
Fragmented Memories: Of Love, Pain and Magic

Elizabeth spent her life thinking these dreams she had were just her imagination coming out, until she was face to face with a real demon. Reuniting with her long lost lover Leon, she has to piece back together her past, and come to terms with her present. Can she find her way back home?

Kricket_Leedy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 2: Falling backwards

I woke up sometime later, Leon sitting in the chair next to the bed, fast asleep. I don't know how long he had been there, but I was instantly afraid he heard me snoring. I decided it couldn't have bothered him too much, he was asleep. I sat up quietly, trying not to disturb him. Before I could get out of the bed, I heard, "did you sleep well?"

I muttered, "Yeah surprisingly."

He stood up now, looking over me, "You look better."

"I feel better I guess." I rebutted, trying to be lighthearted. My heart galloped suddenly, unable to make eye contact with him. I was suddenly self-conscious of everything about me. Why would this perfect man want someone like me?

He smiled now, a large and comforting smile and sat down in the end of the bed, "That's good to hear." He watched me again, scanning my face, making me nervous, I actively tried to avoid his glare. "It's okay, I know things are probably mixed up in your brain."

"A little." I managed to whisper, mostly to myself.

"I made a promise to you a long time ago," He started, moving closer to me, "And I would hate to think I broke a promise to you." He grabbed my hands now, sending my heart galloping again, "I love you." His words gentle, and sweet, "You have to know that." It felt like someone had pushed all of the air out of my lungs, I almost gasped, trying to breathe. He moved in now, kissing my lips gently, sending a strong, but gentle shockwave through my body. This was a huge weight off my shoulders, as I knew exactly how I felt. I dreaded the thought of wondering if he felt the same.

"Oh," the word leaked out of me, still shocked.

He pulled back now, still holding my hands, "I promised you I would never hide it and I would never let you forget." He hesitated, "You are my wife and I love you." He let go of my hands now, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a box. He popped it open and handed me 2 rings, "These are yours."

Shaking, I held out my hands, and he placed them on my finger. We sat there quiet for a moment, then I finally said, "That's good." Very plainly. He smiled now, just chuckling to himself a little. I couldn't help but smile. "I've always loved you Leon." I said, trying to make sure he knew. There was nothing truer in my heart, and it poured from me, coherent for once.

A huge smile spread across his face, and he put his arm over me, pulling me closer, "We'll get through this, I promise." He pulled me in again for a kiss. The kiss got a little deeper, yet he didn't make a move. The gentle kisses persisted for a short while, him not daring to even move a millimeter closer. I was desperate to touch him, my hands frozen tightly in fists, sitting just a breath away from his chest, he pulled back, grabbing me now, pulling me flush against him, he whispered in my ear, "It's okay, I'm not going to disappear."

I choked down a sob, as my hands unclenched, gently reaching out to touch his face. He closed his eyes as I ran my hand down his smooth cheek, a tear falling helplessly down my hand. Pain ripped through me, desperate to take away his sorrow, I leaned in, pressing my lips to his, my other hand raising instinctively, grasping his face, pulling him closer.

You could feel the tension release in his jaw, as I hooked my hand around his neck, pressing my body against his. His mouth opened, our kissing getting deeper, desperation pouring into each other.

He grabbed me and pulled me into his lap; We meshed closer together, his mouth diving into mine. I wrapped my arms around him, letting him take me over. I could feel him start to get hard under me. He pushed me back just a little, "As much as I want this," he said, with a heavy breath, "I don't want to rush anything."

Smiling now, I kissed him again, and he grabbed me gently, laying me down on the bed. He moved above me, his body pressed against mine, his large frame cradled me gently as he kissed me more, his hands running through my hair he moaned gently against my mouth.

He pulled back again, his lips red, "I can only resist so long, I may be strong, but I am still a man, Elizabeth, this has to stop." He muttered, breathless.

For a moment, I thought it was more serious than I had realized. I pulled away, pushing myself against the headboard, trying to make space between the two of us. He looked horrified, "Oh no, it's not like that!" He pleaded now, "I don't feel right doing this knowing you don't remember… things about us. I…" he stuttered a little, "can," he emphasized.

"Oh," I said, relaxing a bit, "I just, thought… maybe that…" He didn't let me finish, instead he kissed me again, placing himself over me.

"I can, and I want to, so desperately." He whispered in my ear, kissing my neck now, his kisses almost hurting me they felt so good. I ran my hands all over him, his body so firm, I longed to be near him.

He laid on me, between my legs; I could feel him getting hard, I wanted this more than anything else. His gentle hands touched me all over, he put his hand under my ass, scooting me downward, right below him. His crotch, and now bulging erection now resting against my thigh and mound.

He gently guided my legs up just arching his back and ass, allowing him to press hard against me. His lips never left mine, part of me was in a panic, trying to breathe, but I pushed myself through it, enduring the panic and letting my lust drive me through it.

He pulled back, just a bit, "Elizabeth," he whispered, "I want to make love to you but," he stopped, his dark eyes looking deep into mine, "I don't want you to do this because you think you need to," he stopped for a moment, "Or have to."

"No," I said quickly, "I have never wanted something so badly in my entire life." The words poured from me, the lust still controlling me.

He smiled again, just a little, still sending shockwaves through me, "I thought I lost you forever." He said now, his eyes searching mine, a pang on pain coursing through me, "I didn't know if I could make it without you." He leaned in, kissing me again. Everything slowed then, suddenly, as if the world made the moment last forever.