
Chapter 43 - The Weavers Dungeon

Sitting on the couch in Frida's house, Micro had his arm wrapped around Chara, having switched back to his male form.

"So let me see if I got this right," Frida said. "Chara here was trapped in your head as the spirit of a full evil route in a game you got a skill from. You then gave her a body of her own at the cost of half your levels?"

"Got it in one," Micro said as Chara snuggled against him.

"You left out the shower," she said. Micro blushed and Frida smiled.

"What shower?"

"That is something personal between Chara and I," Micro said quickly. "Now, let's discuss what we are doing tonight."

"Well," Frida said as she sipped a glass of wine she held. "I was going to have you do some more basic training, but I think I'd rather see what you can do with those Panty Power ability of your's."

"You mean the dungeon we can access?" Micro said. "Sure!"

"How about we limit ourselves though," Chara said. "As much as I like our goddess forms we should probably work on other skills."

"Agreed," Frida added. "If you relying to much on one skill and someone can manage to counter it, you are screwed over."

"True," Micro muttered. "Well, I do have a new weapon to test out."

He was so happy that his clones completed some games. Chara and he had gotten a few notifications throughout their time shopping and walking to Frida's. Now that they were a decent level compared to the dungeon, it was the perfect time to test some of those abilities.

"I'm coming in too," Frida said. "But I will only step in if whatever it is attacks me as well or you need help."

"Deal," Micro and Chara said as they pulled out Rarity's panties.

Would you like to enter Rarity's dungeon?


Both hit yes while holding onto Frida. Light enveloped the three.

When it faded, they found themselves in what looked to be a design studio. Mannequins were lined up, each wearing different types of clothing and a large curtain blocked off a corner of the sizable room. It would've been a nice place if not for the spider webs on the walls and ceilings.

"This...looks creepy," Frida said. Micro and Chara nodded though Chara couldn't help but think of Muffet by looking at the scenery. She was about to say something when she noticed a spider climbing on Micro. A larger than normal spider.

Quick as a whip she smacked it off. Micro spun around and stomped it. A shriek was heard from behind the curtain. And elegant voice called out.

"Guards! Defend my babies!"

The mannequins around the room began twitching. Some pulled oversized knitting needles from out of nowhere. Spiders scuttled from beneath the curtain and dangled from the ceiling.

Spider Lv7

HP 500/500

MP 0

It's a spider...but capitalized...because it's a proper enemy. Mild poison

Mannequin Guard LV16

HP 2000/2000

MP 100/100

An enchanted mannequin set to guard Rarity's panty dungeon

"Oh hell," Micro muttered as he pulled out his new weapon. He was so happy his clone beat No More Heroes. Holding the black handle of the beam katana in his hand, he flicked his wrist and Bloodberry flared to life.

"Should we get the Pokémon to come and help?" Chara called as she pulled out a sharpened shovel. It would be interesting to see how Shovel Knight's weapon would serve her. She also switched to her Black Cat costume for the star boosts.

"Let them bond with the new guys," Micro responded as he kicked a Spider away. The Pokémon clones had beaten Gold, Black, and X again so they now had Totodile, Snivy, and Fenniken back at home. Micro would've called out Litten, but he wasn't sure Litten wanted to evolve. Maybe when he started nature magic lessons he could learn to talk to him and find out.

"Well then…" Chara stabbed the shovel blade into the nearest spider. "Let's join this Spider Dance!"

Background Music Start!

Spider Dance Metal Cover-FalKKonE

Frida threw down a smoke bomb and vanished from the battlefield. Seemingly pulling them from nowhere, she leaned against a pillow in the rafters and began munching some popcorn.

Chara jumped from the smoke. Feet on the top of the shovel blade she split a Spider in half upon landing and smirked as she bounced high into the air.

"Haha haha!" She cackled as she landed on another Spider and continued bouncing. "I got the better weapon!"

Micro tried to ignore her as he deflected a stab of knitting needles from a Mannequin. Looking at the swarm of Spiders around him he growled and swung his blade toward them, channeling a large amount of MP into it.

"Blueberry Cheese Brownie!"

A wave of energy shot from the blade and incinerated a large portion of the Spiders. Micro smirked a bit at the success of the move when he heard Frida's voice.


"I didn't come up with the name!" Micro said. "It's from the game!" He quickly blocked another stab before delivering a series of swings at the mannequin. It broke apart into pieces, only for Micro to cry out as a stabbing pain shot through his shoulder.


1HP per second for one minute

Micro growled and reached back, grabbing the Spider and throwing it into the air before slicing it in two with the beam katana.

"I can see why a knight would use this!" Chara said as she slashed a Mannequin's arms off. Before she could bounce on another's head, strings of webbing caught the blade and yanked it from her hand. "Hey!"

