
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · Fantasi
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15 Chs

First Mission Aftermath - Michael Hurst/Calderon Bray

Earth, November 21, 2022

*Knock knock knock

"What is it?"

"I have a report to make regarding the mission Agent Perez was sent on."

"Come in."

"Yes sir."

What happened in that mission? Secretary Blake knows not to bother me unless it's something important.

"What happened?"

"Agent Ramona was a mole working for White Tower."

"So they truly are back. But surely you wouldn't come here just to tell me that, so what is it?"

"Everyone we sent except for Agent Perez was killed. Agent Perez reported that they were attacked by the new executive of White Tower and her forces."


"Yes, her. Agent Perez reported that the new executive of White Tower is the daughter of Roy Evans, Angelica Evans."

"Hahaha. So that girl was forced to follow her father's footsteps."

"I guess so sir."

"You say that, but do you truly know what happened to Roy Evans?

"What do you mean sir?"

"He also lost both of his parents and had to become a member of White Tower to survive."


"His mother died upon giving birth to him while his father died during the events of 9/11. Roy, unable to fend for himself, joined White Tower to survive. His daughter probably had to make the same choice after his death."

"Oh, that's sad."

"It is, but enough about that. Give me the rest of the details regarding the mission."

"I can put you on the phone with Agent Perez."

"Then go ahead and call him up."

"Yes, sir."


"Hey sir, I heard that you wanted all the details of what happened."

"Yes, tell me everything that happened kid."

I was honestly surprised to hear that the kid was the only one to survive. He seems to always brush death away. Like there's no way a kid that was as pathetic as him would have survived this long already being in this organization, but no. He has already defied all expectations I had of him.

"Well sir, I had instantly gotten this bad feeling from the time I stepped out the plane..."


"So you killed all those men without feeling guilty or anything?"

"Why would I feel guilty sir? They crushed the lives of others, so they should have expected their opponents to do the same."

This kid is a monster. A total goddamn monster. Even I felt sick to my stomach when I first killed someone, but this kid doesn't really feel anything. One can only imagine what he might do in the future if he isn't cut down immediately. I should probably kill him before he becomes uncomfortable. No, on second thought, if I use him right I can finally accomplish my goals. I don't know if he'll be able to deal with that other monster Tatsuya, but he can for sure deal with annoying bastard Calderon.

"I guess you're right. There isn't a reason to feel guilty when your opponents knew what could have happened to them."

"I'm glad you understand me sir."

"So kid, how did you get make it out alive with so many people after you."

"The executive ran up to me and I managed to take her hostage. I used her to escape."

"So where is she now?"

"It turns out she had a tracking device and I was forced to leave her behind."

He's hiding something. What he said just doesn't add up. He could've killed her to tie up any loose ends, but he instead let her leave. But a tracking device does sound believable. Especially with Roys daughter. There is no way Calderon would let Roy's precious daughter go fight without guaranteeing her safety.

"Hmm, I see. So where are you now?"

"At a hospital. After escaping I tried to make sure that they couldn't find me and after I while I passed out from all my injuries. Some people found me and took me to a nearby hospital. I asked to borrow a phone and I got in contact with Secretary Blake and told her my situation. There was also some people trying to question me due to the all the weapons I had, but Secretary Blake sent an Agent to deal with that problem."

Well even if the kid keeps on surviving, he's still human in the end. Even he has to deal with injuries. Once he gets back I'll try to see if I can use my daughter to get him under my control. Like seriously, he's a complete monster. He managed to reach the same level as the four other kids in just two years. The other kids are considered geniuses, but it took them their whole lives to reach their current levels. His body even changed biologically to adapt to the fighting style he adopted. There isn't anything else to call him but a monster.

Once he's recovered I'll get him to deal with the problems arising over there in Japan. No, on second thought that can wait. Calderon will probably take action soon. There's no way he wouldn't stay quiet after causing quite the scene.

"Okay kid, once you're recovered we'll have your plane ticket ready so you can come back."

"Okay sir."


I hang up the phone and give it back to Secretary Blake.

