

Ayra shouted with a loud shrill voice and tugged madly at hair, scratching widely at her face and arms. Everyone turned towards her in shock wondering what was wrong with her while Natasha smiled in victory quickly sliding into the sea of students and making her way out of the scene.

By the time Ella and kachi got to ayra, her dress was stained with a dark chocolate colour and her hair was all perfect styled ponytail few minutes ago was the shadow of itself in fact she was a mess.

They both stared at her in panic confused on what to do, meanwhile Jack who had been on his airpords when the Mr Williams was talking suddenly felt everyone's attention at a particular person pausing his music he was astonished to see his muffin in that condition.

"Muffin ayra what happened to you "? He asked taking her gently into his arms and when he realized her body was soaked with hot liquid he swore ferociously.

" I - I don't know what happened ", ayra started refusing to let the years that was building up in her throat flow down her checks. " One minute I was listening attentively to Mr Williams an- and the next minute someone bumbed into me and I found myself in this condition.

"Fuck!! don't cry baby you will be fine I'm here now " Jack reassured discreetly removing the roaches he had found in her hair and wondering who had the balls to play this sick game on his muffin.

Ayra nodded trying to hold back her emotions but the dam holding her tears came tumbling down when Alice suddenly shoved her way towards the crowd of people gathered around her and hugged her tightly.

"Aliceeeeee this is my worst nightmare I have made a fool out of myself in front of everyone " She cried sniffing at her sister's shoulder.

"Sshhh you will be fine don't worry about a thing ayra factory, I'm here now sweetheart".

Jack gently tugged apart the two embracing sisters and held ayra 's hands "C'mon I will take care of you let's get you all cleaned up "

"Where do you think you are taking my sister to?" Alice thundered at him brewing fire and brimstone with her eyes.

Jack looked surprised at the question but he quickly regained himself, he didn't know a great deal about Alice but one thing he observed was she loved for things to go her own way and he figured the Thompson sisters were not really into love and light therefore he was surprised at her actions at the moment, the only reason he could sum up was "blood was still thicker than water " and regardless the sisters would still have each other's back but he didn't say this, he was more concerned about his muffin who is the victim. " Alice as you can see she's wet and disorganized I want to help her " . Jack finally said holding tightly to ayra 's frail hands ready to shove anyone out of their way if the situation detoriorates further.

"Jack Frost you have done enough let go of ayra's hands this moment I will take care of her myself, after all this is all your fault you brought this upon my naive little sister ".

Jack snorted loudly while the rest of the students watched the drama with rapt attention, for them seeing ayra ( the nerd) like they referred her to being fought over by the heartthrob of all the girls in school Jack and her popular sister Alice after getting into an unfortunate accident was the highlight of the whole excursion.

" Alice everything is not all about you!!! this is about ayra and for Pete sake how is this my fault?" Jack questioned his patience wearing off. Ayra simply looked on at loss of words to say to pacify alice, once alice gets angry like she was at the moment there was no stopping her from bitting someone's head off.

Alice pointed a fore finger at Jack's face

" You boys are all the same, the whole lot of you should be burned to the ground swear you don't know it's your stupid obsessed ex that did this to my sister " She shouted almost becoming violent to the cheering of her classmates.

" Miss Alice please calm your nerves down uhm I'm sure this is an unfortunate accident" Mr Williams said standing in between the two parties that looked ready to devour each other .

" Don't tell me to calm down!! some petty bitch dared to humiliate my little sister and succeeded, take a good look at ayra and your telling me to calm down? "

" Alice" ayra began tentatively trying to touch her but the tight claps of Jack's hands won't permit her " It's okay I'm fi- " .

"Ayra for once in your life just shut up and let me handle this ".Alice muttered glaringly .

Jack exhaled a deep breath and wished he had super power, he would have disappeared with his muffin at this point

"Alice I don't know whether this was intentional but I promise the perpetrator won't go unpunished " He muttered deadly sending chills at the back of tina and Natasha .

" That's not enough for me Jack I need her to be punished right this moment ".

" Miss alice please - "

Alice held up her hands stopping his flow of words " I won't stand my sister being humiliated because when she suffer I also suffer and now my reputation is at stake, you were here when it happened were you not supposed to take care of the students in your care? " .

" Alice can't you see ayra is shivering? " He questioned seething in annoyance "But all you are concerned about is your damn stupid reputation ".

" I will make you eat your words and as for that stupid Natasha she better watch her back because I'm coming for her, now hand my sister over " She commanded but Jack didn't budge one bit.

" No ayra is coming with me I will take care of her better gosh you are too angry to help her in her condition " .

Alice was about to drag ayra by the arms when a tiny voice muttered "I'm not the one that did this to her - it - it was an accident " Natasha said shooting herself in the leg.

Alice didn't need any more evidence or incentive without thinking she jumped on Natasha like a tigress and dragged her hair to the ground while punching her " How dare you do that to ayra? Huh how dare you? Next time don't mess with my sister". The whole factory was thrown into chaos, Natasha was wialling and crying for help .Mr Williams sought to separate them amidst excited shouts from the students in all these jack simply carried ayra up in his arms and strode out of the factory.

Whewww what a chapter!! omgggg Alice is such a peculiar character standing up for ayra and all that. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please comment on anything you don't like about the novel I will try and change it . Thank you so much for reading and stay safe. ❤❤

simply_mackycreators' thoughts