
Freak (Book one)

Amber Williams is a 16-year-old girl who's very much different than the others around her. Her parents own a sanctuary for wildlife and domestic to rehab them before releasing them to the wild or finding them new forever homes. That's all Amber knew as she was so close to the wolf pack that stayed the longest in the sanctuary, but when one day her parents relocate the pack she does everything in her power to get them back. She defies her parents and runs away to search for them meeting new people along the way, ones that either want to get her caught by police or ones that help her along the journey. What will happen to Amber Williams along her new journey? Will she get her pack back? Or will her efforts be in vain?

ChesireWolfKing24 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 3

I must have fallen asleep because the driver shook me awake "hey kid, we are in the town I'm stopping at" I stretched thanking the man once again giving him some gas money for the ride "I appreciate it, sir, have a good night" I yawned shutting the door walking away from him. I turned my phone back on letting all the missed calls and messages come through before I looked at where I was.

I'm about 3 hours from the town I'm trying to get to I guess that's definitely better knowing I'm closer to where I need to be. At this moment my stomach rumbled telling me I need to eat something before I can continue. I looked around seeing a Denny's that was open 24/7.

I walked inside and the smell of the food made my stomach rumble even louder I looked embarrassed as the hostess smiled at me "just one tonight?" I nodded with a smile following her to a booth against the window "I'll give you a few minutes to decide your order but for now, what would you like to drink?" "Some water please" she nodded walking off.

Looking through the menu everything looked really good but I chose just a burger and fries. I gave the order to the waitress who took my order and the menu told me it should be out shortly. I looked out the window at the cars driving by not as much since it was completely dark out.

Thankfully my food came out pretty quickly. Chowing down on my burger it felt good to have some food in my system, I looked around me noticing some people were looking at me suspiciously and whispering to each other. I narrowed my eyes an unsettling feeling in my stomach I looked up at the tv in the corner seeing a picture of me on the screen!

I almost choked on my food, I was labeled a missing minor, and anyone who's seen me had to contact the local police. 'Shit' i thought putting my food down really wanting to finish it but it seems I don't have the time anymore, I placed a 20 on the table to pay for my food before taking off out of there before anyone could stop me "miss!" The hostess tried to catch me but I dodged her racing out the door and towards some shady building that looked to be bars.

Going behind the building I'd seen a bunch of motorcycles lined up and some men standing by the back entrance. Seeing me they looked at each other, an older biker stepped closer to me "what are you doing behind here lass? This ain't a place for youngin's like you" I tried to catch my breath as I looked behind me as I already saw some police cars park in front of Denny's "shit" I cursed as I turned to the old biker "I need help, please."

He looked past me to the cops walking inside Denny's, he turned back to me "why are you running from the cop's lass?" I took a deep breath "it's more of I ran away from home because I'm trying to get to Minnesota to get some friends back" he looked back at the cops "I'm sorry lass if the cops looking for ya I'm afraid I abide by the law." I gasped as he tried to grab me but I dodged just in time "no! I'm not going back until I have my friends again!"

As the older guy ordered the others to come to grab me I took off past them hearing them running over me, I made sure to speed up not looking where I was going I ran straight into something falling to the ground with a hard smack. I quickly looked up at what I could have run into seeing a tall man with a fierce expression and a scar over his eye. I shot back up hearing the men catch up to me, I hid behind the tall man.

"Jacob sir! We're sorry to bother you but we need to get that girl" I cursed under my breath as the guy turned his head to look at me as I pleaded with his expression to not let them take me "what is her crime?" Jacob looked back at his men "she's running from the police for being a minor, her parents are looking for her."

I took a step back "I'm not going back! Not until I get my friends back!" I shouted at them "running away to get some lousy kids back just because you miss them isn't a valid excuse!" One of them shouted back "there are no humans their wolves!" They all froze looking at me with a shocked expression "wolves? What the hell do you mean kid?" I didn't want to explain it to them but I had no choice as I needed help.

"I grew up with the wolves I'm talking about and I am especially close with the Alpha of the pack, but they were relocated to Minnesota and I need to get them back! If I go back home now I won't be able to see them again!" I needed to leave now I could hear the police in front of the building, I turned to run but Jacob grabbed my arm I tried everything to get him to let me go, but his grip was like stone against my arm "let me go! I can't get caught now!"

