
Tears of a Lily

Chapter 8: Tears of a Lily

"Family, friends and country. Closer, together, forever."

— Lisbeth (LS 1217)


Year 1212, 21st day of the 7th month – Hayton Castle, Hayton~



I was in my aunt's bed chambers. Here, there were only four people including me.

My aunt and uncle had smiles on their faces. With a mix of unhidden worry.

And I was standing in front of the door. Hugging, a very emotional Lisbeth.

My Lily.

The moment I walked in the room she jumped on me. And hasn't let go ever since.

She was crying rivers, drenching my shirt. And I held her tight, as if she was my most precious treasure…

I hadn't realized, how much I missed her. Till I actually held her in my arms.

My emotions have been more expressive lately…

I don't know when it started. But I can feel that I want the warmth of people. The warmth of people I love.

I guess I might know, when this started…

Looking back.

The moment I felt the ominous wind. As I felt my father's last breath passing.

While I was kneeling in agony, because of losing someone I loved.

That's when it started.

My father, was a man who made many mistakes. And yet, I didn't hate him. We grew distant because of his new wife. And yet, I didn't hate him.

But, when the time of departing actually came.

The barrier that I created, around my emotions, broke down. The emotions I suppressed for so long, resurfaced continuously.

The affection that I blocked from Lily was one of those suppressed emotions.

But I knew that it was still not the right time.

Even now, as I am holding her. Closer than ever. Feeling her soft skin as she fit right into my embrace.

I became afraid. So afraid.

Truly afraid, after such a long time. I knew I would hurt Lily.

Was I a coward?

Was I really that selfish?

The answers to these questions kept circling around my head.

I knew that I wasn't a coward. By no means, could I ever be classified as a coward. Yet, I was afraid of hurting this girl in my embrace.

A few minutes had already passed. And I felt that it was time for me to say something.

So I whispered to the girl, "Lily, I am back! I really am back."

She finally took her head out of my chest. She then proceeded to gaze at me.

Her beautiful eyes were gazing into mine, dazzling like the stars. As moisture from earlier was still present on her eyes.

Looking at her made me shudder. Unlike with Bella, I didn't have any lust towards Lily. Not yet I believe.

It was different.

I was glad and happy to see her, hold her and feel her.

I gave her a smile which she returned most beautifully. She finally said while choking up, "I knew you were back. I felt it. I am glad you are okay. And don't worry Lucian, we will keep you safe. You don't need to worry about that bitch anymore!"

Before I could say anything, my aunt reprimanded her, "Lissy, language! And stop pestering Luce so much."

Lily wanted to argue, but I stopped her.

I put my forehead on hers, and our noses touched. It was a silly gesture she used to do to me. Calling it a kiss, till we can actually have one for real.

I smiled as I thought back. About how silly it was.

Yet it worked, she understood the gesture and looked down shyly as she let go of me.

I then looked at my uncle and aunt, and said with a smile, "How are the two of you? Hope my step mother's charade hasn't affected you much."

Hearing me say all that, their faces turned grim. My uncle said with furrowed brows, "Luce, have you seen the posters? The order to capture you alive or dead? That woman has gone senile. She even dared to attack my office in the capital.

Many of your supporters met with difficulties as well. But none have sworn loyalty to the demoness yet. Some houses are being threatened. And the neutral ones have no other choice than to slowly convert."

I nodded at his words. I already knew things like this would happen.

But I didn't care about all that right now. I was only worried about my family.

Knowing that the three of them here are safe, made me sigh in relief. Now all I needed to do was, send support for my little brother. Which should arrive there in a day or two.

I then looked at my aunt and asked, "How's your health? I am sorry that I couldn't travel to the Elven Forest yet. Things weren't at my favor recently."

I truly felt guilty. If it wasn't for the issues back then, during the thrill killer incident. We would have traveled to Haranhaul. And from there we would have gone directly to Borvania. By now we would be in the forest.

My aunt simply smiled in reply.

She said after thinking a while, "I am a bit weak. But other than that I feel mostly fine. You don't need to worry too much about me."