"I'll take my leave now sir."

Secretary Blake then quickly goes out and closes the door. I would normally go back to work, but after hearing this I can't stay still. I press the button under my desk and open the hidden room I have in my office. I then go in to take a look at what I had left behind many years back.


My precious wife asked me to have dinner with her, so I obviously can't refuse. I have always been a big fan of the Japanese culture ever since I was young. Once I became rich, I took the opportunity to finally visit Japan. While there, I met my wife who has been with me ever since and I would never deny her anything if possible.

I start heading to the dining room until my right-hand man, Koshiro comes up to it.

"What happened?!"

"Sorry for interrupting you when you're going to have lunch with my sister, but I have some bad news."

"I said what happened?!"

"Oh, right! Angelica returned from her task, but she let one of them escape."

"She did what?! Where is she right now?!"

That little girl! She has failed me so many times! I kept on forgiving her because she is Roy's kid, but this can't go on any longer.

"She's at--"

"Take me to her right now!"


Koshiro starts heading to Angelica's direction while I follow him behind. I'm so mad right now I feel like destroying something. That is true until I see my precious daughter.

My wife and daughter are everything to me. My wife has beautiful brown hair and eyes and a good figure. My daughter has her precious golden hair that she got from me, but then ruined by dying their tips pink. The day she asked if she could get her hair dyed hurt me, but I didn't deny my precious little girl. I still love her for who she is.

"Koshiro, stop."

Koshiro turns around and notices my daughter.

"I understand."

My daughter comes up running and jumps at my arms.

"Daddy, I thought you were going to eat with Mommy today?"

"I was, but something came up."

"You mean with that rude girl Angelica."

"She's not rude, she's just dealing with the death of her father."

"Well, I don't care! It's her daddy's fault for being so we--"

I quickly grab my daughter's arm in anger and make her stop before she finishes her sentences. It's something I've never done before and it hurts me to do so, but I just can't let her say whatever she wants.

"Emily, I love you, but I just can't let you disrespect my dead friend. Do you understand?"

Emily just turns her head to the side and doesn't look at me. She then pushes me off and runs away.

"Hmph, all that matters is strength..."

It hurts seeing my daughter like that, but it's necessary. I just now realize how much I've spoiled her over the years. She wasn't like that before. Well, I have other matters to worry about right now.


"Got it"


We continued on until we made it to the main hall were I had a throne made for myself. Angelica is already there kneeling down before the throne. I go and take a seat while Koshiro positions himself right beside me.

"Angelica, what is this I heard about you letting someone escape?"

"I let an Agent from the ISC escape and I take full responsibility for that."



"I want to know why you let him escape, not what you did! I already fucking know you let him escape! Why do you fucking think we're having this conversation for?!"


Fucking stupid girl. If it wasn't for her father I would...

Forget it, she is she still dealing with her father's death. For as long as she can remember, she has been here in White Tower, her mother dead, and now her father too.

"Haaa, hurry up Angelica, I got dinner with my wife afterwards."

"Oh! Yes boss! I'm sorry to say this but, I only let him go because of my personal feelings."


This girl really keeps testing my patience. I thought it was going to be for something important, but no, it was for her personal feelings!

"Angelica! I'm fucking done with you! Your father isn't here to protect you anymore, so you're out!"


"You're no longer an executive! I thought you were as strong as your father, but it seems I was wrong! I don't need failures like you in my White Tower! I also need you to leave your father's gun here, I can't let you tarnish his reputation any further."

"Fine, but I'll say one last thing before I leave. You are all cowards who can't compare to my father! Especially you Koshiro! You were always jealous of him when he was alive you snake! And you Calderon, you became a coward after his death! I'm glad I let someone escape, at least you'll finally be able to act! You say I'm tarnishing my father's reputation, no that's you. You are the one who made the organization he worked for seem so weak, so don't blame me."


Angelica gets up and leaves, but she seems calm. I want to get angry at her, but I can't, she was right.

"Calderon, you just can't let her disrespect you like that!"

"Koshiro, quiet down!"



Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! The gears are finally turning.

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