
Chapter 79 - The Seeds of Evil are Planted

Friendship is a Game

by Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves

Micro woke, shifting as she felt her arms trapped.

'Wait...why did I turn female again?' Opening her eyes, she smirked at what she saw. 'Oh yeah. That's why.'

On either side of her, Micro saw Chara and Scootaloo. Both girls were just as naked as her and were each holding onto one of her arms. The memories of last night came to her instantly.

Last Night

Male Micro had been working with his clones, trying to finish some of his latest projects, and work out some kinks he noticed in the dream machine. Just as they seemed to finish, he had been sucked into an ID.


He slowly crept toward the stairs, ready to defend himself.

As he passed his bed, a shadow rose up behind him, grinning at him with hunger in its eyes.

The hair on the back of Micro's neck stood on end. Sensing his stalker, he twisted around just as it pounced. He was slammed into the wall by his door, hands pinned above his head as he gaped at his attacker.

"Ch-Chara?!" Micro barely managed. "Wh-what are you doing?!"

"Hm hm hm," Chara chuckled seductively and gave him a lustful, hungry gaze. "Getting what I've been waiting for."

Chara leaned in for a forceful kiss, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth. Releasing his wrists, she grabbed his shirt and tore it open, buttons flying every which way.


From there, things just got insane. First it was just him and Chara. Next Scootaloo came in for a threeway having snuck out on Chara's invite since her parents weren't home. As if that wasn't insane enough, the two girls wanted to have some fun with his female form as well.

Micro could stay in this position forever...if not for the time. Sighing, the Gamer tried to get free, only for her girlfriends to tighten their grips. Rolling her eyes, Micro used Blink to escape the grasps. As she began switching back to her male form and equipping his clothes, the two girls groaned.

Turning, Micro saw them grasp a bit, as if searching for him in their sleep before finding eachother and snuggling closer. Scootaloo with her head resting on Chara's chest while Chara squeezed the track girl's rear. Micro tried to get Sombra to take a picture, but the AI was pretending to be in sleep mode so he just used manual commands.

After doing that, he put his hands in an all to familiar handsign and created a clone. Motioning for it to go over to Scootaloo's side, he took position by Chara. He held up three fingers, then two, then one. After reaching one…


The two girls jumped and began rubbing their rears. They glare half heartedly at their smirking boyfriend.

"As much as I want to spend all day making love to you two, Scootaloo and I have school."

The maroon haired track girl pulled herself up and reached for her clothes.

"Oh God," she muttered as she stretched, feeling how sore she was. "I have track practice today to."

"Here," Chara said handing her a potion. "See if a health potion eases your muscles."

Scootaloo took the offered drink and downed it, instantly feeling all her muscles relax and the soreness to vanish.

"Before we leave," Micro started as Scootaloo pulled on her clothes. "Let's check out what we got."

He grinned and picked up Chara's discarded panties. A sexy red pair.

Chara's Panties

-Double growth rate of knife based skills

-Double damage when using knife based skills

"Fitting," Chara grinned as she pulled out the Dagger of Sunfire and began twirling it. That was when an idea occurred to her. "Micro...pull out your panties for a moment."

Micro blushed as he wasn't used to hearing that. As he did so, Scootaloo spoke up.

"If it's awkward to have your female form called by your name, why not give it her own? Plus if we are around other people, we could use that name so they don't question why there's a male and female Micro Chip."

"Hmmm...good point," Micro said as he ran through some possibilities while handing the black and neon blue panties (think a Tron like pattern) to Chara. "What about Perl? It's a term in programming language."

"I like it," Scootaloo said brightly as she pulled up her jeans, making sure to give Micro one last look at her rear.

"Hot damn I was right!" Chara cheered.

"What?" Micro asked. Chara handed him the panties and he quickly saw what she was so happy about.

Micro's (he blinked as the name changed to Perl)

Perl's Panties

-Double the growth rate of INT skills

"Since you gained panty power before we separated and I became Perl's lover…" Chara started.

"We got two for the price of one!" Micro smirked. Sure it was still awkward as all hell to recognize these as technically his panties, but still. He was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially since he had magic lessons today, which were based on his INT stat.


"Man, I can't believe the boss is making me plant this thing."

Tohru Adachi winced as the glowing hand print on his face burned and just walked through the forest on the outskirts of a farm. He didn't get why he couldn't just plant the damn thing closer to town, but apparently there was the risk of dryads in the area finding it the closer they got, so the farm was the best option.

"As if some leafy bastards could stop me," he said. "At least fighting them would make this less boring."

When he found a good spot, he took out a small shovel from the Inventory his boss let him have and dug a big enough hole. After that was done he took out a small plant. At first glance, it was almost like a Venus flytrap, but closer inspection revealed sharp teeth.

"Blood…" it muttered. Adachi smirked.

"See that farm over there?" He turned the plant and pointed it to the farmhouse on the other side of the orchard. "Grow strong from any animals that pass by and there is a nice family over there you can eat up."

He put the plant in the ground and packed the dirt around it before taking a small handful of seed and tossing them in the area.

"Here are some helping hands."

The seeds sunk into the ground and almost instantly sapling like plants sprung from them. Instead of growing into trees however, they began twisting into lupine like creatures.

Before Adachi left however, he heard a sickening squelching sound. Turning to face the small carnivorous plant, he saw the remains of a squirrel in front of it.

"Huh...well, good luck Audrey."

As Adachi left, Audrey turned and faced the farmhouse, eying the tall blonde girl and the small red head who were leaving. The old lady waving to them from the door seemed like she had some decent meat on her too.

Oh yes. Once Audrey grew enough, it was going to feast.