
Chapter 71 - Shiro

"Wow," Diamond said as she and Spike sat at an outdoor cafe. "So that's what happens when a Dracokin reaches puberty?"

Spike nodded sadly. He had just told her something that not even Micro and Sugar knew. It might've happened after they met, but he managed to hide it from them.

Dracokin begin to covet things when they grow older. It is why gangs like the Fangs form. They want anything that catches their eye. Anything...and anyone.

Back when he first hit puberty, Spike found himself crushing hard on a girl from another school. While they had gone to an all boys school, she came by often, and Spike felt himself...desiring her. The reason she came around however, was because she was dating another student.

This did not sit well with Spike's dragon like instincts. The hatred for the other student built up until one day, Spike couldn't contain it. He planned to confront the guy after school and...convince him to leave "his" girl alone.

The very same time he meant to do this however, a guy from another school dragged the boy into an alley and started beating him up, saying that if he didn't break up with "his bitch" the boy would be eating his own teeth. When the boyfriend refused, his nose was broken and he received a black eye.

Spike saw all of this and was horrified, knowing that was exactly what he was about to do. He saved the boyfriend and wished him the best with the girl before running home, crying to his mom about what he almost did.

"I...I don't know what to say," Diamond muttered. She felt a hand cover her own and saw Spike looking at her with a sad smile.

"What we've both almost did...it doesn't have to define us. I grew to have more control over myself. Use the regret and negativity you feel toward your past actions to change for the better."

Diamond blushed. She...she hadn't expected this much maturity from the green haired boy. Smiling, she nodded.

"Thank you Spike," she said. They stared at each other for a moment more when suddenly they heard a car honking. Turning, the two saw Diamond's father waving from the back seat of a limo.

"Darling, there you are," Filthy said. "I didn't realize you had a date today."

He seemed to give Spike the "I'm her father and you are dead if you hurt her" look. Spike blushed and began stammering.

"We...we aren't-"

"Sorry daddy. It was a last minute thing." Spike looked over and saw Diamond smile at him. "Sorry if it's cut short, but do you mind if I head home with my dad?"

"N-no of course not," Spike said, still a little stunned. He was even more surprised when Diamond stood up and walked around the table, kissing him on the cheek. He sat stunned as the girl walked toward her father's limo. He tuned just in time to see the wind pick the skirt up just enough to reveal a hint of the lettering on her panties.

As the limo drove off, he was still trying to process what happened.

With the Girls

"So what that's what the original is up to," Chara said as the clone just nodded. He and his girlfriends met up with Sugar, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie at the local bowling alley. The movie they were planning to see was only showing later.

"Yep. He wanted to investigate why his name and everything was so glitchy." The clone said as they watched Apple Bloom bowl a spare.

"Wish he told me at least," Chara grumbled.

"He didn't want you all to give up a day of relaxation to help him, which he knew you'd try to do."

Chara sighed and nodded. It did sound like something she would do.

"Hey guys," Sugar said as he and Apple Bloom came over. "Apple Bloom thought of something."

"What do you mean?" Chara asked.

"Well…" Apple Bloom started. "You know how Micro offered to set us up with skills or things to help defend ourselves?"

"You mean you thought of something?" Sweetie asked. She was hesitant to admit it, but she was interested in learning things like that to. She just didn't know where to start.

"Yeah! I saw a trailer for a game and I loved this one character in it and thought it would be cool to be like her." She smiled. "I always wanted to learn how to shoot."

Silver thought for a moment.

"Well...I know he wants us to be able to defend ourselves...but I don't know if I want to be a fighter. I do want to help though."

"Well," Sweetie started. "Who doesn't want to learn magic? And I suppose learning to kick some ass at the same time wouldn't hurt."

Chara both grinned, and internally grimaced. She wanted the girls to be able to fight as well, but with Micro's schedule, how could he train them? She could help but she was more physical than magical (izanagi and her transformation excluded) so she doubted she would be able to do much. Add in the fact the girls couldn't stay up all night like the Gamer's can…

Chara hoped Micro came up with something.

With Micro

"So cutie pie," Shiro said. "I can think of a few reasons you want to follow me, but I'd rather hear what you have to say."

Micro saw Shiro looking her up and down, and she turned red. Then she remembered what the clown did and blushed even more. When she looked down however…

"What the?!" She patted her chest and was amazed the fabric was fully intact. Shiro chuckled and waved a hand. The lady with the goose, kangaroo, and clown appeared behind him.

"Part of my power sweetheart," Shiro said. "Now that I've shown you a bit of mine...how about you show me yours?"

Micro felt herself steaming up again.

'Why the heck am I getting like this? I'm straight...well, male me is straight which means I can't possibly…'

"Um...you ok?"

Micro jumped as Shiro asked that.

"Oh! Um, well...I have an ability that lets me see basic information about people and yours was…" thinks about the image of Luna. "Interesting to say the least."

"Oh," Shiro said, looking up. "You mean this?"

