

Jack whistled as he went home, smiling heartily suddenly the earth was a better place he noticed the beautiful sky and blooming flowers. He knew it was because of her, ayra had erupted this happiness in his life gosh he hadn't planned to like her but it had happened. He was so glad about what happened today, he had learnt a lot about her just from an hour, he knew her favorite color was pink and yellow, her best food tacos.

He laughed when he remembered how her cute face scrunched up , when she was confused and her ears turned red when she lied. Jack breathed out he wished tomorrow was now, so he would see her again his eyes lighted up at an idea, maybe he would sneak into her room again just to see her before he lost his minds from missing her too much. Tsk but on a second thought, she mentioned something about studying and he didn't want her to get into trouble because of himself, so he would control himself after all tomorrow wasn't too far off .

Jack shoved his ranky hair over to one side before opening the door to his house, but before he did heard faint noise and heated argument ' gawd where they fighting again?' He asked himself but hoped otherwise, looking at his parents faces his suspicion was confirmed, from their stance they were indeed fighting as usual, fuck!! he swore lightly as his heart sank with a heavy thud.

Philip and his wife immediately turned their attention to the door, on hearing the knob of the bolt turn.

"Good day mom" he greeted hastily while making his way to his room hurriedly, he hated it when his parents fought, his mother always looked so weak and defenseless against her husband and once he had gotten up to pee in the middle of the night to the sounless cries of his mother. It had affected him a lot and had a lot of questions but unfortunately her mother loved her husband to a fault and would not hear any bad words against him.

"Hey son, how was school today? "Nora asked her son nervous that he had caught them quarreling again!!.

"It was actually fine "he replied not turning back to look at her, he really wished his father wouldn't start with his own wahala.

"Hey jack, it's something wrong with your head? Why are you acting as though I am in invisible?" Phillip asked obvious fury written all over his face.

Jack stopped in his tracks, yeah because you are invisible to me he thought silently, his back turned against his dad.

"Can't you greet me??" His dad thundered at him.

"No I refuse to greet someone, that causes my mom misery and heart aches."

Jack regretted his words immediately it left his mouth, but he couldn't change his words it was too late.

His father stopped for a moment surprised at his only son, bitterness engulfed him turning to his wife he swore at her," this is all your fault you have turned my precious son against me,how dare you"...

Jack ran back to the living room where his parents stood, gosh he knew his mom would take the blame.

"Jack, son go back to your room okay?" Nora muttered to him on seeing him standing by her side.

"No mom, I'm definitely staying!! "

"Jack Frost go to your room now"!! his father's voice thundered but he was past caring now.

"I said I am not going anywhere!!. "

"You now talk back at me?" He asked with blood shot eyes, Nora this is all your fault!! he raised his palm to hit her across the face but was shocked when a pair of hands stilled his movement.

" I ain't gonna let you beat my mom anymore!!!, you would have to go through me before you fucking get to her. "

Philip was more stunned by what he saw in his son 's eyes than his actions, shocked out of his wits he walked out from their house to seek relief from beer.

Jack breathed a sigh of relief, when he walked out only him knew the amount of courage, it took him to stand up to his father. He took his mom into his arms comforting her, her silent tears tugged at his chest and made him wonder if he had done the right thing.

Fuck it, fuck it straight to hell!!!, he had been so happy coming back and now this?? Praying for strength he gently kissed his mom 's forehead and cleaned her tears away.

Hey guys, I updated another chapter today to make up for the day I didn't update.

I really feel sad for jack, no child should ever go through what he is passing through but he is a strong boy, so he will definitely be fine. Please comment your thoughts or question in the comments section , they matter to me. Thank you for sticking with me , you guys are the best and I am grateful.

Stay Safe and Happy Reading.

* Quote of the day : It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice. ( Everyone is going through shit in their lives, your act of kindness is really important and might break through the walls of loneliness and pain that someone feels) .