
Chapter 4

We go into an other purple room.

It has a training dummy right next

to a darkened doorway.

"As a human living in the UNDER-

GOUND," Toriel says,"monsters

may attack you."

I remember Flowey and shudder.

"You will need to be prepared for

this situation."

I look past Toriel and at the dummy.

I wouldn't have to fight it,would I?

I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Once again sensing my uneasiness,

Toriel says, smiling, "However, worry

not! The process is simple."

Thank. God...

"When you encounter a monster,

you will enter a FIGHT."

I remember the white box and

heart from fighting Flowey.

That was a fight?

"While you are in a FIGHT,"

She continues,"strike up a

friendly conversation, stall

for time.I will come to resolve

the conflict."

We walk to the dummy near the

door. "Practice talking to the

dummy." Toriel says.

I walk closer and the same

white box appears around

my red heart. I'm still

surprised, just not as much.

Four buttons appeared in front

of me ; FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and

MERCY. I stick out my hand and

press act. Two words appear;

CHECK and TALK. I press check

and hear a voice

"DUMMY - ATK 0 DEF 0. A cotton

heart and button eye."

Dummy looks like it's about to fall

over. I smile at it.

" Hi," I say. "I'm Frisk."

It doesn't say anything

Guess it doesn't seem much for


"Ah, very good!" Toriel approves.

practically jumping." You are very


She turns and walks trough the door

behind her. I feel good. Like I could

live without killing. Flowey was

wrong. I didn't need to kill to not be


I follow Toriel further into the RUINS.