To Micro's shock, Shiro reached up, GRABBED the screen showing his name, level, and title, and rubbed it for a moment as if he was polishing it. When he finished, he tossed it into the air and it landed back in place.

Shiro Tora

(Tigerian Chaos Mage)

Lv 46

"What...what?!" She felt as if she was about to have a panic attack or something. Before she could continue, Shiro put a finger to her lips.

"Don't question it. Trust me."

"But- how can you interact with my ability? Just who the heck are you?!"

"Who am I?" Shiro asked incredulously. "Who am I! I am the lighting tamer! I am the monster slayer! The panty claimer! The master of chaos and sorcery! I….am...Shiro!"

Suddenly at the end of the declaration, the sound of a crowd cheering could be heard. Shiro smiled and began bowing.

"Thank you. Thank you. I love you all." A pair of ladies underwear landed on his head. "Oh and I most certainly love you. My house, tonight."

Micro spun around, wondering where the panties came from before she heard Shiro chuckling. Turning back, she saw the panties gone and a grin split his face.

"The look on your face is priceless!" He laughed. "I'm sorry. I just had to fuck with you. The name is Shiro, master of chaos magic."

"Wait...chaos magic?" Micro's mind immediatly went to Discord. Even if Shiro wasn't near the level Discord is (considering Discord had ? For his level) that was still a force to be reckoned with.

Micro jumped as Shiro pit an arm around her shoulders and smirked.

"That's right beautiful. And judging by your face and the fact you are clearly an ability user as well, I guess you've met Dickscord."

Micro blushed as she giggled at the nickname.


"Yeah," Shiro replied. "Same general branch of magic, but I focus on illusions. See?"

He turned Micro around and she saw a huge caterpillar sitting on a giant leaf smoking from a bong. It saw her and held it out.

"Want a hit?"

"Um...no thanks…" Micro said sheepishly. The caterpillar dissolved as Shiro held out a candy bar for her.

"How about this?" She took it examining it suspiciously. Shiro smirked a bit before saying "Fun fact. You aren't holding anything."

Micro went wide eyed. She cast Observe on the candy and nothing popped up. Opening the wrapper, she sniffed it. Smelled real. Taking a tentative bite, she found it was the most delicious candy she had ever tasted.

"How?!" She demanded, nibbling on a bit more.

"Chaos illusions are extra powerful. They can fool any or all of the five senses. Which means all the deliciousness of your favorite candies…" He put his hands on her sides and smirked. "Without having to worry about losing your beach body."

Micro was back to looking like a tomato. There was something in the back of her mind….but she couldn't think of it for some reason.

"So," Shiro said as he took a step back. "Back to our original discussion...why follow me?"

"Oh...I'm...sorry about that," Micro rubbed her arm. "A lot of crazy things have happened and...well...I thought you were suspicious."

"Oh really," Shiro said as he conjured a chair behind him and Micro and sat down. "This sounds like an interesting story."

"Well…" Micro wasn't sure what to say or do. How much should she tell him? He saw her hesitation and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't need the whole story, but I think I deserve something after you stalked me for the past hour."

Wondering how many shades of red she had turned over the course of the conversation, Micro nodded and sat down.

"Well...you see…" she looked up and noticed Shiro looking down a little. She followed his gaze and… "Eep!"

Putting her hand in her lap and slamming her legs closed she cursed herself. She was still not used to wearing skirts.

"Long story short it seems someone else has an ability like mine and wants to hunt me down!" In her embarrassment she said that a bit louder than she meant to but still.

"Did this person summon a being from another world?" All the mirth was gone from Shiro's voice. Micro looked up and saw his face had darkened.

"How...how did you…" Shiro narrowed his eyes and studied Micro, as if debating what to say.

"I can sense when order is off balance," he said finally. "One of the perks of being in touch with Chaos. Bringing in a being from a foreign universe is one of those things that tips the balance."

Micro offhandedly wondered if Sombra(who was currently working with the clones in the lab on a few inventions), Chara, and maybe even the Pokémon counted.

"I'm not too fond of people that misuse magic. It's a beautiful thing that shouldn't be tainted. Based on what you said, it sounds like this person has jumped to the top of my naughty list."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if to calm himself down. When he had done so, he looked back up with a grin.

"And by that I mean in the shit list way, not the kinky way." Micro couldn't help but giggle at that. Shiro smirked and held out a hand. "Now, how about I treat you to dinner. I have a feeling this will be the beginning of a wonderful relationship miss… Huh. I never did get your name."

That was when what was in the back of her mind came to the front full force.

"Oh...well...that's the awkward thing."

In a few seconds, Micro had shifted back to his male form and was back in his normal clothes. Shiro look at the sheepish boy.

"So you're that Micro dude?"


Shiro stared at him for a second...then shrugged.

"Meh. I'd still tap her. I may be straight but as long as you stay in that form it's not gay."

Micro turned pure red again, not sure how to react to that. Especially with what seemed like giggling in the back of his mind.

"Let's...let's just go."