"Be quiet" his deep voice made me freeze "you men go distract the police I'll take care of her" the men didn't even question him as they left to speak with them "what are you going to do to me?" I question still trying to get his hand off of my arm "you want your friends back?" I didn't say anything as I just stared up at him "I'm not going to ask again girl." It didn't seem like I had a choice here, either go with him or get sent back to my parents "fine, yes, I want my friends back."

He seemed satisfied with my answer as he dragged me to the other side where a fancy-looking vehicle was sitting, he signaled the driver who opened the back door, and he tossed me in like I was nothing "hey!" The driver slammed the door shut, I watched Jacob go all the way around and get into the passenger seat "what the hell was that?" I demanded "just shut up kid" I glared at the back of Jacob's head "my name is not kid jerk, it's Amber."

"Whatever kid" I almost smacked the back of his head but decided against it as I needed this ride, I have no other choice right now, but the second I get the feeling that they're taking me home I'll escape. We drove off pretty quickly as I looked around out the windows to make sure we weren't followed. I looked at my phone to make sure we weren't going the wrong way when suddenly my phone was ripped out of my hand "hey! I need that!" Jacob didn't seem to care let alone hear me because he rolled down his window tossing my phone out!

"Are you fucking crazy!? That was the only way I could make sure I was heading in the right direction to my friends!" Neither the driver nor Jacob bothered to answer me as I was just back here freaking the fuck out! 'I can't believe them! Maybe I shouldn't have gone with them' i thought glaring hateful daggers at the back of Jacob's head wishing his head would explode. 'Guess I have no choice but to stay with them until I finally find a way out' I sighed leaning back into my seat, staring out the window as the blackened sky brightened with millions of stars.

I couldn't help but stare at them feeling almost a sense of wonder as the stars seem to be staring back at me, a small smile made its way to my face, but I didn't see at the time that Jacob pulled down the visor to look through the little mirror to see me.

"Try to get some sleep kid, you'll need it" I glared at him the moment ruined by his voice I didn't bother answering him leaning back into the seat and crossing my arms being stubborn "suit yourself" he raised his visor not bothering to talk after that. I rolled my eyes looking back out the window, without meaning to my eyes start to get heavy as I fought against sleep.

I definitely don't remember passing out but apparently, I was just exhausted after everything that had happened. Let's hope I don't wake up back home.


Waking up I felt so sore from sleeping in a vehicle for how knows how long. I opened my eyes stretching out the kinks hearing my back pop was so satisfying as I looked around to see where I'm at. Jacob nor the driver was inside the vehicle anymore it seems we stopped at some type of truckstop or gas station 'they must be inside or something' i thought rubbing my eyes to wake myself up some more.

"Finally you wake up kid" already feeling irritated hearing Jacob's voice I looked up at him with a half glare, but I wasn't expecting him to hand me a coffee "thanks?" I grabbed the cup taking a small sip out of it tasting a french vanilla flavor "is that a question or actually being grateful?" I ran my hand through my hair feeling the knots in it "take it as you like man" I took another drink from the coffee.

"Before we go I gotta use the restroom I'll be right back" Jacob grabbed my arm almost expecting me to take off "can you stop grabbing my arm? You destroyed the only way I can figure out where to go, next man, I don't know where we are, but where I do know I need to go is the bathroom otherwise your vehicle isn't going to smell very nice." He let my arm go giving me a glare as I walked away inside the gas station.

I spotted the sign for the bathroom and went to go relieve myself. I sat there on the toilet thinking about my situation, 'i can't believe I basically been kidnapped by that man named Jacob, granted it seems like we are heading in the right direction we need to go, but did he really have to destroy my phone?' I kept thinking to myself, it looks to be this Jacob guy who has a lot of pull and clearly is in a very high, dangerous position.

Washing my hands in the stink still deep in thought the door opened..and it was Jacob! As I was about to bitch at him saying this was the women's bathroom, he put his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet. I glared at him as he gently closed the door behind him stepping closer to me "this place is being robbed" my eyes widened, what?! Robbed?!

