
Chapter 3

Toriel leads me into a radiant purple room

with stairs surrounding an orange leaf

pile. A doorway stands at the top.

As I look up at the dark shadows of the

Ruins, I am filled with some... burning

passion. I wonder why...

Toriel goes up one side of the staircase

I go up the other, but we both go into

the doorway together.

We enter a room the same purple

color but with six stone plates

and a bright yellow lever.

"Welcome to your new home,

innocent one." Toriel says

to me.

New home?

"Allow me to educate you in

the operation of the RUINS."

She says, walking to the first


She steps on the four that make

a square, then pulls the lever. I

hear a clank and see the door in

front of us open

"The RUINS are full of puzzles."

Toriel tells me." Ancient fusions

between diversions and doorkeys.

One must solve them to move from

room to room. Please adjust your-

self to the sight of them."

As she leaves, I look at the puzzle

and notice a stone plaque on the


"'Only the fearless may proceed."'

I read aloud. "Brave ones, foolish

ones. Both walk not the middle

road' Wonder what that means?"

Still looking at the plaque, I walk

through the shadowed doorway.

In front of where I stand, I see

Toriel standing in front of a bridge

that stands over a small river.

"Too make progress here, you will

need to trigger several switches"

She tells me. "Do not worry, I have

labeled the ones you need to flip."

She walks over the bridge and I

begin to follow her, but I see an

other plaque.

I read it aloud "'Stay on the path.'

That's it?"

After crossing the bridge, I see an

other yellow switch with three

yellow arrows pointing to it.

"You definitely labeled them" I

say, snickering.

I walk to and pull the lever. After a

moment, it falls, almost bringing me

down with it. Toriel looks pleased.

There's an other open doorway

but it has spikes in front of it!

I see two levers, one has the same

markings as before, the other has

none. I know which one to click.

I pull the marked lever and it gives in,

a bit easier. There's a clank and I watch

the spikes disappear.

"Splendid!" Toriel says. " I am proud, little

one. Let us move to the next room."

As she walks through the door, I follow.