
What Was It Like?

Scarlett is sitting in London's room. London and Goldie are in the same bed. Galaxy is in her own. Scarlett is sat on the floor on her phone.

"They still aren't awake...?" Darla asked, walking into the room.

"I don't know. Its not my problem." Scarlett said, captivated by her phone.

Darla scoffs and kneels near the side of the bed London is on.

Darla sighs and puts her hand on London's arm. London jumps slightly. He gets a pained expression on his face, but he still isn't awake.

Darla looks at his arm with wide eyes and lifts the sleeve. A deep cut is seen.

"JEEZ, what happened to you guys in that fusion?" Darla asked herself.

"Well from what I could tell, they were all in pain when they were fused." Scarlett said, looking up from her phone.

"Obviously." Darla remarked.

"What was it like?" Scarlett asked.

"What was what like..." Darla questioned.

"What was it like fusing with London?" Scarlett specified.

"Well, it's hard to explain. You kind of disappear but you're there. Think of it as like the saying "being in one's shoes". Its like that but you really get to understand what they are feeling and what they are going through." Darla explained.

"Does it feel wierd to just...disappear like that?" Scarlett asked.

"Yes and no. It's very hard to explain, but I'll try to find some way of explaining it." Darla said.

"Are you still trying to figure out who framed you?" Scarlett questioned Darla.

"Yes. I want to find out who framed me for committing 8 different felonies in less than 24 hours." Darla said, clenching her fist.

"We will find them don't worry." Scarlett remarked.

London begins moving slightly.

"London was having some major issues keeping himself together during that fight with Galaxy." Scarlett said, looking over at Galaxy.

"From what I could tell, Galaxy was using some pretty serious words in her fight with London." Darla pointed out.

"Calling him pathetic and nothing." Scarlett remarked.

"IL and Icey probably heard that and Icey might have taken it personally." Darla said.

"Well,-" Scarlett said being interrupted.

Darla and Scarlett look over towards London. He squirms slightly and moves closer to Goldie. Darla and Scarlett sit there with huge smiles on their faces.

"That's so fucking cute!" Scarlett said, putting down her phone.

"I wonder what Galaxite felt like. Considering Galaxite is a clear representation of their love for each other." Scarlett said, thinking.

"I know for Goldie is must've felt nice." Scarlett said, nudging Darla.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Darla said, smirking.

Darla sighs.

"What's wrong? You barely reacted to my love joke." Scarlett said with a sympathetic expression on her face.

"I'm just concerned. That fusion they all had looked painful. I just wish I could've done more to help." Darla said.

"There's nothing you could've done. London tried getting Galaxy away from Goldie in order to avoid further destruction..." Scarlett said.

"That's where you're wrong." Entity said, phasing into the dark room.

"Bruh, have you ever heard of knocking, you fat bitch?" Scarlett asked in annoyance.

"London wasn't the one who initiated the fusion." Entity remarked.

"Wait, what? I thought London was the only one with that power..." Darla said, looking down.

"No. Galaxy has that power as well. She doesn't know it yet. She'll know very soon, though." Entity said, walking to up Galaxy.

"Why haven't any of them woken up yet?" Darla asked.

"I'm only concerned for London. That's the only reason why I came here." Entity said walking over towards London.

Scarlett gets her darkness bubble ready in case Entity tries to do anything funny. He plops himself down next to the bed and against the wall.

"I'm not leaving until London wakes up." Entity said with confidence.

"Uhg, great." Scarlett scoffed.

"I hate each and every single one of you. Sadly, London is with you guys and not us." Entity said, laughing.

"Why do you care for him so much. Is it to separate Icey and IL? I won't let you do that. You can get fucked if you think I'm gonna let that happen." Scarlett said, hovering over Entity.

"Back up, woman. You have nothing to worry about. I'm not here for IL or Icey. I'm a concerned friend." Entity remarked.

"Friend? Do you like him or something..." Scarlett remarked.

"No." Entity bluntly said.

Entity snaps and Freddy materializes into the room. Darla's eyes widen and she gets into a fighting stance.

"Took ya long enough." Freddy remarked.

"Sorry, got caught up talking to them." Entity said.

"Man, I still can't believe Goldie hasn't woken up yet. I mean, he is a chaos god and that fusion was so bad, it knocked him straight out." Freddy said, sitting right next to Entity.

"That's not the only reason why I came here, though." Freddy added.

"Oh?" Entity said as his face turns slightly red.

"Look, Lilith told me everything and I just came to tell you that...I don't like you in that way. You're a really nice guy and I'm flattered that you like me like that, but I just can't see myself with you. I hope that's okay..." Freddy said.

Entity's eyes widen and he looks down. He is completely shattered.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to break it to you." Freddy said in disappointment.

Entity stands up.

"Guess karma has her patience, huh. I always thought that maybe this time, things would be different. I was clearly mistaken." Entity said, beginning to cry.

"Look, it doesn't have to be that way. We can still be best friends just like before." Freddy said.

"No point. I should've known this would happen. Nothing ever good comes to us, dream demons. I'm surprised London tried to help me find you. Glad I let Lilith do it and not him. It would've just been a waste of time to him." Entity said, teleporting away.

Darla snorts and laughs.

"THAT'S RIGHT BEAR BITCH! I hope you find no one else in your fucking life." Darl said, laughing.

Freddy turns to glare at her.

"This is why I killed all your friends. And you know what? I'm honestly kind of glad I did. Care to do the world a favor and join them?" Freddy said manically.

Darla stares at Freddy for a moment then yells in anger as she punches Freddy's face. He gets flung to the opposite wall and hits it with extreme force. His nose begins bleeding.

"I will make you answer for your crimes, Freddy Fuckface." Darla said, walking over to him.

"Try me, dumbass. You can't do anything to me to save your pathetic life." Freddy said, teleporting away.

Scarlett starts laughing.

"Wow, Darla. Never knew you had this kickass side to you. That's fucking epic, man." Scarlett said, putting her hand on Darla's shoulder.

Darla walks over to the beanbag chair and grabs it. She sets it next to the bed Galaxy is in. She sits down.

"Let's focus on waiting for them to wake up. I know they're alive, I just want to see them wake up. I, sadly, am going to have to be the one to break the news to London and Galaxy. I don't think Goldie gives two fucks anyways." Darla said.

"Right..." Scarlett said, sitting down.