"Seriously?" He looked at me like I was stupid "I just said it was" I rolled my eyes "it was an exaggeration dude, how are we going to leave then?" He pulled me close to him putting his arm around my waist catching me off guard "excuse me! Let me go!" He glared down at me "do you want to leave this place or not?" I was hesitant not liking to be this close to him but we did need to get out of here so I nodded reluctantly.

He guided me out of the bathroom to the front where everyone that was in there was on the ground as the robbers rushed to get the money out of the register when one of them spotted us "hey! Get on the ground!" Jacob didn't flinch as I unconsciously clutched him tighter "hide your face Amber" I looked at Jacob in shock hearing him say my name for the first time and I didn't waste time about it as I hid my face inside his chest.

I heard an unfamiliar clicking sound when all of a sudden these loud shots made my ears ring, Jacob pulled me out of the building quickly to the vehicle, and I got in willingly not fully knowing what he did but not wanting to find out either. We sped away down the highway "I did not see what was happening sir, I'm sorry for not coming in to help sooner" the driver said not breaking eye contact with the road "don't apologize Will your not always going to be around."

More silence ensued after that and it really seemed Jacob wasn't all that bad, his driver apologized and he wasn't cruel to him for not coming in to save us. Again, I'm not sure what he did to those people in the gas station, and I don't have a good feeling about it but I'm pretty sure he was protecting me from knowing what it was. Don't take me the wrong way I ain't trying to make it seem that I'm going stock home syndrome here, I ain't, but maybe Jacob isn't as bad as I think he is.

I was starting to get tired of the silence "hey is it ok if we listen to some music?" I asked expecting some kind of answer...aaand no one did. I sighed turning back to the window, I was hoping to listen to some music. I don't even know what time it is anymore since my phone was destroyed.

Wait! My phone was destroyed that had all the information I needed! I internally groaned completely forgetting about that making me angry at Jacob once again.

Welp looks like I'm out of luck.


I must have fallen asleep again cause the next time I woke up it was night time and we were pulling into a motel's parking lot "we are stopping here for the night" Jacob said in a tone that left no room for discussion. I hopped out giving my body a stretch feeling the cramps of sleeping in a vehicle weigh on me.

Jacob sent Will to get the room as I stood there awkwardly next to Jacob. My stomach decided to make an entrance making my cheeks turn red with embarrassment, I saw Jacob out of the corner of my eye look at me "sorry" I muttered turning my back to me. After Will got back we headed to the room, thankfully we were on the ground floor.

I sat on the bed looking at the run-down state of the room the only problem I have with it...is there are only two beds..and 3 of us. Apparently, this motel only has up to two beds in certain rooms and I definitely did NOT feel comfortable sleeping on the same bed with either man. Jacob whispered something into Will's ear, he nodded leaving the room quickly.

I shifted a little looking everywhere else besides the direction Jacob was in. I heard him move and instinctively turned my head to see him taking his jacket off leaving him in his black tank top, seeing his muscles through the shirt I couldn't help but stare "see something you like?" My cheeks felt hot I quickly turned away not looking him in the eye "no! There's nothing here I like!"

I snapped at him getting up to go to the bathroom I locked the door behind me, turned on the lights placing my hands on the counter. I looked at myself in the mirror seeing my cheeks blazing red 'what the fuck is wrong with me?' I thought sighing using the bathroom and making sure my face wasn't red anymore when I left.

When I walked back out there was food waiting for me on the table while the other two were already eating "eat up, you'll need the energy for later" Will said to me for the first time since meeting him "thanks" I muttered sitting at the table opening the wrapper for my burger taking a bite out of my fries.

After finishing dinner and finally feeling full the awkward feeling was returning because I was tired but I didn't know where I was sleeping. I decided I would sleep on the floor so I threw my trash away getting at least one of the pillows from the bed and placing it on the floor "what are you doing?" Jacob asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Going to bed?" I said with a slight attitude laying myself on the floor "you're going to pass up sleeping on the bed?" I sighed getting irritated "I'd rather sleep on the floor than sleep on the bed with either of you." I ignored them after that forcing myself to go to sleep so the morning would come faster, but it seems that wasn't the plan cause I woke up in the middle of the night needing to use the restroom badly.