She saw a group of Spiders climbing up the wall with the shovel dangling below them. Using a burst of wind magic she shot over the group of enemies and grabbed the handle of her weapon. Pulling out her usual dagger she severed the strings holding the blade. Hearing something behind her she swung the blade, taking the head off of another Mannequin.

She and Micro sent swaths of fabric and piles of Mannequin parts scattering throughout the room. When all that was left was a single Spider, Micro crushed it under his foot.

"Is that it?" Frida asked. "A few spiders and a set of wooden dummies? That seems easy!"

"My babies…" the voice from before said. "You killed my babies….destroyed my work…."

The curtain was ripped off its rod and the rungs clattered to the ground.


The creature before them made them gasp. From the waist up it was Rarity, breasts barely hidden by a purple bra. From the waist down, a large spider body sprouted, about the size of a car.

Arachne Lv 25

HP 10000/10000

MP 3000/3000

Weaver of Greek myths that was curse by a jealous Athena

The two Gamers glared up at Frida.

"Hehe…" she chuckled sheepishly.

Before Micro or Chara could respond, Arachne stabbed forward with her front legs. Chara rolled out of the way while Micro batted the hair covered limb away with his katana. Arachne seemed to focus on him and began delivering swipe after swipe which he continued to block. Batting another attack aside he went for a strike of his own…

But as he swung the Beam Katana shrunk back into its handle and so he hit nothing but air.

Slowly, Micro looked up at Arachne, a sheepish expression on his face.

"Did I forget to mention I have a thing for pretty legs?"

Arachne batted him into a wall. She would've charged after him but she felt a sharp, repeated pain in her back. Twisting her body, she saw Chara bouncing on the shovel blade all across her body. Seeing the hybrid creature looking at her, Chara swung the flat of the shovel to smack her in the jaw.

As Chara distracted the creature, Frida clapped a bit.

"Not too bad you two. Room for improvement but still you…" She turned to look at where Micro had pulled himself up and cocked an eyebrow. "Is now really the time for that?"

"Shut up!"

Micro was vigorously shaking the handle of the katana between his legs with both hands. If one didn't know any better, it would look like he was…

"Ah!" Chara screamed as she was knocked back. Before she could get up, a glob of webbing slammed into her head, blinding her and sticking her against the wall. "Mmmmph!"

Micro saw this and shock the katana more as the spider lady approached Chara. Right before she stabbed a leg down, a burst of green light shot from Bloodberry and blocked the attack.

Looking up at his MP, Micro saw it had fully recovered from his previous skill use. Time for him to test something else out from the game.

Channeling all his MP into his body, he felt his body begin shaking. His hair stood up in an almost super saiyan like way, even changing to a bright yellow.

"Strawberry on the Shortcake!" He screamed as his body blurred. Even Frida struggled to keep up with his movements as he rapidly ran around Arachne and delivered slash after slash. Eventually, the Spider Lady was left with just one leg, her left arm, and a foot less of hair.


Just as Micro was about to deliver the finishing blow however, the glow around him faded, his hair fell and changed back to normal, and he collapsed to the ground.

'Wha...the hell…?'

Reckless use of magic to push body past its limit has resulted in status effect: Exhaustion. Duration: 2 Minutes

'Damn it!' He cursed himself. He tried to pull himself up but his muscles wouldn't let him. It was all he could do to get any movement at all!

He felt a leg jab him in the gut, happy that Gamer's Body prevented impalement. As it was, he took a decent hit to his health. He desperately tried to back away, but was slugged in the face by the human fist.

As his vision returned to normal, having been rattled by the blow, he saw the leg raised above his head, about to stab down.

Just as it was about to, a ball of fire slammed into the back of the monster's head, draining the last of its health and causing it to break into small spiders that crawled away through cracks in the floor. Tilting his head up, he saw Chara, one eye uncovered, panting as she held up her still smoking hand.

"Well," Frida said as she landed between' the two, kicking away one of a few straggling spiders. "Not bad at all you guys. A few kinks to iron out. Especially you."

At that she turned to Micro.

"Is a life or death battle really the time to test out a reckless ability like that Strawberry whatever attack? You should be happy Chara and I were here (she would've stepped in if Chara hadn't) because if you were alone…"

"In all fairness," Chara said as she pulled the webbing from her mouth. "It doesn't work that way in the game. It would just fade away and leave him as he was before using it. I guess doing it in a physical body…"

Frida conceded the point and sighed.

"Fine. But you have to be more careful with things like that. Learn from this incident so next time you won't be in such a…" she paused and giggled. "Sticky situation."

That pun was all Micro could handle as the Exhaustion fully consumed him and he fell into unconsciousness.

Turns out level ups don't remove status effects.

Both you and Chara went up one level!

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}