screen: 

*You have lost 50 stamina from mating with another subject. Be careful of who you are intimate with.*

Health → 110/110. Stamina → 99/150. Speed → 100. Weight → 113.5/300. Strength → 250. Combat Sense → 80. Mana capacity → 5/5. Mana sense → 3.

Inventory: Soulstone, mana map, Crossbow, basic stone pickaxe, 31 arrows, 2 bolas, combat knife, 2 cooked meat, 1 Makeshift set, a metal hatchet, and 9 spoiled meat.


I sighed. Today was going to be a long day.

What a banger of a chapter ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ. I uploaded three chapters today. please leave some love. No, not like that...

Please leave a power stone or two if you enjoy the book so far. I really appreciate comments and advice so that I can make my book better for future readers!

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