
From assassin to Demon lord

Zaru is adventurer in Astenna kingdom. One day on a mission he is betrayed by his team and left to die. But, the goddess of demons have another plans for him. How will their chance meeting change the world?

Tony_Raven · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Proloque: The one left behind

The name's Zaru, I'm an assassin and an adventurer.

But right now, I'm lying on blood soaked snow. That blood, is mine.

My mind goes back in time a little. Four days ago I accepted a quest together with my party, the Black leaf, to hunt down Frost giants living in Snowy mountains to the west of the kingdom.

With me, there are were three other males.

"Hah! First class assassin my ass!" blond one named Kyle, laugh.

"Yeah, that was too easy," black haired half-elf named Rontiel laughed too.

"Since he will die anyway, shoud we take his items?" red haired warrior Gordo asked the other two.

"Nah, his magic items are all low leveled, let him keep them. After all, when the Frost giants come here, he will be already dead." Kyle laughed and kicked me into my stomach, which made me turn on my back.

Rontiel took a knee and whispered to my ear: "This is what you get for flirting with my girl."

'Your girl? Who the fuck are you talking about? Lizzie? She calls you Bugworm!'

My mind recalled an Azure Elf receptionist from the guild who was acting as my personal quest giver for last four years.

"Guys, something's coming, we should go."

"Yeah!" they said as they were leaving, and delivering one final kick each.

'Am I really going to die like a dog here?'

I wanted to reach my hidden Magic bag with potions, but the poison that they used was paralysing me.

'Damn it! Like hell I will die here!'

"It seems like you are in a lot of pain, little man!" an eerie voice called me out.

I tried to look at it, but all I could see was a black fog with crimson red eyes.

'Who the hell are you?!' I wanted to scream out, but I have not enough strenght.

"You are indeed strong one, just like my friend said. But you are still just a human, you don't possess the strenght to challange a dragon. Well, for now that is," the fog made a pause and it's face turned into a wicked smile, "Assassin Zaru, I deem you worthy of my blessing. Ate this Demon Fruit and become a Demon lord I, the goddess of demons, can be proud of!"

The apple shaped black fruit with red pulsating lines.

"Like hell I'm gonna die here!" my voice broke out as I took the bite.

In that moment I felt as the bleeding stopped. At the same time, a black cocoon formed around me. I felt power rising inside me. Two silverish horns torn through skin on my forehead and a pair of wings spread from my back.

"Congratulation on your rebirth, demon lord," the black fog, now in form of red eyed black haired woman with amazingly large bust size stood before me.

"So you are the goddess of demons huh? I thought you would be scarier."

"I could be, if you liked me too," goddess made a wicked face, which with her current body looked rather cute.

"Well, I'm a demon lord now. So what should I do?"

"You ask me?"

"Who's a goddess here?!"

"Well, you got a point there, but I have to say, it's up to you. Some demon lords goes on a rampage, some other builds a nation and some simply builds a dungeon," the goddess shrugged.

"Id it really that easy?"

"Certainly not. Whatever you do, you will need Demon points. That's something you can aquire by killing your enemies. You can use them to power up yourself and your subordinates. I also use them to rank the demon lords. Basicly, more Demon points you have, the more Demon fruits you get from me at the end of each month. This is something of a recommendation on my part, but I advise you to build a dungeon first as it is the most stable way to gain Demon points."

"I understand, so where should I create it?"

"Anywhere is fine really, xou can expand it like a domain with Demon points after all. Oh, and one more thing, I gave you"Identify"skill, be sure to use it on yourself."

"Okay, I will give it a try. "Identify""

Name: Zaru

Race: Demon

Class: Demon lord

Level: 1

HP: 9,100 MP: 9,500 STR: 3,750 VIT: 2,550 DEX: 6,890 AGI: 5,990 MAG: 4,980 LUCK: 100

Skills: Identify, Thread control, Hide presence, Fly, Assassinstion technique mastery, Long sight, Summoning, Bow mastery, Dagger mastery, Alchemy, Cancel tempersture, price evalution.

"Whoa, I can fly now? Well, figures, I got wings now... but why is my Luck 100? It used to be five hundread."

"Well, you got stabbed after all, I'm surprised it's not lower."

"That's a good point... anyway, my level is back to one, but my stats are higher."

"Well, you ARE a demon lord now. Why don't you try out your new powers on some Frost giants?"

"Yeah, let's hunt some weaklings," I smiled and headed to the cave we were supposed to explore with the team.