

"Omg this is so beautiful in reality than in pictures " Ella commented bringing out her cell phone to snap pictures immediately their ride stopped at the entrance of the factory.

Ayra simply stared at the factory in awe and fascination, she had goggled about the factory on their way and she had found interesting facts about this place. The factory was currently owned by Kevin Chan but it was created by his mom and uncle and they had both developed it into a tourist site, over five hundred cookie was made each day plus the aesthetics of the factory was very beautiful in fact it looked more like a museaum than a factory. She had genuinely expected the whole place to be crowded and characterized by sounds of machine but turns out she's wrong, because every part of the factory had a peaceful atmosphere from the paintings of the owners at the wall to the amazing machines used in producing the delicious cookies everything was literally moving in a perfect sync.

They were allowed to move around and ask questions if they had any but they were not permitted to leave the premises and were ordered to assembly at the center of the factory at a particular stipulated time .

" I can't wait to send my parents pictures of me in this awesome place they would be so happy for me " Kachi said dreamily wishing her family was here with her at that moment.

"Yeah I bet they would be before I forget let's take a quick group selfie " Ella suggested smiling heartily. They were snapping the picture when ayra's eyes found what she had been looking for all day long, Jack was right there in front of her looking irresistibly handsome in baggy white shirt with a rugged black tracks , his looks were finished with a black sunglasses that emphasised on his cheekbones. Ayra stared at him helplessly with open mouth unable to restrain herself.

"Tsk close that mouth of yours before you attract a fly ". Ella teased

" Oh I was lost for a moment , trust me I wasn't staring at him " Ayra defended fervently.

"Right I believe you best friend, is it me or does he look more handsome today? ".

" Perfect eye candy, jack looks more yummy than these baked cookies " Kachi mouthed biting her lips but it took one cold glare from ayra to free her lips.

"Gawwwd I literally can't believe you guys can you stop drooling all over him 'He's mine' She added inaudibly.

"Well don't blame us he should be arrested for looking this handsome" Ella muttered snapping a picture of a heart shaped cookie "Don't just stand here like a moron go talk to him now he is alone before another girl snatches him away " .

Ayra hesitated for a moment itching lightly at her neatly packed ponytail " I'm not gonna chase after him like he's some commodity and why the heck is he not coming to me why do I have to go to him first? " .

Ella took a deep breath and prepared to lecture her " Considering the way I treated him in the bus I'm sure he would be avoiding me right now and you guys are in a relationship right? " She asked and continued when ayra nodded solemnly, "Then you should be ready to make sacrifice and compromise on your standard if he's not coming to you, simply you go to him ".

" Really? Is that how a relationship works?" Ayra questioned worry etched on her brows "Tsk I'm really not suited for all this "

"Do the calms love trust me you will get the hang of it soon " She reassured.

"How do you know and why should I trust your analysis, you don't have a boyfriend Ella ".

" Ouch I know but at least I'm not as hopeless as you when it comes to boys and relationship, I have a lot of knowledge now do as I say go speak with him right this moment " .

"Okay I'm on it " Ayra walked purposefully towards Jack and this time she noticed how the blonde girl, Natsha was glaring hard at her from the sideways completely ignoring the stare she went ahead and stood beside Jack, smiling at him in greeting.

Now she was face to face with him she didn't know what to say or do, getting her bearing back she raised her hands shyly at him.

"Good morning Jack ".

Jack had seen her advancing towards him and was relatively pleased she had sought him out to speak with but his heart was still sore from the pains he had gone through the previous day, he had to physically clench his fist to stop them from reaching for her ,her gown was far too short and exposed at the back he thought cynically wishing he could cover it up with a huge duvet plus her high ponytail wasn't helping matters at all, he simply wanted to get ride of the pink scrunchie holding the hair in place and loose himself in her beautiful hair, Christ everything about her fascinated him.

"Hey " he replied without looking at her face knowing fully well one glimpse of her angelic face won't be enough for him.

" This factory is so nice" she said in the manner of a starting up a conversation "are you enjoying the excursion ?" She questioned also keeping her eyes off him.

" Uhm kinda of. I expected more -tsk needed more moments with a certain someone but unfortunately" ... He let his words hang in the air.

Ayra's mind immediately began working in circles, what was he talking about? She asked herself and wondered with a sad feeling if it had anything to do with her .

"Jack with who? Who would you like to spend more time with and why can't you? ".

This time he looked at her and just as he was about to reply, they were signaled it was time for everyone to gather around together and have . " I have to go muffin " .

She was about to tell him that they should probably walk together but he was already gone , tsk what is wrong with him ? at least he had called her "muffin " She consoled her muddled brain.

"Alright everyone I'm sure you all have learnt and seen interesting stuff today?" Mr Williams asked glancing from one student to another. "We will sample some delicious cookies at the moment and understand the producing aspect..... "

Ayra was besides a huge mock cookie away from her friends and listening raplty to Mr Williams, she didn't notice when something hard rammed against her back and before she could figure it out she felt a biting sensation at her head , not only that someone ran into her spilling hot coco all over. Astonished and out of sorts she gave a high shrill shout before tugging at her hair like a mad woman.

I hope ayra would be fine? I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

simply_mackycreators' thoughts