After using the restroom and feeling how sore my body was from sleeping on the floor I kinda wished I was sleeping in the vehicle cause then I wouldn't be as sore. I looked over at the motel's clock seeing 3:30 A.M. glowing dimly in the darkness, I sighed again before deciding against my better judgment to sleep on the bed, but the only problem with that is I don't know which bed Jacob is in let alone Will's.

'Fuck it' i thought placing the pillow on one side of the bed closest to the bathroom slipping under the covers and feeling almost instant relief. I fully relaxed feeling myself slip back into darkness.


I didn't want to move I felt so warm and comfortable more than I'd ever felt before. I snuggled closer feeling something shift under me...wait..what's moving under me? I cracked open my eyes looking around a bit "you awake?" I froze finally noticing exactly 'what' I'm laying on. I never jumped so quickly in my life seeing Jacob's face looking at me with a slight smug face.

I didn't even know what to say as I fumbled with my words "you seemed very comfortable this morning I didn't want to wake you sleeping beauty" he got up giving me a slight smirk pissing me off "whatever asshole" I used the bathroom wanting to take a shower so badly and then I remembered I had my bag with me!

I walked out of the bathroom searching for my bag grabbing it once I saw it next to the desk "what are you doing?" He asked watching my every move "wouldn't you like to know" I rolled my eyes at him walking back to the bathroom "we don't have time to put on makeup or anything else your planning on doing" I turned to him glaring him down "I don't have makeup for one, for two I don't care about stupidass makeup that other girls put on, and for three, Jacob" I spat his name "I'm taking a goddamn shower I haven't been able to since you guys kidnapped me."

"Kidnapped you? Why do you think we kidnapped you, as far as I'm concerned we are helping you" I looked at him like he was stupid "are you kidding me? You broke my phone so I have no way of knowing where my wolves are, you won't let me leave on my own to get to them and I don't even know how you know where the fuck they are in the first place, let alone not even asking me where they are!"

He just looked at me for a second before getting up and walking out of the room. For a split second, I felt bad for yelling at him but he pissed me off! I couldn't help it! I sighed taking a quick shower so we weren't wasting any more time. Afterward, I got dressed in black short shorts since it looked like it was going to be a warm one today, putting on a black and white half tank top that showed my stomach.

I brushed out my hair putting it into a high ponytail walked back out making sure I had everything before walking out of the hotel room to see Will and Jacob waiting by the car. They both turned to me seeing their eyes widen slightly I raised an eyebrow "what?" I asked not knowing why they were staring "guys" they snapped back out of it looking me in the eyes "I'm a minor, remember that" I tossed my bag into the back seat hoping in myself, and closing the door not bothering to wait for anybody to do it for me.

I was so ready for this trip to be over with so I could get my wolves back and head home to confront my so-called 'parents' and demand they tell me where my actual parents were. Neither of the men said anything as they got in driving off in silence. An hour had passed by when Will spoke up "miss?" I turned to him "it's Amber, you don't have to call me that I'm only 16" he smiled at me "alright, do you know a man named Sirius Bernard?" My eyebrows shot up and I scooted closer to the driver's seat "you know him?

He nodded "yes, he's a business partner to Jacob's and we also help in wildlife organizations" I turned to look at Jacob but he wasn't bothering to look at me only staring out the window, his face blank of emotion. "Anyway, the reason we ask is that we called him and let him know the situation you were in and how distraught you were about your wolves" I leaned closer feelings of hope started rising in my chest, "he told us the exact location of where they are, and that's how we know where to go Amber."

Now I really felt bad for yelling at Jacob earlier that morning "why didn't you tell me this at the beginning? I would have been more willing to stay with you guys instead of being a bitch to you" Will smiled gently "granted at the beginning we didn't fully know, but once you mentioned wolves and the men that were chasing you that night, we put the pieces together and called him to ask him if he knew anything, turns out we were right and Sirius is worried about you too."

That really confused me "why would he be worried about me? He doesn't know me he only met me that one day I found out what my parents were going to do" he nodded keeping his attention on the road "that is true but from what he had told us he could see the dedication and love in your eyes for those animals so seeing you so upset the day before you disappeared he knew what you would do." I looked down leaning back into my seat letting what Will told me process in my head.

I wanted to tell Jacob I was sorry but when I lifted my head to tell him all of a sudden my world went black.