
Chapter 58 - Skill Sharing

"So," Micro said as he leaned back in a seat in Frida's living room. "What do we know?"

After the group had separated (the girls and Sugar needing to get home so their parents wouldn't ask too many questions and Ember wanting to get back to make sure the Fangs weren't acting up) Spike, Chara, and Micro had gone to Frida's to discuss their thoughts on what happened with Kamoshida. Zecora was upstairs sleeping since she had to teach the next day.

Micro would've preferred to head back to his lab, but Frida insisted he come home with her for the night in case he had a breakdown again.

"Well from what you told me," Frida said as she stretched, getting Spike to glance at her since she was wearing a tight tank top and booty shorts. "Sounds like there is another Gamer out there and he has more advanced powers than you."

Micro sighed.

"I was hoping I was the only one thinking that. Then I could dismiss it as paranoia." He brought his Iron Watcher helmet out and set it on the coffee table in front of them. "Pull up image of Kamoshida's face please."

"Got it Jefe," Sombra said through the speaker. Frida raised an eyebrow.

"Your AI is Latina?" She asked. Micro rolled his eyes.

"Yes and before you ask I didn't make her. She came with some equipment I got."

A holographic version of Sombra's head footed above the helmet.

"Are you trying to say you don't like my accent," she said with a smirk. Micro blushed. "Because I have voice recordings that prove otherwise."

"Oh do tell," Frida said, grinning at Micro's embarrassment.

""Can we focus please?" Spike asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was the only one with classes tomorrow who actually needed sleep and wanted to get this done.

"Impaciente," Sombra grumbles as her face was replaced with Kamoshida, glowing handprint and all.

"Why does that look familiar?" Chara mumbled as she looked at the print. Micro thought for a moment and groaned.

"Sombra. Play a video of dominating from Shadow of Mordor or War."

The image of Kamoshida vanished and was replaced with a projection of an ugly creature being grabbed by the head. A ghostly figure appeared around a brown haired man.


When he said that, the man's hand flowed and a glowing hand print formed on the creature's face. The video stopped and Micro had Sombra cut it off.

"Whoever this other person is, they beat Shadow of Mordor or War and gained the power to make anyone with lower will than them their servant."

The others were silent at this revelation. Especially since they all knew what that implied.

If they were targeted by this person, they could control them. And if what Kamoshida said about orders being to capture Micro,they just entered in to a whole mess of trouble.

"Well…" Micro said. "This isn't good."

"You're being targeted by someone with your same powers who can have an army of powerful villains at his side and all you can say is 'this isn't good'?" Spike asked. Micro shrugged.

"I'm spending almost all of my free time training and getting new skills. If I panic I'm just going to leave myself open."

Bluff Successful

Bluff Failed

Bluff Failed

Micro winced. He got through to Spike with that but it seemed Frida and Chara both could see through him. Thankfully, they didn't say anything.

"Even still," Spike said. "What about the others? Are you planning on outfitting them like you did Sugar? And what about training them?"

"I actually was wondering about something," Chara said before turning to Micro. "Can you invite Spike to the party and grab the chaos laptop from the clones."


"Just do it," Chara rolled her eyes. Micro shrugged and did just that. Chara took the laptop from him and pulled up the auction.

"Why do you have such a garish laptop skin?" Frida asked.

"It's not my normal laptop," Micro sighed. "And I didn't pick the color. It's…"

"Found one!" Chara said as she ordered a skill book. She must've paid extra for instant delivery because it was in her hands in a second. "Put us into an ID please."

Once they were inside, she handed Spike the book.

"What am I-" cutting him off, a screen appeared in front of him.

Would you like to learn the following skill?

Solid Air Quirk

The ability to create barriers and platforms by mixing magic into your breath.


Chara looked smug while the others all had stunned expressions.

"I figured if they can have a small inventory, they might be able to use skills as well."

Micro face palmed as he knew he should've thought the same thing. He nodded to Spike who clicked the yes button on the screen. The book dissolved into light and flowed into him. With a deep breath, he blew out and they could see a circle of...well...air form. Taking a shuriken from out of nowhere, Frida threw it at the barrier only for it to bounce off.

"Holy shit…" Spike muttered. The barrier faded away and the group looked at each other.

"Well...I'm going to create a clone to scroll through and find what might work best for everyone," Chara said smugly. Micro nodded as Frida was grinning.

"Any chance I could try and find some? I'd pay you back for them."


Spike left to head home after they spent some time looking through skills. They decided to wait and discuss if the others wanted anything and what they may want if they do. Though Spike did choose a couple others for himself, both quirk skills from My Hero Academia.

First was the Ice and Fire quirk first on Todoroki, giving him a surprise ice attack should someone just expect fire. The other was the Nitroglycerin Sweat from Bakugo since he was the heavy hitter. Micro made sure to check with him that his transformed form could sweat before he ordered it and after testing it in an ID they decided it was a choice well made.

After he left, Frida turned to the two Gamers.

"So, you want to sleep or train?"

Chara and Micro grinned at her and she smiled.

"I thought as much."

Rich's Mansion

"What do you mean you're no longer friends with Silver Spoon?!" Spoiled yelled. Diamond flinched at that and took a step back from her mom's tirade.

"She...she got close to this one inventor brat and his girlfriend," Diamond said. "Why does it matter? So her family runs a chain of jewelers. They aren't that wealthy."

Spoiled groaned in frustration. Her daughter just didn't understand.

Not for the first time, Spoiled questioned how her daughter could be so insanely innocent (at least compared to her). It took forever to mold her into the manipulative brat she was now. Didn't help that her father was borderline saintly compared to most rich men. She only married him because she figured that between him and a house full of servants she could get enough sexual energy to satisfy her succubus cravings!

"I told you I wanted you to…" She paused a moment. "Who did you say she got close to?"

"Micro Chip. He acts all high and mighty just because he made a few devices or something."

Recalling the boys she saw in video footage that her master showed her, and turned back to her daughter.

"What does he look like?"

"Why!?" Diamond cried out. "He's just-"

"I asked you a question!"

Diamond shrank back before stammering her answer.

"He has black hair with blue stripes through it…"

Spoiled went wide eyed as she realized it was the one her boss told her was the Gamer.

"So that boy goes to your school…" Spoiled mused, a smile crossing her face.

"Y...yeah... so?" Spoiled looked down at Diamond.

"Well...I just figured out how you are going to make up for losing Silver as a connection."

Diamond was confused. Sure her mom made it clear she was to be friends with Silver, but still… what did she mean by making up for it?

"I want you to get close to that boy. I don't care how. Just get close and make sure his girlfriend is left in the dust."

"What!? But they are obsessed with each other! You should see them in class! Spitfire must be blind not to see them-"

"I don't care!!!" Spoiled yelled. "I want you to get close to him! I don't care how! If he is already a known inventor now, he will be more wealthy than we are!"

She prided herself on her ability to come up with a lie. Not like she could tell her daughter he would be dead before he could get married.

"But...how? His girlfriend…"

"Dear," Spoiled said, leaning down and smiling at her daughter. "I think it's time that mommy teaches you a bit about the family business."

"But...daddy runs the-"

Spoiled cut her off.

"I meant, my family's business."

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}