I gave a guilty smile and replied, "Aunt, I worry, of course I worry. And I have thought of taking both you and Lily with me, to the Elven Forest this time.

It will be safer for you there. As the situation is only getting worse by the day.

I can't possibly let you stay here and be targeted by the Queen. Not to mention the prophecy."

I didn't mention my uncle because, he was still needed here. The people of Eastigar are his people. He couldn't, and he wouldn't abandon them at any cost. And if I had insisted, then he would have been cross with me.

I respected my uncle as a warrior and as a lord. And I wouldn't do anything to change that.

My aunt seemed surprised and was about to decline when my uncle interjected, "That's a bright idea, Luce. We will talk about it later, darling. I know you want to refute. But please let us talk about it later. Alright?"

My aunt could only nod.

But at that moment Lily said in a low voice, "Why do you still need to go to the forest?"

I replied, "You know why Lily. We need to find a nature magic healer. And I need to talk to the Elf king about the marriage contract."

Lily looked at me with hurt eyes. And said with tears, "You still want to fix that marriage… Don't you? Why?


She again held me tight. As she shook me she asked, "Why can't you just send someone else to get the nature mage. Why does it have to be you. Why can't you just stay with me…"

I felt guilty. I didn't know that I pushed her this far. I sighed as I gently wrapped an arm around her back and stroked her hair with the other.

I thought about what to say. But as I finally knew how I felt.

I gently whispered in her ears, "I won't ever leave you behind. I promise!"

Lily shuddered hearing that, then, visibly relaxed.

I could feel her smiling on my chest. This made me incredibly happy. But I knew that I will face difficulties in the near future.

But I didn't care about that at the moment. As I percieved the face of my uncle and aunt. And the happiness that radiated from Lily.

I was alright. I was alright with this situation...



[Ursula Evenwood]


I have reached my sister's house two days ago, and was cordially received. My sister was surprised at my sudden visit. But it was a pleasant surprise for her.

The family she married into was a very kind family. The old viscount always spoke kindly like a caring grandfather. And the viscountess was a cheerful woman who loved to gossip.

I truly thought that I was finally safe. From the clutches of that vile man.

My sister knew that something was amiss about my appearance. But didn't ask me directly.

She simply showed me a room and told me to relax.

I knew she would be back to ask me questions. So I was prepared for her visit.

And that visit came today after lunch.


I was sitting with my sister enjoying some warm beverage when she asked, "Ursula, dear, can you please tell your sister, why you are here?"

She asked me directly. Not that I could blame her. Visiting a sister who was married off, one who was not even in the same country was already bizarre. And the other fact was not sending a letter beforehand. It's normal noble etiquette to send a letter prior to arriving in person.

Yet she had received no letter. Which made her suspicious of me coming.

I took a deep breath and managed to say these words, "Father allowed Jarkas to court me…"

Hearing me, my sister sighed.

She looked at me pitifully and said, "I understand your feeling, dear. I really do. But we are daughters of a noble family. We need to be married off for political reasons…

And knowing our father.

I am sure there were some 'politics' behind it.

Look at me, dear. I was married so far away from home because of a treaty. And there was nothing that I could do about it."

I felt guilty when I heard her say all that. I already knew what was playing in my father's mind. But I just didn't want to believe it.

And yet.

Here I was.

Living off of my elder sister's husband's family.

Truly pathetic.

My sister seemed to have read my mind as she smiled and consoled me, "Don't you worry Ursula, stay here for as long as you can. Well till father sends someone to pick you."

I was downcast but I still smiled and nodded at her kind gesture.

And as she was getting up she said in melancholy, "Dear little sister, our lives were never easy… Mother told me those words, before I got married. That's all I can say to you."


[A/N: Ah, this chapter was a bit dramatic while showing Lucian's change of feelings. You might have noticed it from prior chapters. That he was showing a bit different personality.

And now you have a semi reason for it! His character will grow a lot more in the next chapters.

And if you want to talk about the story! Here is the link to the new discord: ht tps://discord .gg/DZpzQbdWKg]

Was a chapter for character discovery. Not sure if it was to people's liking. But oh well. The next chapter will have some action!

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